Public Methods | |
Body | buildBodyOfFrom (SootMethod m, Body b, int buildBodyOptions) |
AddExpr | newAddExpr (Value op1, Value op2) |
AndExpr | newAndExpr (Value op1, Value op2) |
ValueBox | newArgBox (Value op) |
ArrayRef | newArrayRef (Value base, Value index) |
AssignStmt | newAssignStmt (Value variable, Value rvalue) |
Body | newBody (SootMethod m) |
BreakpointStmt | newBreakpointStmt () |
CastExpr | newCastExpr (Value op1, Type t) |
CaughtExceptionRef | newCaughtExceptionRef (JimpleBody b) |
CmpExpr | newCmpExpr (Value op1, Value op2) |
CmpgExpr | newCmpgExpr (Value op1, Value op2) |
CmplExpr | newCmplExpr (Value op1, Value op2) |
ValueBox | newConditionExprBox (Value value) |
DivExpr | newDivExpr (Value op1, Value op2) |
EnterMonitorStmt | newEnterMonitorStmt (Value op) |
EqExpr | newEqExpr (Value op1, Value op2) |
ExitMonitorStmt | newExitMonitorStmt (Value op) |
GeExpr | newGeExpr (Value op1, Value op2) |
GotoStmt | newGotoStmt (Unit target) |
GtExpr | newGtExpr (Value op1, Value op2) |
ValueBox | newIdentityRefBox (Value value) |
IdentityStmt | newIdentityStmt (Value local, Value identityRef) |
IfStmt | newIfStmt (Value condition, Unit target) |
ValueBox | newImmediateBox (Value value) |
InstanceFieldRef | newInstanceFieldRef (Value base, SootField f) |
InstanceOfExpr | newInstanceOfExpr (Value op1, Type t) |
InterfaceInvokeExpr | newInterfaceInvokeExpr (Local base, SootMethod method, List args) |
ValueBox | newInvokeExprBox (Value value) |
InvokeStmt | newInvokeStmt (Value op) |
LeExpr | newLeExpr (Value op1, Value op2) |
LengthExpr | newLengthExpr (Value op) |
Local | newLocal (String name, Type t) |
ValueBox | newLocalBox (Value value) |
LookupSwitchStmt | newLookupSwitchStmt (Value key, List lookupValues, List targets, Unit defaultTarget) |
LtExpr | newLtExpr (Value op1, Value op2) |
MulExpr | newMulExpr (Value op1, Value op2) |
NeExpr | newNeExpr (Value op1, Value op2) |
NegExpr | newNegExpr (Value op) |
NewArrayExpr | newNewArrayExpr (Type type, Value size) |
NewMultiArrayExpr | newNewMultiArrayExpr (ArrayType type, List sizes) |
NopStmt | newNopStmt () |
OrExpr | newOrExpr (Value op1, Value op2) |
ParameterRef | newParameterRef (SootMethod m, int number) |
RemExpr | newRemExpr (Value op1, Value op2) |
RetStmt | newRetStmt (Value stmtAddress) |
ReturnStmt | newReturnStmt (Value op) |
ReturnVoidStmt | newReturnVoidStmt () |
ValueBox | newRValueBox (Value value) |
ShlExpr | newShlExpr (Value op1, Value op2) |
ShrExpr | newShrExpr (Value op1, Value op2) |
SpecialInvokeExpr | newSpecialInvokeExpr (Local base, SootMethod method, List args) |
StaticFieldRef | newStaticFieldRef (SootField f) |
StaticInvokeExpr | newStaticInvokeExpr (SootMethod method, List args) |
UnitBox | newStmtBox (Unit unit) |
SubExpr | newSubExpr (Value op1, Value op2) |
TableSwitchStmt | newTableSwitchStmt (Value key, int lowIndex, int highIndex, List targets, Unit defaultTarget) |
ThisRef | newThisRef (SootClass c) |
ThrowStmt | newThrowStmt (Value op) |
Trap | newTrap (SootClass exception, Unit beginStmt, Unit endStmt, Unit handlerStmt) |
UshrExpr | newUshrExpr (Value op1, Value op2) |
ValueBox | newVariableBox (Value value) |
VirtualInvokeExpr | newVirtualInvokeExpr (Local base, SootMethod method, List args) |
XorExpr | newXorExpr (Value op1, Value op2) |
Immediate -> Local | Constant
RValue -> Local | Constant | ConcreteRef | Expr
Variable -> Local | ArrayRef | InstanceFieldRef | StaticFieldRef
Definition at line 116 of file
Constructs a AddExpr(Arg, Arg) grammar chunk. Reimplemented in Grimp. Referenced by Grimp::newExpr().
Constructs a AndExpr(Arg, Arg) grammar chunk. Reimplemented in Grimp. Referenced by Grimp::newExpr().
Constructs an empty ArgBox for a grammar chunk. Reimplemented in Grimp. |
Constructs a ArrayRef(Local, Immediate) grammar chunk. Reimplemented in Grimp. Referenced by Grimp::newExpr().
Constructs a AssignStmt(Variable, RValue) grammar chunk. Reimplemented in Grimp. |
Constructs an empty JimpleBody for the given method. Reimplemented in Grimp. |
Constructs a BreakpointStmt() grammar chunk. Reimplemented in Grimp. |
Constructs a CastExpr(Immediate, Type) grammar chunk. Reimplemented in Grimp. Referenced by Grimp::newExpr().
Constructs a CaughtExceptionRef() grammar chunk. Reimplemented in Grimp. |
Constructs a CmpExpr(Arg, Arg) grammar chunk. Reimplemented in Grimp. Referenced by Grimp::newExpr().
