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Analysis Interface Reference

Inheritance diagram for Analysis:
Collaboration diagram for Analysis:
List of all members.

Public Methods

void caseAClassOption (AClassOption node)
void caseAFieldOption (AFieldOption node)
void caseALocalOption (ALocalOption node)
void caseAMethodOption (AMethodOption node)
void caseAParamParams (AParamParams node)
void caseAParamsParams (AParamsParams node)
void caseAQualifiedName (AQualifiedName node)
void caseASimpleName (ASimpleName node)
void caseAUnit (AUnit node)
void caseEOF (EOF node)
void caseStart (Start node)
void caseTCls (TCls node)
void caseTComma (TComma node)
void caseTDim (TDim node)
void caseTDocumentationComment (TDocumentationComment node)
void caseTDot (TDot node)
void caseTEndOfLineComment (TEndOfLineComment node)
void caseTId (TId node)
void caseTLBrace (TLBrace node)
void caseTLParen (TLParen node)
void caseTRBrace (TRBrace node)
void caseTRParen (TRParen node)
void caseTSemicolon (TSemicolon node)
void caseTTraditionalComment (TTraditionalComment node)
void caseTWhiteSpace (TWhiteSpace node)
Object getIn (Node node)
Object getOut (Node node)
void setIn (Node node, Object in)
void setOut (Node node, Object out)
void caseAAbstractFunction (AAbstractFunction node)
void caseAAddExpShiftExp (AAddExpShiftExp node)
void caseAAndAndExp (AAndAndExp node)
void caseAAndBitAndExp (AAndBitAndExp node)
void caseAAndExclusiveOrExp (AAndExclusiveOrExp node)
void caseAAndOrExp (AAndOrExp node)
void caseAAnyAbstractDef (AAnyAbstractDef node)
void caseAAnyAnyId (AAnyAnyId node)
void caseAAnyPattern (AAnyPattern node)
void caseABitComplementUnaryNotPlusMinusExp (ABitComplementUnaryNotPlusMinusExp node)
void caseAComplementUnaryNotPlusMinusExp (AComplementUnaryNotPlusMinusExp node)
void caseADecIntLiteral (ADecIntLiteral node)
void caseADecLongLiteral (ADecLongLiteral node)
void caseADefaultToken (ADefaultToken node)
void caseADivMultExp (ADivMultExp node)
void caseADivOp (ADivOp node)
void caseADoubleLiteral (ADoubleLiteral node)
void caseAEqBitAndExp (AEqBitAndExp node)
void caseAEqEqExp (AEqEqExp node)
void caseAEqualTOp (AEqualTOp node)
void caseAExp (AExp node)
void caseAExpAbstractDef (AExpAbstractDef node)
void caseAFloatLiteral (AFloatLiteral node)
void caseAGreaterEqualRelExp (AGreaterEqualRelExp node)
void caseAGreaterEqualTOp (AGreaterEqualTOp node)
void caseAGreaterRelExp (AGreaterRelExp node)
void caseAGreaterTOp (AGreaterTOp node)
void caseAHexIntLiteral (AHexIntLiteral node)
void caseAHexLongLiteral (AHexLongLiteral node)
void caseAIdAnyId (AIdAnyId node)
void caseAIdIdList (AIdIdList node)
void caseAIdPrimaryExp (AIdPrimaryExp node)
void caseAIdSet (AIdSet node)
void caseAIdsIdList (AIdsIdList node)
void caseAInclusiveOrAndExp (AInclusiveOrAndExp node)
void caseAIntegralType (AIntegralType node)
void caseALeftShiftExp (ALeftShiftExp node)
void caseALessEqualRelExp (ALessEqualRelExp node)
void caseALessEqualTOp (ALessEqualTOp node)
void caseALessRelExp (ALessRelExp node)
void caseALessTOp (ALessTOp node)
void caseALiteralPrimaryExp (ALiteralPrimaryExp node)
void caseAMinusAddExp (AMinusAddExp node)
void caseAMinusOp (AMinusOp node)
void caseAMinusUnaryExp (AMinusUnaryExp node)
void caseAModMultExp (AModMultExp node)
void caseAModOp (AModOp node)
void caseAMultAddExp (AMultAddExp node)
void caseANeqEqExp (ANeqEqExp node)
void caseANotEqualTOp (ANotEqualTOp node)
void caseAOctIntLiteral (AOctIntLiteral node)
void caseAOctLongLiteral (AOctLongLiteral node)
void caseAOne2oneSet (AOne2oneSet node)
void caseAOperator (AOperator node)
void caseAOperatorOperatorTest (AOperatorOperatorTest node)
void caseAOrConditionalExp (AOrConditionalExp node)
void caseAOrInclusiveOrExp (AOrInclusiveOrExp node)
void caseAOrOrExp (AOrOrExp node)
void caseAParenPrimaryExp (AParenPrimaryExp node)
void caseAPatternPattern (APatternPattern node)
void caseAPlusAddExp (APlusAddExp node)
void caseAPlusOp (APlusOp node)
void caseAPlusUnaryExp (APlusUnaryExp node)
void caseAPrimaryUnaryNotPlusMinusExp (APrimaryUnaryNotPlusMinusExp node)
void caseAQuestionConditionalExp (AQuestionConditionalExp node)
void caseARealType (ARealType node)
void caseARelEqExp (ARelEqExp node)
void caseAShiftRelExp (AShiftRelExp node)
void caseASignedRightShiftExp (ASignedRightShiftExp node)
void caseATest (ATest node)
void caseATestOperatorTest (ATestOperatorTest node)
void caseATimesMultExp (ATimesMultExp node)
void caseATimesOp (ATimesOp node)
void caseATokenSet (ATokenSet node)
void caseATokenSetTokenTokenSet (ATokenSetTokenTokenSet node)
void caseATokenTokenTokenSet (ATokenTokenTokenSet node)
void caseAUnaryExpMultExp (AUnaryExpMultExp node)
void caseAUnaryNotPlusMinusUnaryExp (AUnaryNotPlusMinusUnaryExp node)
void caseAUnit (AUnit node)
void caseAUnsignedRightShiftExp (AUnsignedRightShiftExp node)
void caseAXorExclusiveOrExp (AXorExclusiveOrExp node)
void caseAXorInclusiveOrExp (AXorInclusiveOrExp node)
void caseEOF (EOF node)
void caseStart (Start node)
void caseTAbstract (TAbstract node)
void caseTAbstraction (TAbstraction node)
void caseTAbtract (TAbtract node)
void caseTAnd (TAnd node)
void caseTAny (TAny node)
void caseTBegin (TBegin node)
void caseTBitAnd (TBitAnd node)
void caseTBitComplement (TBitComplement node)
void caseTBitOr (TBitOr node)
void caseTBitXor (TBitXor node)
void caseTColon (TColon node)
void caseTComma (TComma node)
void caseTDecIntLiteral (TDecIntLiteral node)
void caseTDecLongLiteral (TDecLongLiteral node)
void caseTDefault (TDefault node)
void caseTDiv (TDiv node)
void caseTDocumentationComment (TDocumentationComment node)
void caseTDot (TDot node)
void caseTDoubleLiteral (TDoubleLiteral node)
void caseTEnd (TEnd node)
void caseTEndOfLineComment (TEndOfLineComment node)
void caseTEq (TEq node)
void caseTEqual (TEqual node)
void caseTExtends (TExtends node)
void caseTFloatLiteral (TFloatLiteral node)
void caseTGreater (TGreater node)
void caseTGreaterEqual (TGreaterEqual node)
void caseTHexIntLiteral (THexIntLiteral node)
void caseTHexLongLiteral (THexLongLiteral node)
void caseTId (TId node)
void caseTIntegral (TIntegral node)
void caseTLBrace (TLBrace node)
void caseTLess (TLess node)
void caseTLessEqual (TLessEqual node)
void caseTLParen (TLParen node)
void caseTMinus (TMinus node)
void caseTMod (TMod node)
void caseTNot (TNot node)
void caseTNotEqual (TNotEqual node)
void caseTOctIntLiteral (TOctIntLiteral node)
void caseTOctLongLiteral (TOctLongLiteral node)
void caseTOne2one (TOne2one node)
void caseTOperator (TOperator node)
void caseTOr (TOr node)
void caseTPlus (TPlus node)
void caseTQuestion (TQuestion node)
void caseTRBrace (TRBrace node)
void caseTReal (TReal node)
void caseTRightarrow (TRightarrow node)
void caseTRParen (TRParen node)
void caseTSemicolon (TSemicolon node)
void caseTShiftLeft (TShiftLeft node)
void caseTSignedShiftRight (TSignedShiftRight node)
void caseTTest (TTest node)
void caseTTimes (TTimes node)
void caseTTokens (TTokens node)
void caseTTraditionalComment (TTraditionalComment node)
