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Wires and registers

There are two distinct classes of signals in SV: wires and signals. These differ in two respects. First, a wire has no memory. It does not maintain its previous state in the case it is not assigned. Rather, the value of an unassigned wire is undefined. A register on the other hand will maintain its previous state when unassigned. Second, a value assigned to a wire propagates in exactly zero time. On the other hand, a register entails exactly one unit of delay: a value assigned to a register becomes visible exactly one time unit later.

For example, suppose we have:

wire x;
reg y;

    x = y;

    y = z;
The net result of this code is that the value of x lags the value of z by exactly one time unit. Note that although the result of an assignment to a register becomes visible one time unit later, the assignment statement itself executes in zero time. For example, consider the following block of code:
wire x,z;
reg y;

    y = z;
    x = y;
The effect of this code is that at all times x = z, whereas the register y lags x and z by one time unit. That is, within the always block, all statements except wait statements appear to execute in zero time. Thus, the assignment y = z executes in zero time, setting the value of y and then this value is assigned to x, again in zero time. However, an observer outside the always block sees the value of y with one time unit of delay. Another example:
reg [31:0] y;

initial y = 0;

    y = y + 1;
    y = y + 1;
In this case, the observed sequence of values of y is 0,2,4,6,.... That is, the always block executes both assignment statements in exactly zero time, in effect adding 2 to y. This effect is seen outside the block one time unit later.

Ken McMillan
Fri Nov 6 22:15:28 PST 1998