Constructs a CmpgExpr(Arg, Arg) grammar chunk. Reimplemented in Grimp. Referenced by Grimp::newExpr().
Constructs a CmplExpr(Arg, Arg) grammar chunk. Reimplemented in Grimp. Referenced by Grimp::newExpr().
Constructs a DivExpr(Arg, Arg) grammar chunk. Reimplemented in Grimp. Referenced by Grimp::newExpr().
Constructs a EnterMonitorStmt(Immediate) grammar chunk. Reimplemented in Grimp. |
Constructs a EqExpr(Arg, Arg) grammar chunk. Reimplemented in Grimp. Referenced by Grimp::newExpr().
Constructs a ExitMonitorStmt(Immediate) grammar chunk Reimplemented in Grimp. |
Constructs a GeExpr(Arg, Arg) grammar chunk. Reimplemented in Grimp. Referenced by Grimp::newExpr().
Constructs a GotoStmt(Stmt) grammar chunk. Reimplemented in Grimp. |
Constructs a GtExpr(Arg, Arg) grammar chunk. Reimplemented in Grimp. Referenced by Grimp::newExpr().
Constructs a IdentityStmt(Local, IdentityRef) grammar chunk. Reimplemented in Grimp. |
Constructs a IfStmt(Condition, Stmt) grammar chunk. Reimplemented in Grimp. |
Constructs a InstanceFieldRef(Value, SootField) grammar chunk. Reimplemented in Grimp. |
Constructs a InstanceOfExpr(Immediate, Type) grammar chunk. Reimplemented in Grimp. |
Constructs a NewInterfaceInvokeExpr(Local base, SootMethod method, List of Immediate) grammar chunk. Reimplemented in Grimp. Referenced by Grimp::newExpr().
Constructs a InvokeStmt(InvokeExpr) grammar chunk. Reimplemented in Grimp. |
Constructs a LeExpr(Arg, Arg) grammar chunk. Reimplemented in Grimp. Referenced by Grimp::newExpr().
Constructs a LengthExpr(Immediate) grammar chunk. Reimplemented in Grimp. |
Constructs a Local with the given name and type. Reimplemented in Grimp. |
Constructs a LookupSwitchStmt(Immediate, List of Immediate, List of Unit, Stmt) grammar chunk. Reimplemented in Grimp. |
Constructs a LtExpr(Arg, Arg) grammar chunk. Reimplemented in Grimp. Referenced by Grimp::newExpr().
Constructs a MulExpr(Arg, Arg) grammar chunk. Reimplemented in Grimp. Referenced by Grimp::newExpr().
Constructs a NeExpr(Arg, Arg) grammar chunk. Reimplemented in Grimp. Referenced by Grimp::newExpr().
Constructs a NegExpr(Arg, Arg) grammar chunk. Reimplemented in Grimp. Referenced by Grimp::newExpr().
Constructs a NewArrayExpr(Type, Immediate) grammar chunk. Reimplemented in Grimp. Referenced by Grimp::newExpr().
Constructs a NewMultiArrayExpr(ArrayType, List of Immediate) grammar chunk. Reimplemented in Grimp. |
Constructs a NopStmt() grammar chunk. Reimplemented in Grimp. |
Constructs a OrExpr(Arg, Arg) grammar chunk. Reimplemented in Grimp. Referenced by Grimp::newExpr().
Constructs a ParameterRef(SootMethod, int) grammar chunk. Reimplemented in Grimp. |
Constructs a RemExpr(Arg, Arg) grammar chunk. Reimplemented in Grimp. Referenced by Grimp::newExpr().
Constructs a RetStmt(Local) grammar chunk. Reimplemented in Grimp. |
Constructs a ReturnStmt(Immediate) grammar chunk. Reimplemented in Grimp. |
Constructs a ReturnVoidStmt() grammar chunk. Reimplemented in Grimp. |
Constructs a ShlExpr(Arg, Arg) grammar chunk. Reimplemented in Grimp. Referenced by Grimp::newExpr().
Constructs a ShrExpr(Arg, Arg) grammar chunk. Reimplemented in Grimp. Referenced by Grimp::newExpr().
Constructs a NewSpecialInvokeExpr(Local base, SootMethod method, List of Immediate) grammar chunk. Reimplemented in Grimp. Referenced by Grimp::newExpr().
Constructs a StaticFieldRef(SootField) grammar chunk. Reimplemented in Grimp. |
Constructs a NewStaticInvokeExpr(ArrayType, List of Immediate) grammar chunk. Reimplemented in Grimp. Referenced by Grimp::newExpr().
Constructs a SubExpr(Arg, Arg) grammar chunk. Reimplemented in Grimp. Referenced by Grimp::newExpr().
Constructs a TableSwitchStmt(Immediate, int, int, List of Unit, Stmt) grammar chunk. Reimplemented in Grimp. |
Constructs a ThisRef(SootClass) grammar chunk. Reimplemented in Grimp. |
Constructs a ThrowStmt(Immediate) grammar chunk. Reimplemented in Grimp. |
Constructs a new Trap for the given exception on the given Stmt range with the given Stmt handler. Reimplemented in Grimp. |
Constructs a UshrExpr(Arg, Arg) grammar chunk. Reimplemented in Grimp. Referenced by Grimp::newExpr().
Constructs a NewVirtualInvokeExpr(Local base, SootMethod method, List of Immediate) grammar chunk. Reimplemented in Grimp. Referenced by Grimp::newExpr().
Constructs a XorExpr(Arg, Arg) grammar chunk. Reimplemented in Grimp. Referenced by Grimp::newExpr().