void caseTUnsignedShiftRight (TUnsignedShiftRight node)
void caseTWhiteSpace (TWhiteSpace node)
Object getIn (Node node)
Object getOut (Node node)
void setIn (Node node, Object in)
void setOut (Node node, Object out)
void caseAAllocation (AAllocation node)
void caseAAllocationAction (AAllocationAction node)
void caseAAndExpr6 (AAndExpr6 node)
void caseAArraylength (AArraylength node)
void caseAArraylengthExpr0 (AArraylengthExpr0 node)
void caseAArraylengthLhs (AArraylengthLhs node)
void caseAArrayselectExpr0 (AArrayselectExpr0 node)
void caseAArrayselectLhs (AArrayselectLhs node)
void caseAArrayTypespec (AArrayTypespec node)
void caseAAssertaction (AAssertaction node)
void caseAAssertactionAction (AAssertactionAction node)
void caseAAssignment (AAssignment node)
void caseAAssignmentAction (AAssignmentAction node)
void caseAAtlocationThreadtest (AAtlocationThreadtest node)
void caseABooleanTypespec (ABooleanTypespec node)
void caseABoolValue (ABoolValue node)
void caseAChoice (AChoice node)
void caseAChoiceAction (AChoiceAction node)
void caseAChoicetail (AChoicetail node)
void caseACollection (ACollection node)
void caseACollectionGlobal (ACollectionGlobal node)
void caseAConstantDefinition (AConstantDefinition node)
void caseADefinedType (ADefinedType node)
void caseADivExpr2 (ADivExpr2 node)
void caseAEmptyLiveset (AEmptyLiveset node)
void caseAEnumdeftail (AEnumdeftail node)
void caseAEnumeratedTypespec (AEnumeratedTypespec node)
void caseAEqExpr5 (AEqExpr5 node)
void caseAExitThreadop (AExitThreadop node)
void caseAExpr (AExpr node)
void caseAExpr0Expr1 (AExpr0Expr1 node)
void caseAExpr1Expr2 (AExpr1Expr2 node)
void caseAExpr2Expr3 (AExpr2Expr3 node)
void caseAExpr3Expr4 (AExpr3Expr4 node)
void caseAExpr4Expr5 (AExpr4Expr5 node)
void caseAExpr5Expr6 (AExpr5Expr6 node)
void caseAExpr6Expr7 (AExpr6Expr7 node)
void caseAFalseBool (AFalseBool node)
void caseAField (AField node)
void caseAFieldselectExpr0 (AFieldselectExpr0 node)
void caseAFieldselectLhs (AFieldselectLhs node)
void caseAGeExpr4 (AGeExpr4 node)
void caseAGtExpr4 (AGtExpr4 node)
void caseAHaslockLocktestop (AHaslockLocktestop node)
void caseAIdConst (AIdConst node)
void caseAIdValue (AIdValue node)
void caseAInitializer (AInitializer node)
void caseAInstanceofExpr0 (AInstanceofExpr0 node)
void caseAIntConst (AIntConst node)
void caseAIntegerValue (AIntegerValue node)
void caseAJoinThreadop (AJoinThreadop node)
void caseALeExpr4 (ALeExpr4 node)
void caseALivevar (ALivevar node)
void caseALocation (ALocation node)
void caseALockavailableLocktestop (ALockavailableLocktestop node)
void caseALockLockOp (ALockLockOp node)
void caseALocktest (ALocktest node)
void caseALocktestExpr0 (ALocktestExpr0 node)
void caseALockTypespec (ALockTypespec node)
void caseALockupdate (ALockupdate node)
void caseALockupdateAction (ALockupdateAction node)
void caseALtExpr4 (ALtExpr4 node)
void caseAMinusExpr1 (AMinusExpr1 node)
void caseAMinusExpr3 (AMinusExpr3 node)
void caseAModExpr2 (AModExpr2 node)
void caseAMorePrintargs (AMorePrintargs node)
void caseAMultExpr2 (AMultExpr2 node)
void caseANameEnumconst (ANameEnumconst node)
void caseANamevalueEnumconst (ANamevalueEnumconst node)
void caseANonemptyLiveset (ANonemptyLiveset node)
void caseANoteqExpr5 (ANoteqExpr5 node)
void caseANotExpr1 (ANotExpr1 node)
void caseANotifyallLockOp (ANotifyallLockOp node)
void caseANotifyLockOp (ANotifyLockOp node)
void caseANullValue (ANullValue node)
void caseAOnePrintargs (AOnePrintargs node)
void caseAOrExpr7 (AOrExpr7 node)
void caseAParenexprExpr0 (AParenexprExpr0 node)
void caseAPlusExpr1 (APlusExpr1 node)
void caseAPlusExpr3 (APlusExpr3 node)
void caseAPredicate (APredicate node)
void caseAPredicates (APredicates node)
void caseAPrintaction (APrintaction node)
void caseAPrintactionAction (APrintactionAction node)
void caseAProcess (AProcess node)
void caseAProgram (AProgram node)
void caseARangeTypespec (ARangeTypespec node)
void caseARecordTypespec (ARecordTypespec node)
void caseAReftail (AReftail node)
void caseARefTypespec (ARefTypespec node)
void caseARefValue (ARefValue node)
void caseARemoterefExpr0 (ARemoterefExpr0 node)
void caseAStartThreadop (AStartThreadop node)
void caseAStringPrintarg (AStringPrintarg node)
void caseATerminatedThreadtest (ATerminatedThreadtest node)
void caseAThread (AThread node)
void caseAThreadtestExpr0 (AThreadtestExpr0 node)
void caseAThreadupdate (AThreadupdate node)
void caseAThreadupdateAction (AThreadupdateAction node)
void caseATransformation (ATransformation node)
void caseATrueBool (ATrueBool node)
void caseATypedefDefinition (ATypedefDefinition node)
void caseATypespecType (ATypespecType node)
void caseAUnlockLockOp (AUnlockLockOp node)
void caseAUnwaitLockOp (AUnwaitLockOp node)
void caseAValueExpr0 (AValueExpr0 node)
void caseAValueLhs (AValueLhs node)
void caseAVariable (AVariable node)
void caseAVariableGlobal (AVariableGlobal node)
void caseAVarPrintarg (AVarPrintarg node)
void caseAWaitLockOp (AWaitLockOp node)
void caseAWasnotifiedLocktestop (AWasnotifiedLocktestop node)
void caseEOF (EOF node)
void caseStart (Start node)
void caseTAnd (TAnd node)
void caseTArray (TArray node)
void caseTAssert (TAssert node)
void caseTAssign (TAssign node)
void caseTAt (TAt node)
void caseTBar (TBar node)
void caseTBoolean (TBoolean node)
void caseTChoose (TChoose node)
void caseTCollection (TCollection node)
void caseTColon (TColon node)
void caseTComma (TComma node)
void caseTComment (TComment node)
void caseTDiv (TDiv node)
void caseTDo (TDo node)
void caseTDot (TDot node)
void caseTDotdot (TDotdot node)
void caseTEnd (TEnd node)
void caseTEnum (TEnum node)
void caseTEq (TEq node)
void caseTEquals (TEquals node)
void caseTExit (TExit node)
void caseTFalse (TFalse node)
void caseTGe (TGe node)
void caseTGoto (TGoto node)
void caseTGt (TGt node)
void caseTHaslock (THaslock node)
void caseTId (TId node)
void caseTInstanceof (TInstanceof node)
void caseTInt (TInt node)
void caseTInvisible (TInvisible node)
void caseTJoin (TJoin node)
void caseTLbrace (TLbrace node)
void caseTLbrack (TLbrack node)
void caseTLe (TLe node)
void caseTLength (TLength node)
void caseTLive (TLive node)
void caseTLoc (TLoc node)
void caseTLock (TLock node)
void caseTLockavailable (TLockavailable node)
void caseTLparen (TLparen node)
void caseTLt (TLt node)
void caseTMain (TMain node)
void caseTMinus (TMinus node)
void caseTMod (TMod node)
void caseTMult (TMult node)
void caseTNew (TNew node)
void caseTNot (TNot node)
void caseTNoteq (TNoteq node)
void caseTNotify (TNotify node)
void caseTNotifyall (TNotifyall node)
void caseTNull (TNull node)
void caseTOf (TOf node)
void caseTOr (TOr node)
void caseTPlus (TPlus node)
void caseTPredicates (TPredicates node)
void caseTPrintln (TPrintln node)
void caseTProcess (TProcess node)
void caseTRange (TRange node)
void caseTRbrace (TRbrace node)
void caseTRbrack (TRbrack node)
void caseTRecord (TRecord node)
void caseTReentrant (TReentrant node)
void caseTRef (TRef node)
void caseTRparen (TRparen node)
void caseTSemicolon (TSemicolon node)
void caseTStart (TStart node)
void caseTString (TString node)
void caseTThread (TThread node)
void caseTThreadterminated (TThreadterminated node)
void caseTTrue (TTrue node)
void caseTUnlock (TUnlock node)
void caseTUnwait (TUnwait node)
void caseTWait (TWait node)
void caseTWasnotified (TWasnotified node)
void caseTWhen (TWhen node)
void caseTWhitespace (TWhitespace node)
Object getIn (Node node)
Object getOut (Node node)
void setIn (Node node, Object in)
void setOut (Node node, Object out)
Collection getDefs (Value v, SootMethod enclosingMethod)
Collection getUses (Value v, SootMethod enclosingMethod)
Collection invokeExprResolution (NonStaticInvokeExpr expr, SootMethod enclosingMethod)
boolean nullReference (Value v, SootMethod enclosingMethod)
Set referenceValueSet (Value v, SootMethod enclosingMethod)
void caseASession (ASession node)
void caseAStringResource (AStringResource node)
void caseAStringsStrings (AStringsStrings node)
void caseAStringStrings (AStringStrings node)
void caseAUnit (AUnit node)
void caseEOF (EOF node)
void caseStart (Start node)
void caseTEqual (TEqual node)
void caseTId (TId node)
void caseTLBrace (TLBrace node)
void caseTPlus (TPlus node)
void caseTRBrace (TRBrace node)
void caseTSession (TSession node)
void caseTStringLiteral (TStringLiteral node)
void caseTWhiteSpace (TWhiteSpace node)
Object getIn (Node node)
Object getOut (Node node)
void setIn (Node node, Object in)
void setOut (Node node, Object out)
void caseAAbstractMethodDeclaration (AAbstractMethodDeclaration node)
void caseAAbstractMethodDeclarationInterfaceMemberDeclaration (AAbstractMethodDeclarationInterfaceMemberDeclaration node)
void caseAAbstractModifier (AAbstractModifier node)
void caseAAdditiveExpShiftExp (AAdditiveExpShiftExp node)
void caseAAndBinaryOperator (AAndBinaryOperator node)
void caseAAndExpAndExp (AAndExpAndExp node)
void caseAAndExpExclusiveOrExp (AAndExpExclusiveOrExp node)
void caseAArgumentListArgumentList (AArgumentListArgumentList node)
void caseAArrayAccessExp (AArrayAccessExp node)
void caseAArrayAccessLeftHandSide (AArrayAccessLeftHandSide node)
void caseAArrayAccessPrimaryNoNewArray (AArrayAccessPrimaryNoNewArray node)
void caseAArrayCreationExpPrimary (AArrayCreationExpPrimary node)
void caseAArrayInitializer (AArrayInitializer node)
void caseAArrayReferenceType (AArrayReferenceType node)
void caseAArrayVariableInitializer (AArrayVariableInitializer node)
void caseAAssertionCompilationUnit (AAssertionCompilationUnit node)
void caseAAssignAssignmentOperator (AAssignAssignmentOperator node)
void caseAAssignedVariableDeclarator (AAssignedVariableDeclarator node)
void caseAAssignment (AAssignment node)
void caseAAssignmentAssignmentExp (AAssignmentAssignmentExp node)
void caseAAssignmentExp (AAssignmentExp node)
void caseAAssignmentStmtExp (AAssignmentStmtExp node)
void caseABinaryExp (ABinaryExp node)
void caseABitAndAssignAssignmentOperator (ABitAndAssignAssignmentOperator node)
void caseABitAndBinaryOperator (ABitAndBinaryOperator node)
void caseABitComplementUnaryExpNotPlusMinus (ABitComplementUnaryExpNotPlusMinus node)
void caseABitComplementUnaryOperator (ABitComplementUnaryOperator node)
void caseABitOrAssignAssignmentOperator (ABitOrAssignAssignmentOperator node)
void caseABitOrBinaryOperator (ABitOrBinaryOperator node)
void caseABitXorAssignAssignmentOperator (ABitXorAssignAssignmentOperator node)
void caseABitXorBinaryOperator (ABitXorBinaryOperator node)
void caseABlock (ABlock node)
void caseABlockClassBodyDeclaration (ABlockClassBodyDeclaration node)
void caseABlockMethodBody (ABlockMethodBody node)
void caseABlockStmt (ABlockStmt node)
void caseABlockStmtWithoutTrailingSubstmt (ABlockStmtWithoutTrailingSubstmt node)
void caseABooleanLiteralLiteral (ABooleanLiteralLiteral node)
void caseABooleanPrimitiveType (ABooleanPrimitiveType node)
void caseABreakStmt (ABreakStmt node)
void caseABreakStmtStmtWithoutTrailingSubstmt (ABreakStmtStmtWithoutTrailingSubstmt node)
void caseAByteIntegralType (AByteIntegralType node)
void caseABytePrimitiveType (ABytePrimitiveType node)
void caseACaseSwitchLabel (ACaseSwitchLabel node)
void caseACastExpUnaryExpNotPlusMinus (ACastExpUnaryExpNotPlusMinus node)
void caseACatchClause (ACatchClause node)
void caseACharacterLiteralLiteral (ACharacterLiteralLiteral node)
void caseACharIntegralType (ACharIntegralType node)
void caseACharPrimitiveType (ACharPrimitiveType node)
void caseAClassBody (AClassBody node)
void caseAClassClassBodyDeclaration (AClassClassBodyDeclaration node)
void caseAClassDeclaration (AClassDeclaration node)
void caseAClassDeclarationBlockedStmt (AClassDeclarationBlockedStmt node)
void caseAClassDeclarationClassMemberDeclaration (AClassDeclarationClassMemberDeclaration node)
void caseAClassDeclarationInterfaceMemberDeclaration (AClassDeclarationInterfaceMemberDeclaration node)
void caseAClassInstanceCreationExpPrimaryNoNewArray (AClassInstanceCreationExpPrimaryNoNewArray node)
void caseAClassInstanceCreationExpStmtExp (AClassInstanceCreationExpStmtExp node)
void caseAClassMemberDeclarationClassBodyDeclaration (AClassMemberDeclarationClassBodyDeclaration node)
void caseAClassOrInterfaceType (AClassOrInterfaceType node)
void caseAClassOrInterfaceTypeArrayCreationExp (AClassOrInterfaceTypeArrayCreationExp node)
void caseAClassOrInterfaceTypeExp (AClassOrInterfaceTypeExp node)
void caseAClassOrInterfaceTypeReferenceType (AClassOrInterfaceTypeReferenceType node)
void caseAClassType (AClassType node)
void caseAClassTypeClassTypeList (AClassTypeClassTypeList node)
void caseAClassTypeDeclaration (AClassTypeDeclaration node)
void caseAClassTypeListClassTypeList (AClassTypeListClassTypeList node)
void caseACompilationUnit (ACompilationUnit node)
void caseAComplementUnaryExpNotPlusMinus (AComplementUnaryExpNotPlusMinus node)
void caseAComplementUnaryOperator (AComplementUnaryOperator node)
void caseAConditionalAndExpConditionalAndExp (AConditionalAndExpConditionalAndExp node)
void caseAConditionalAndExpConditionalOrExp (AConditionalAndExpConditionalOrExp node)
void caseAConditionalExpAssignmentExp (AConditionalExpAssignmentExp node)
void caseAConditionalOrExpConditionalExp (AConditionalOrExpConditionalExp node)
void caseAConditionalOrExpConditionalOrExp (AConditionalOrExpConditionalOrExp node)
void caseAConstantDeclaration (AConstantDeclaration node)
void caseAConstantDeclarationInterfaceMemberDeclaration (AConstantDeclarationInterfaceMemberDeclaration node)
void caseAConstantExp (AConstantExp node)
void caseAConstructorBody (AConstructorBody node)
void caseAConstructorClassBodyDeclaration (AConstructorClassBodyDeclaration node)
void caseAConstructorDeclaration (AConstructorDeclaration node)
void caseAConstructorDeclarator (AConstructorDeclarator node)
void caseAContinueStmt (AContinueStmt node)
void caseAContinueStmtStmtWithoutTrailingSubstmt (AContinueStmtStmtWithoutTrailingSubstmt node)
void caseADecimalIntegerLiteral (ADecimalIntegerLiteral node)
void caseADecrementUnaryOperator (ADecrementUnaryOperator node)
void caseADefaultSwitchLabel (ADefaultSwitchLabel node)
void caseADim (ADim node)
void caseADimExp (ADimExp node)
void caseADivAssignAssignmentOperator (ADivAssignAssignmentOperator node)
void caseADivBinaryOperator (ADivBinaryOperator node)
void caseADivMultiplicativeExp (ADivMultiplicativeExp node)
void caseADoStmt (ADoStmt node)
void caseADoStmtStmtWithoutTrailingSubstmt (ADoStmtStmtWithoutTrailingSubstmt node)
void caseADoubleFloatingPointType (ADoubleFloatingPointType node)
void caseADoublePrimitiveType (ADoublePrimitiveType node)
void caseAEmptyMethodBody (AEmptyMethodBody node)
void caseAEmptyStmt (AEmptyStmt node)
void caseAEmptyStmtStmtWithoutTrailingSubstmt (AEmptyStmtStmtWithoutTrailingSubstmt node)
void caseAEmptyTypeDeclaration (AEmptyTypeDeclaration node)
void caseAEqBinaryOperator (AEqBinaryOperator node)
void caseAEqEqualityExp (AEqEqualityExp node)
void caseAEqualityExpAndExp (AEqualityExpAndExp node)
void caseAExclusiveOrExpExclusiveOrExp (AExclusiveOrExpExclusiveOrExp node)
void caseAExclusiveOrExpInclusiveOrExp (AExclusiveOrExpInclusiveOrExp node)
void caseAExpArgumentList (AExpArgumentList node)
void caseAExpCastExp (AExpCastExp node)
void caseAExpListForInit (AExpListForInit node)
void caseAExpStmt (AExpStmt node)
void caseAExpStmtStmtWithoutTrailingSubstmt (AExpStmtStmtWithoutTrailingSubstmt node)
void caseAExpVariableInitializer (AExpVariableInitializer node)
void caseAExtendsExtendsInterfaces (AExtendsExtendsInterfaces node)
void caseAExtendsInterfacesExtendsInterfaces (AExtendsInterfacesExtendsInterfaces node)
void caseAFalseBooleanLiteral (AFalseBooleanLiteral node)
void caseAFieldAccessExp (AFieldAccessExp node)
void caseAFieldAccessLeftHandSide (AFieldAccessLeftHandSide node)
void caseAFieldAccessPrimaryNoNewArray (AFieldAccessPrimaryNoNewArray node)
void caseAFieldClassBodyDeclaration (AFieldClassBodyDeclaration node)
void caseAFieldDeclaration (AFieldDeclaration node)
void caseAFieldDeclarationClassMemberDeclaration (AFieldDeclarationClassMemberDeclaration node)
void caseAFinally (AFinally node)
void caseAFinallyOneTryStmt (AFinallyOneTryStmt node)
void caseAFinalModifier (AFinalModifier node)
void caseAFloatFloatingPointType (AFloatFloatingPointType node)
void caseAFloatingPointLiteralLiteral (AFloatingPointLiteralLiteral node)
void caseAFloatingPointTypeNumericType (AFloatingPointTypeNumericType node)
void caseAFloatPrimitiveType (AFloatPrimitiveType node)
void caseAFormalParameter (AFormalParameter node)
void caseAFormalParameterFormalParameterList (AFormalParameterFormalParameterList node)
void caseAFormalParameterListFormalParameterList (AFormalParameterListFormalParameterList node)
void caseAForStmt (AForStmt node)
void caseAForStmtNoShortIf (AForStmtNoShortIf node)
void caseAForStmtNoShortIfStmtNoShortIf (AForStmtNoShortIfStmtNoShortIf node)
void caseAForStmtStmt (AForStmtStmt node)
void caseAForUpdate (AForUpdate node)
void caseAGtBinaryOperator (AGtBinaryOperator node)
void caseAGteqBinaryOperator (AGteqBinaryOperator node)
void caseAGteqRelationalExp (AGteqRelationalExp node)
void caseAGtRelationalExp (AGtRelationalExp node)
void caseAHexIntegerLiteral (AHexIntegerLiteral node)
void caseAIdVariableDeclarator (AIdVariableDeclarator node)
void caseAIfStmt (AIfStmt node)
void caseAIfThenElseStmt (AIfThenElseStmt node)
void caseAIfThenElseStmtNoShortIf (AIfThenElseStmtNoShortIf node)
void caseAIfThenElseStmtNoShortIfStmtNoShortIf (AIfThenElseStmtNoShortIfStmtNoShortIf node)
void caseAIfThenElseStmtStmt (AIfThenElseStmtStmt node)
void caseAIfThenStmt (AIfThenStmt node)
void caseAIfThenStmtStmt (AIfThenStmtStmt node)
void caseAInclusiveOrExpConditionalAndExp (AInclusiveOrExpConditionalAndExp node)
void caseAInclusiveOrExpInclusiveOrExp (AInclusiveOrExpInclusiveOrExp node)
void caseAIncrementUnaryOperator (AIncrementUnaryOperator node)
void caseAInitClassInterfaceArrayCreationExp (AInitClassInterfaceArrayCreationExp node)
void caseAInitClassInterfaceExp (AInitClassInterfaceExp node)
void caseAInitPrimitiveArrayCreationExp (AInitPrimitiveArrayCreationExp node)
void caseAInitPrimitiveExp (AInitPrimitiveExp node)
void caseAInstanceofExp (AInstanceofExp node)
void caseAInstanceofRelationalExp (AInstanceofRelationalExp node)
void caseAIntegerLiteralLiteral (AIntegerLiteralLiteral node)
void caseAIntegralTypeNumericType (AIntegralTypeNumericType node)
void caseAInterfaceBody (AInterfaceBody node)
void caseAInterfaceClassBodyDeclaration (AInterfaceClassBodyDeclaration node)
void caseAInterfaceDeclaration (AInterfaceDeclaration node)
void caseAInterfaceDeclarationClassMemberDeclaration (AInterfaceDeclarationClassMemberDeclaration node)
void caseAInterfaceDeclarationInterfaceMemberDeclaration (AInterfaceDeclarationInterfaceMemberDeclaration node)
void caseAInterfaces (AInterfaces node)
void caseAInterfaceType (AInterfaceType node)
void caseAInterfaceTypeDeclaration (AInterfaceTypeDeclaration node)
void caseAInterfaceTypeInterfaceTypeList (AInterfaceTypeInterfaceTypeList node)
void caseAInterfaceTypeListInterfaceTypeList (AInterfaceTypeListInterfaceTypeList node)
void caseAIntIntegralType (AIntIntegralType node)
void caseAIntPrimitiveType (AIntPrimitiveType node)
void caseALabeledStmt (ALabeledStmt node)
void caseALabeledStmtNoShortIf (ALabeledStmtNoShortIf node)
void caseALabeledStmtNoShortIfStmtNoShortIf (ALabeledStmtNoShortIfStmtNoShortIf node)
void caseALabeledStmtStmt (ALabeledStmtStmt node)
void caseALabelStmt (ALabelStmt node)
void caseALiteralExp (ALiteralExp node)
void caseALiteralPrimaryNoNewArray (ALiteralPrimaryNoNewArray node)
void caseALocalVariableDeclaration (ALocalVariableDeclaration node)
void caseALocalVariableDeclarationForInit (ALocalVariableDeclarationForInit node)
void caseALocalVariableDeclarationInBlockedStmt (ALocalVariableDeclarationInBlockedStmt node)
void caseALocalVariableDeclarationStmt (ALocalVariableDeclarationStmt node)
void caseALocalVariableDeclarationStmtBlockedStmt (ALocalVariableDeclarationStmtBlockedStmt node)
void caseALongIntegralType (ALongIntegralType node)
void caseALongPrimitiveType (ALongPrimitiveType node)
void caseALParPrimaryNoNewArray (ALParPrimaryNoNewArray node)
void caseALtBinaryOperator (ALtBinaryOperator node)
void caseALteqBinaryOperator (ALteqBinaryOperator node)
void caseALteqRelationalExp (ALteqRelationalExp node)
void caseALtRelationalExp (ALtRelationalExp node)
void caseAMethodClassBodyDeclaration (AMethodClassBodyDeclaration node)
void caseAMethodDeclaration (AMethodDeclaration node)
void caseAMethodDeclarationClassMemberDeclaration (AMethodDeclarationClassMemberDeclaration node)
void caseAMethodDeclarator (AMethodDeclarator node)
void caseAMethodInvocationPrimaryNoNewArray (AMethodInvocationPrimaryNoNewArray node)
void caseAMethodInvocationStmtExp (AMethodInvocationStmtExp node)
void caseAMinusAdditiveExp (AMinusAdditiveExp node)
void caseAMinusAssignAssignmentOperator (AMinusAssignAssignmentOperator node)
void caseAMinusBinaryOperator (AMinusBinaryOperator node)
void caseAMinusUnaryExp (AMinusUnaryExp node)
void caseAMinusUnaryOperator (AMinusUnaryOperator node)
void caseAModAssignAssignmentOperator (AModAssignAssignmentOperator node)
void caseAModBinaryOperator (AModBinaryOperator node)
void caseAModMultiplicativeExp (AModMultiplicativeExp node)
void caseAMultiplicativeExpAdditiveExp (AMultiplicativeExpAdditiveExp node)
void caseANameArrayAccess (ANameArrayAccess node)
void caseANameArrayType (ANameArrayType node)
void caseANameCastExp (ANameCastExp node)
void caseANamedTypeExp (ANamedTypeExp node)
void caseANameExp (ANameExp node)
void caseANameLeftHandSide (ANameLeftHandSide node)
void caseANameMethodInvocation (ANameMethodInvocation node)
void caseANameMethodInvocationExp (ANameMethodInvocationExp node)
void caseANamePostfixExp (ANamePostfixExp node)
void caseANameReferenceType (ANameReferenceType node)
void caseANativeModifier (ANativeModifier node)
void caseANeqBinaryOperator (ANeqBinaryOperator node)
void caseANeqEqualityExp (ANeqEqualityExp node)
void caseANotPlusMinusUnaryExp (ANotPlusMinusUnaryExp node)
void caseANullLiteral (ANullLiteral node)
void caseANullLiteralLiteral (ANullLiteralLiteral node)
void caseANumericTypePrimitiveType (ANumericTypePrimitiveType node)
void caseAOctalIntegerLiteral (AOctalIntegerLiteral node)
void caseAOldAbstractMethodDeclarationInterfaceMemberDeclaration (AOldAbstractMethodDeclarationInterfaceMemberDeclaration node)
void caseAOldArrayInitializer (AOldArrayInitializer node)
void caseAOldCaseSwitchLabel (AOldCaseSwitchLabel node)
void caseAOldCompilationUnit (AOldCompilationUnit node)
void caseAOldConstantDeclarationInterfaceMemberDeclaration (AOldConstantDeclarationInterfaceMemberDeclaration node)
void caseAOldConstructorDeclarator (AOldConstructorDeclarator node)
void caseAOldExp (AOldExp node)
void caseAOldExpCastExp (AOldExpCastExp node)
void caseAOldFieldDeclaration (AOldFieldDeclaration node)
void caseAOldInterfaceDeclaration (AOldInterfaceDeclaration node)
void caseAOldInterfaces (AOldInterfaces node)
void caseAOldLocalVariableDeclaration (AOldLocalVariableDeclaration node)
void caseAOldMethodDeclarator (AOldMethodDeclarator node)
void caseAOldNameCastExp (AOldNameCastExp node)
void caseAOldNamedTypePrimaryNoNewArray (AOldNamedTypePrimaryNoNewArray node)
void caseAOldPrimaryFieldAccess (AOldPrimaryFieldAccess node)
void caseAOldPrimaryNoNewArrayArrayAccess (AOldPrimaryNoNewArrayArrayAccess node)
void caseAOldPrimitiveTypeCastExp (AOldPrimitiveTypeCastExp node)
void caseAOldPrimitiveTypePrimaryNoNewArray (AOldPrimitiveTypePrimaryNoNewArray node)
void caseAOldQualifiedClassInstanceCreationExp (AOldQualifiedClassInstanceCreationExp node)
void caseAOldQualifiedConstructorInvocation (AOldQualifiedConstructorInvocation node)
void caseAOldSimpleClassInstanceCreationExp (AOldSimpleClassInstanceCreationExp node)
void caseAOldStaticInitializerClassBodyDeclaration (AOldStaticInitializerClassBodyDeclaration node)
void caseAOldSuper (AOldSuper node)
void caseAOldSuperConstructorInvocation (AOldSuperConstructorInvocation node)
void caseAOldThisConstructorInvocation (AOldThisConstructorInvocation node)
void caseAOldThrows (AOldThrows node)
void caseAOneBreakStmt (AOneBreakStmt node)
void caseAOneContinueStmt (AOneContinueStmt node)
void caseAOneDoStmt (AOneDoStmt node)
void caseAOneForStmt (AOneForStmt node)
void caseAOneQualifiedName (AOneQualifiedName node)
void caseAOneReturnStmt (AOneReturnStmt node)
void caseAOneSimpleName (AOneSimpleName node)
void caseAOneSingleTypeImportDeclaration (AOneSingleTypeImportDeclaration node)
void caseAOneSwitchStmt (AOneSwitchStmt node)
void caseAOneSynchronizedStmt (AOneSynchronizedStmt node)
void caseAOneThrowStmt (AOneThrowStmt node)
void caseAOneTypeImportOnDemandDeclaration (AOneTypeImportOnDemandDeclaration node)
void caseAOneWhileStmt (AOneWhileStmt node)
void caseAOrBinaryOperator (AOrBinaryOperator node)
void caseAOriginalExpStmt (AOriginalExpStmt node)
void caseAPackageDeclaration (APackageDeclaration node)
void caseAParExp (AParExp node)
void caseAPlusAdditiveExp (APlusAdditiveExp node)
void caseAPlusAssignAssignmentOperator (APlusAssignAssignmentOperator node)
void caseAPlusBinaryOperator (APlusBinaryOperator node)
void caseAPlusUnaryExp (APlusUnaryExp node)
void caseAPlusUnaryOperator (APlusUnaryOperator node)
void caseAPostDecrementExp (APostDecrementExp node)
void caseAPostDecrementExpPostfixExp (APostDecrementExpPostfixExp node)
void caseAPostDecrementExpr (APostDecrementExpr node)
void caseAPostDecrementExpStmtExp (APostDecrementExpStmtExp node)
void caseAPostfixExpUnaryExpNotPlusMinus (APostfixExpUnaryExpNotPlusMinus node)
void caseAPostIncrementExp (APostIncrementExp node)
void caseAPostIncrementExpPostfixExp (APostIncrementExpPostfixExp node)
void caseAPostIncrementExpr (APostIncrementExpr node)
void caseAPostIncrementExpStmtExp (APostIncrementExpStmtExp node)
void caseAPreDecrementExp (APreDecrementExp node)
void caseAPreDecrementExpStmtExp (APreDecrementExpStmtExp node)
void caseAPreDecrementExpUnaryExp (APreDecrementExpUnaryExp node)
void caseAPreIncrementExp (APreIncrementExp node)
void caseAPreIncrementExpStmtExp (APreIncrementExpStmtExp node)
void caseAPreIncrementExpUnaryExp (APreIncrementExpUnaryExp node)
void caseAPrimaryFieldAccess (APrimaryFieldAccess node)
void caseAPrimaryMethodInvocation (APrimaryMethodInvocation node)
void caseAPrimaryMethodInvocationExp (APrimaryMethodInvocationExp node)
void caseAPrimaryNoNewArrayArrayAccess (APrimaryNoNewArrayArrayAccess node)
void caseAPrimaryNoNewArrayPrimary (APrimaryNoNewArrayPrimary node)
void caseAPrimaryPostfixExp (APrimaryPostfixExp node)
void caseAPrimitiveArrayType (APrimitiveArrayType node)
void caseAPrimitiveType (APrimitiveType node)
void caseAPrimitiveTypeArrayCreationExp (APrimitiveTypeArrayCreationExp node)
void caseAPrimitiveTypeArrayExp (APrimitiveTypeArrayExp node)
void caseAPrimitiveTypeCastExp (APrimitiveTypeCastExp node)
void caseAPrimitiveTypePrimaryExp (APrimitiveTypePrimaryExp node)
void caseAPrivateModifier (APrivateModifier node)
void caseAProtectedModifier (AProtectedModifier node)
void caseAPublicModifier (APublicModifier node)
void caseAQualifiedClassInstanceCreationExp (AQualifiedClassInstanceCreationExp node)
void caseAQualifiedConstructorInvocation (AQualifiedConstructorInvocation node)
void caseAQualifiedName (AQualifiedName node)
void caseAQualifiedNameName (AQualifiedNameName node)
void caseAQualifiedThisExp (AQualifiedThisExp node)
void caseAQualifiedThisPrimaryNoNewArray (AQualifiedThisPrimaryNoNewArray node)
void caseAQuestionConditionalExp (AQuestionConditionalExp node)
void caseAQuestionExp (AQuestionExp node)
void caseAReferenceType (AReferenceType node)
void caseARelationalExpEqualityExp (ARelationalExpEqualityExp node)
void caseAReturnStmt (AReturnStmt node)
void caseAReturnStmtStmtWithoutTrailingSubstmt (AReturnStmtStmtWithoutTrailingSubstmt node)
void caseASemicolonStmt (ASemicolonStmt node)
void caseAShiftExpRelationalExp (AShiftExpRelationalExp node)
void caseAShiftLeftAssignAssignmentOperator (AShiftLeftAssignAssignmentOperator node)
void caseAShiftLeftBinaryOperator (AShiftLeftBinaryOperator node)
void caseAShiftLeftShiftExp (AShiftLeftShiftExp node)
void caseAShortIntegralType (AShortIntegralType node)
void caseAShortPrimitiveType (AShortPrimitiveType node)
void caseASignedShiftRightAssignAssignmentOperator (ASignedShiftRightAssignAssignmentOperator node)
void caseASignedShiftRightBinaryOperator (ASignedShiftRightBinaryOperator node)
void caseASignedShiftRightShiftExp (ASignedShiftRightShiftExp node)
void caseASimpleClassInstanceCreationExp (ASimpleClassInstanceCreationExp node)
void caseASimpleName (ASimpleName node)
void caseASimpleNameName (ASimpleNameName node)
void caseASingleTypeImportDeclaration (ASingleTypeImportDeclaration node)
void caseASingleTypeImportDeclarationImportDeclaration (ASingleTypeImportDeclarationImportDeclaration node)
void caseAStarAssignAssignmentOperator (AStarAssignAssignmentOperator node)
void caseAStarBinaryOperator (AStarBinaryOperator node)
void caseAStarMultiplicativeExp (AStarMultiplicativeExp node)
void caseAStaticInitializer (AStaticInitializer node)
void caseAStaticInitializerClassBodyDeclaration (AStaticInitializerClassBodyDeclaration node)
void caseAStaticModifier (AStaticModifier node)
void caseAStmtBlockedStmt (AStmtBlockedStmt node)
void caseAStmtExpListForInit (AStmtExpListForInit node)
void caseAStmtExpListStmtExpList (AStmtExpListStmtExpList node)
void caseAStmtExpStmtExpList (AStmtExpStmtExpList node)
void caseAStmtWithoutTrailingSubstmtStmt (AStmtWithoutTrailingSubstmtStmt node)
void caseAStmtWithoutTrailingSubstmtStmtNoShortIf (AStmtWithoutTrailingSubstmtStmtNoShortIf node)
void caseAStringLiteralLiteral (AStringLiteralLiteral node)
void caseASuper (ASuper node)
void caseASuperConstructorInvocation (ASuperConstructorInvocation node)
void caseASuperFieldAccess (ASuperFieldAccess node)
void caseASuperMethodInvocation (ASuperMethodInvocation node)
void caseASuperMethodInvocationExp (ASuperMethodInvocationExp node)
void caseASwitchBlockStmtGroup (ASwitchBlockStmtGroup node)
void caseASwitchStmt (ASwitchStmt node)
void caseASwitchStmtStmtWithoutTrailingSubstmt (ASwitchStmtStmtWithoutTrailingSubstmt node)
void caseASynchronizedModifier (ASynchronizedModifier node)
void caseASynchronizedStmt (ASynchronizedStmt node)
void caseASynchronizedStmtStmtWithoutTrailingSubstmt (ASynchronizedStmtStmtWithoutTrailingSubstmt node)
void caseAThisConstructorInvocation (AThisConstructorInvocation node)
void caseAThisExp (AThisExp node)
void caseAThisPrimaryNoNewArray (AThisPrimaryNoNewArray node)
void caseAThrows (AThrows node)
void caseAThrowStmt (AThrowStmt node)
void caseAThrowStmtStmtWithoutTrailingSubstmt (AThrowStmtStmtWithoutTrailingSubstmt node)
void caseATransientModifier (ATransientModifier node)
void caseATrueBooleanLiteral (ATrueBooleanLiteral node)
void caseATryFinallyStmt (ATryFinallyStmt node)
void caseATryOneTryStmt (ATryOneTryStmt node)
void caseATryStmt (ATryStmt node)
void caseATryStmtStmtWithoutTrailingSubstmt (ATryStmtStmtWithoutTrailingSubstmt node)
void caseATypedMethodHeader (ATypedMethodHeader node)
void caseATypeImportOnDemandDeclarationImportDeclaration (ATypeImportOnDemandDeclarationImportDeclaration node)
void caseATypeOnDemandImportDeclaration (ATypeOnDemandImportDeclaration node)
void caseAUnaryExp (AUnaryExp node)
void caseAUnaryExpMultiplicativeExp (AUnaryExpMultiplicativeExp node)
void caseAUnsignedShiftRightAssignAssignmentOperator (AUnsignedShiftRightAssignAssignmentOperator node)
void caseAUnsignedShiftRightBinaryOperator (AUnsignedShiftRightBinaryOperator node)
void caseAUnsignedShiftRightShiftExp (AUnsignedShiftRightShiftExp node)
void caseAVariableDeclaratorId (AVariableDeclaratorId node)
void caseAVariableDeclaratorsVariableDeclarators (AVariableDeclaratorsVariableDeclarators node)
void caseAVariableDeclaratorVariableDeclarators (AVariableDeclaratorVariableDeclarators node)
void caseAVariableInitializersVariableInitializers (AVariableInitializersVariableInitializers node)
void caseAVariableInitializerVariableInitializers (AVariableInitializerVariableInitializers node)
void caseAVoidExp (AVoidExp node)
void caseAVoidMethodHeader (AVoidMethodHeader node)
void caseAVoidPrimaryNoNewArray (AVoidPrimaryNoNewArray node)
void caseAVolatileModifier (AVolatileModifier node)
void caseAWhileStmt (AWhileStmt node)
void caseAWhileStmtNoShortIf (AWhileStmtNoShortIf node)
void caseAWhileStmtNoShortIfStmtNoShortIf (AWhileStmtNoShortIfStmtNoShortIf node)
void caseAWhileStmtStmt (AWhileStmtStmt node)
void caseEOF (EOF node)
void caseStart (Start node)
void caseTAbstract (TAbstract node)
void caseTAnd (TAnd node)
void caseTAssign (TAssign node)
void caseTBitAnd (TBitAnd node)
void caseTBitAndAssign (TBitAndAssign node)
void caseTBitComplement (TBitComplement node)
void caseTBitOr (TBitOr node)
void caseTBitOrAssign (TBitOrAssign node)
void caseTBitXor (TBitXor node)
void caseTBitXorAssign (TBitXorAssign node)
void caseTBoolean (TBoolean node)
void caseTBreak (TBreak node)
void caseTByte (TByte node)
void caseTCase (TCase node)
void caseTCatch (TCatch node)
void caseTChar (TChar node)
void caseTCharacterLiteral (TCharacterLiteral node)
void caseTClass (TClass node)
void caseTColon (TColon node)
void caseTComma (TComma node)
void caseTComplement (TComplement node)
void caseTConst (TConst node)
void caseTContinue (TContinue node)
void caseTDecimalIntegerLiteral (TDecimalIntegerLiteral node)
void caseTDefault (TDefault node)
void caseTDiv (TDiv node)
void caseTDivAssign (TDivAssign node)
void caseTDo (TDo node)
void caseTDocumentationComment (TDocumentationComment node)
void caseTDot (TDot node)
void caseTDouble (TDouble node)
void caseTElse (TElse node)
void caseTEndOfLineComment (TEndOfLineComment node)
void caseTEq (TEq node)
void caseTExtends (TExtends node)
void caseTFalse (TFalse node)
void caseTFinal (TFinal node)
void caseTFinally (TFinally node)
void caseTFloat (TFloat node)
void caseTFloatingPointLiteral (TFloatingPointLiteral node)
void caseTFor (TFor node)
void caseTGoto (TGoto node)
void caseTGt (TGt node)
void caseTGteq (TGteq node)
void caseTHexIntegerLiteral (THexIntegerLiteral node)
void caseTId (TId node)
void caseTIf (TIf node)
void caseTImplements (TImplements node)
void caseTImport (TImport node)
void caseTInstanceof (TInstanceof node)
void caseTInt (TInt node)
void caseTInterface (TInterface node)
void caseTLBrace (TLBrace node)
void caseTLBracket (TLBracket node)
void caseTLong (TLong node)
void caseTLPar (TLPar node)
void caseTLt (TLt node)
void caseTLteq (TLteq node)
void caseTMinus (TMinus node)
void caseTMinusAssign (TMinusAssign node)
void caseTMinusMinus (TMinusMinus node)
void caseTMod (TMod node)
void caseTModAssign (TModAssign node)
void caseTNative (TNative node)
void caseTNeq (TNeq node)
void caseTNew (TNew node)
void caseTNull (TNull node)
void caseTOctalIntegerLiteral (TOctalIntegerLiteral node)
void caseTOr (TOr node)
void caseTPackage (TPackage node)
void caseTPlus (TPlus node)
void caseTPlusAssign (TPlusAssign node)
void caseTPlusPlus (TPlusPlus node)
void caseTPrivate (TPrivate node)
void caseTProtected (TProtected node)
void caseTPublic (TPublic node)
void caseTQuestion (TQuestion node)
void caseTRBrace (TRBrace node)
void caseTRBracket (TRBracket node)
void caseTReturn (TReturn node)
void caseTRPar (TRPar node)
void caseTSemicolon (TSemicolon node)
void caseTShiftLeft (TShiftLeft node)
void caseTShiftLeftAssign (TShiftLeftAssign node)
void caseTShort (TShort node)
void caseTSignedShiftRight (TSignedShiftRight node)
void caseTSignedShiftRightAssign (TSignedShiftRightAssign node)
void caseTStar (TStar node)
void caseTStarAssign (TStarAssign node)
void caseTStatic (TStatic node)
void caseTStringLiteral (TStringLiteral node)
void caseTSuper (TSuper node)
void caseTSwitch (TSwitch node)
void caseTSynchronized (TSynchronized node)
void caseTThis (TThis node)
void caseTThrow (TThrow node)
void caseTThrows (TThrows node)
void caseTTraditionalComment (TTraditionalComment node)
void caseTTransient (TTransient node)
void caseTTrue (TTrue node)
void caseTTry (TTry node)
void caseTUnsignedShiftRight (TUnsignedShiftRight node)
void caseTUnsignedShiftRightAssign (TUnsignedShiftRightAssign node)
void caseTVoid (TVoid node)
void caseTVolatile (TVolatile node)
void caseTWhile (TWhile node)
void caseTWhiteSpace (TWhiteSpace node)
Object getIn (Node node)
Object getOut (Node node)
void setIn (Node node, Object in)
void setOut (Node node, Object out)
void caseEOF (EOF node)
void caseTErroneousEscape (TErroneousEscape node)
void caseTEvenBackslash (TEvenBackslash node)
void caseTRawInputCharacter (TRawInputCharacter node)
void caseTSub (TSub node)
void caseTUnicodeEscape (TUnicodeEscape node)
Object getIn (Node node)
Object getOut (Node node)
void setIn (Node node, Object in)
void setOut (Node node, Object out)
void caseAAndAndExp (AAndAndExp node)
void caseAAndBinOp (AAndBinOp node)
void caseAAndOrExp (AAndOrExp node)
void caseAArgsArgs (AArgsArgs node)
void caseAAssert (AAssert node)
void caseAAssertDef (AAssertDef node)
void caseAAssertionImport (AAssertionImport node)
void caseABinaryExp (ABinaryExp node)
void caseACommaFormatWord (ACommaFormatWord node)
void caseACommaWord (ACommaWord node)
void caseAComplementExp (AComplementExp node)
void caseAComplementUnaryExp (AComplementUnaryExp node)
void caseADotFormatWord (ADotFormatWord node)
void caseADotWord (ADotWord node)
void caseAExactQtlBinding (AExactQtlBinding node)
void caseAExpWord (AExpWord node)
void caseAFilterTypeOp (AFilterTypeOp node)
void caseAFormat (AFormat node)
void caseAFormatUnit (AFormatUnit node)
void caseAHoleFormatWord (AHoleFormatWord node)
void caseAIdArgs (AIdArgs node)
void caseAIdFormatWord (AIdFormatWord node)
void caseAIdIds (AIdIds node)
void caseAIdsIds (AIdsIds node)
void caseAIdWord (AIdWord node)
void caseAImplicationExp (AImplicationExp node)
void caseAImplyBinOp (AImplyBinOp node)
void caseAImplyImplicationExp (AImplyImplicationExp node)
void caseAInstanceQtlBinding (AInstanceQtlBinding node)
void caseANameImportNames (ANameImportNames node)
void caseANameNames (ANameNames node)
void caseANamePrimaryTypeExp (ANamePrimaryTypeExp node)
void caseANamesImportNames (ANamesImportNames node)
void caseANamesNames (ANamesNames node)
void caseANumberFormatWord (ANumberFormatWord node)
void caseANumberWord (ANumberWord node)
void caseAOnDemandImportName (AOnDemandImportName node)
void caseAOpTypeExp (AOpTypeExp node)
void caseAOrBinOp (AOrBinOp node)
void caseAOrImplicationExp (AOrImplicationExp node)
void caseAOrOrExp (AOrOrExp node)
void caseAParenExp (AParenExp node)
void caseAParenPrimaryExp (AParenPrimaryExp node)
void caseAParenPrimaryTypeExp (AParenPrimaryTypeExp node)
void caseAPredicateExp (APredicateExp node)
void caseAPredicateImport (APredicateImport node)
void caseAPredicatePrimaryExp (APredicatePrimaryExp node)
void caseAPrimaryTypeExp (APrimaryTypeExp node)
void caseAPrimaryUnaryExp (APrimaryUnaryExp node)
void caseAPropertiesUnit (APropertiesUnit node)
void caseAQtl (AQtl node)
void caseAQualifiedName (AQualifiedName node)
void caseASimpleName (ASimpleName node)
void caseASpecificImportName (ASpecificImportName node)
void caseATl (ATl node)
void caseATlDef (ATlDef node)
void caseATypeImport (ATypeImport node)
void caseAUnaryAndExp (AUnaryAndExp node)
void caseAUnionTypeOp (AUnionTypeOp node)
void caseEOF (EOF node)
void caseStart (Start node)
void caseTAnd (TAnd node)
void caseTAssertion (TAssertion node)
void caseTAssertions (TAssertions node)
void caseTColon (TColon node)
void caseTComma (TComma node)
void caseTDocumentationComment (TDocumentationComment node)
void caseTDot (TDot node)
void caseTDoubleQuote (TDoubleQuote node)
void caseTEnable (TEnable node)
void caseTEndOfLineComment (TEndOfLineComment node)
void caseTForall (TForall node)
void caseTGreater (TGreater node)
void caseTId (TId node)
void caseTImply (TImply node)
void caseTImport (TImport node)
void caseTInstance (TInstance node)
void caseTLBrace (TLBrace node)
void caseTLBracket (TLBracket node)
void caseTLess (TLess node)
void caseTLessEqual (TLessEqual node)
void caseTLParen (TLParen node)
void caseTMinus (TMinus node)
void caseTNot (TNot node)
void caseTNumber (TNumber node)
void caseTOr (TOr node)
void caseTPlus (TPlus node)
void caseTPredicate (TPredicate node)
void caseTRBrace (TRBrace node)
void caseTRBracket (TRBracket node)
void caseTRParen (TRParen node)
void caseTSemicolon (TSemicolon node)
void caseTStar (TStar node)
void caseTTraditionalComment (TTraditionalComment node)
void caseTWhiteSpace (TWhiteSpace node)
Object getIn (Node node)
Object getOut (Node node)
void setIn (Node node, Object in)
void setOut (Node node, Object out)
void caseAEndOfLineComment (AEndOfLineComment node)
void caseALocationAssertion (ALocationAssertion node)
void caseAPostAssertion (APostAssertion node)
void caseAPreAssertion (APreAssertion node)
void caseAQualifiedName (AQualifiedName node)
void caseASimpleName (ASimpleName node)
void caseAUnit (AUnit node)
void caseEOF (EOF node)
void caseStart (Start node)
void caseTColon (TColon node)
void caseTDocumentationComment (TDocumentationComment node)
void caseTDot (TDot node)
void caseTEndOfLineComment (TEndOfLineComment node)
void caseTId (TId node)
void caseTLBracket (TLBracket node)
void caseTLocation (TLocation node)
void caseTPost (TPost node)
void caseTPre (TPre node)
void caseTRBracket (TRBracket node)
void caseTSemicolon (TSemicolon node)
void caseTTraditionalComment (TTraditionalComment node)
void caseTWhiteSpace (TWhiteSpace node)
Object getIn (Node node)
Object getOut (Node node)
void setIn (Node node, Object in)
void setOut (Node node, Object out)
void caseAIdIds (AIdIds node)
void caseAIdsIds (AIdsIds node)
void caseAParamResource (AParamResource node)
void caseAPattern (APattern node)
void caseAStringResource (AStringResource node)
void caseAStringsStrings (AStringsStrings node)
void caseAStringStrings (AStringStrings node)
void caseAUnit (AUnit node)
void caseEOF (EOF node)
void caseStart (Start node)
void caseTComma (TComma node)
void caseTEqual (TEqual node)
void caseTId (TId node)
void caseTLBrace (TLBrace node)
void caseTPattern (TPattern node)
void caseTPlus (TPlus node)
void caseTRBrace (TRBrace node)
void caseTStringLiteral (TStringLiteral node)
void caseTWhiteSpace (TWhiteSpace node)
Object getIn (Node node)
Object getOut (Node node)
void setIn (Node node, Object in)
void setOut (Node node, Object out)
void caseAAddExpShiftExp (AAddExpShiftExp node)
void caseAAndAndExp (AAndAndExp node)
void caseAAndBinOp (AAndBinOp node)
void caseAAndBitAndExp (AAndBitAndExp node)
void caseAAndExclusiveOrExp (AAndExclusiveOrExp node)
void caseAAndOrExp (AAndOrExp node)
void caseAArrayAccessPrimaryExp (AArrayAccessPrimaryExp node)
void caseABinaryExp (ABinaryExp node)
void caseABitAndBinOp (ABitAndBinOp node)
void caseABitComplementExp (ABitComplementExp node)
void caseABitComplementUnaryNotPlusMinusExp (ABitComplementUnaryNotPlusMinusExp node)
void caseABitOrBinOp (ABitOrBinOp node)
void caseABitXorBinOp (ABitXorBinOp node)
void caseABooleanPrimitiveType (ABooleanPrimitiveType node)
void caseABytePrimitiveType (ABytePrimitiveType node)
void caseACastUnaryNotPlusMinusExp (ACastUnaryNotPlusMinusExp node)
void caseACharLiteral (ACharLiteral node)
void caseACharPrimitiveType (ACharPrimitiveType node)
void caseAColonExp (AColonExp node)
void caseAComplementExp (AComplementExp node)
void caseAComplementUnaryNotPlusMinusExp (AComplementUnaryNotPlusMinusExp node)
void caseAConditionalExp (AConditionalExp node)
void caseACpl (ACpl node)
void caseADecIntLiteral (ADecIntLiteral node)
void caseADecLongLiteral (ADecLongLiteral node)
void caseADoubleLiteral (ADoubleLiteral node)
void caseADoublePrimitiveType (ADoublePrimitiveType node)
void caseAEndOfLineComment (AEndOfLineComment node)
void caseAEqBitAndExp (AEqBitAndExp node)
void caseAEqEqExp (AEqEqExp node)
void caseAEqualBinOp (AEqualBinOp node)
void caseAExpressionPropositionDefinition (AExpressionPropositionDefinition node)
void caseAFalseLiteral (AFalseLiteral node)
void caseAFieldAccessPrimaryExp (AFieldAccessPrimaryExp node)
void caseAFloatLiteral (AFloatLiteral node)
void caseAFloatPrimitiveType (AFloatPrimitiveType node)
void caseAGreaterBinOp (AGreaterBinOp node)
void caseAGreaterEqualBinOp (AGreaterEqualBinOp node)
void caseAGreaterEqualRelExp (AGreaterEqualRelExp node)
void caseAGreaterRelExp (AGreaterRelExp node)
void caseAHexIntLiteral (AHexIntLiteral node)
void caseAHexLongLiteral (AHexLongLiteral node)
void caseAInclusiveOrAndExp (AInclusiveOrAndExp node)
void caseAInstanceofExp (AInstanceofExp node)
void caseAInstanceofRelExp (AInstanceofRelExp node)
void caseAInstanceParams (AInstanceParams node)
void caseAIntPrimitiveType (AIntPrimitiveType node)
void caseAInvokePropositionDefinition (AInvokePropositionDefinition node)
void caseALeftShiftExp (ALeftShiftExp node)
void caseALessBinOp (ALessBinOp node)
void caseALessEqualBinOp (ALessEqualBinOp node)
void caseALessEqualRelExp (ALessEqualRelExp node)
void caseALessRelExp (ALessRelExp node)
void caseALiteralExp (ALiteralExp node)
void caseALiteralPrimaryExp (ALiteralPrimaryExp node)
void caseALocationPropositionDefinition (ALocationPropositionDefinition node)
void caseALongPrimitiveType (ALongPrimitiveType node)
void caseAMinusAddExp (AMinusAddExp node)
void caseAMinusBinOp (AMinusBinOp node)
void caseAMinusUnaryExp (AMinusUnaryExp node)
void caseAMultAddExp (AMultAddExp node)
void caseANameExp (ANameExp node)
void caseANamePostfixExp (ANamePostfixExp node)
void caseANavigationExp (ANavigationExp node)
void caseANegativeExp (ANegativeExp node)
void caseANeqEqExp (ANeqEqExp node)
void caseANotEqualBinOp (ANotEqualBinOp node)
void caseANullLiteral (ANullLiteral node)
void caseAOctIntLiteral (AOctIntLiteral node)
void caseAOctLongLiteral (AOctLongLiteral node)
void caseAOrBinOp (AOrBinOp node)
void caseAOrConditionalExp (AOrConditionalExp node)
void caseAOrInclusiveOrExp (AOrInclusiveOrExp node)
void caseAOrOrExp (AOrOrExp node)
void caseAParamParamList (AParamParamList node)
void caseAParamsParamList (AParamsParamList node)
void caseAParenExp (AParenExp node)
void caseAParenPrimaryExp (AParenPrimaryExp node)
void caseAPlusAddExp (APlusAddExp node)
void caseAPlusBinOp (APlusBinOp node)
void caseAPlusUnaryExp (APlusUnaryExp node)
void caseAPostfixUnaryNotPlusMinusExp (APostfixUnaryNotPlusMinusExp node)
void caseAPrimaryPostfixExp (APrimaryPostfixExp node)
void caseAQualifiedName (AQualifiedName node)
void caseAQuestionConditionalExp (AQuestionConditionalExp node)
void caseAQuestionExp (AQuestionExp node)
void caseARelEqExp (ARelEqExp node)
void caseAReturnPropositionDefinition (AReturnPropositionDefinition node)
void caseAReturnValueExp (AReturnValueExp node)
void caseAReturnValuePrimaryExp (AReturnValuePrimaryExp node)
void caseAShiftLeftBinOp (AShiftLeftBinOp node)
void caseAShiftRelExp (AShiftRelExp node)
void caseAShortPrimitiveType (AShortPrimitiveType node)
void caseASignedRightShiftExp (ASignedRightShiftExp node)
void caseASignedShiftRightBinOp (ASignedShiftRightBinOp node)
void caseASimpleName (ASimpleName node)
void caseAStaticParams (AStaticParams node)
void caseAStringLiteral (AStringLiteral node)
void caseAStrongArrayNavigation (AStrongArrayNavigation node)
void caseAStrongCastExp (AStrongCastExp node)
void caseAStrongDivBinOp (AStrongDivBinOp node)
void caseAStrongDivMultExp (AStrongDivMultExp node)
void caseAStrongExpArrayAccess (AStrongExpArrayAccess node)
void caseAStrongExpCastExp (AStrongExpCastExp node)
void caseAStrongModBinOp (AStrongModBinOp node)
void caseAStrongModMultExp (AStrongModMultExp node)
void caseAStrongNameArrayAccess (AStrongNameArrayAccess node)
void caseAStrongNameCastExp (AStrongNameCastExp node)
void caseAStrongObjectFieldAccess (AStrongObjectFieldAccess node)
void caseAStrongObjectNavigation (AStrongObjectNavigation node)
void caseAStrongPrimitiveCastExp (AStrongPrimitiveCastExp node)
void caseAThisExp (AThisExp node)
void caseAThisPrimaryExp (AThisPrimaryExp node)
void caseATimesBinOp (ATimesBinOp node)
void caseATimesMultExp (ATimesMultExp node)
void caseATrueLiteral (ATrueLiteral node)
void caseAUnaryExpMultExp (AUnaryExpMultExp node)
void caseAUnaryNotPlusMinusUnaryExp (AUnaryNotPlusMinusUnaryExp node)
void caseAUnit (AUnit node)
void caseAUnsignedRightShiftExp (AUnsignedRightShiftExp node)
void caseAUnsignedShiftRightBinOp (AUnsignedShiftRightBinOp node)
void caseAXorExclusiveOrExp (AXorExclusiveOrExp node)
void caseAXorInclusiveOrExp (AXorInclusiveOrExp node)
void caseEOF (EOF node)
void caseStart (Start node)
void caseTAnd (TAnd node)
void caseTBitAnd (TBitAnd node)
void caseTBitComplement (TBitComplement node)
void caseTBitOr (TBitOr node)
void caseTBitXor (TBitXor node)
void caseTBoolean (TBoolean node)
void caseTByte (TByte node)
void caseTChar (TChar node)
void caseTCharLiteral (TCharLiteral node)
void caseTColon (TColon node)
void caseTComma (TComma node)
void caseTDecIntLiteral (TDecIntLiteral node)
void caseTDecLongLiteral (TDecLongLiteral node)
void caseTDim (TDim node)
void caseTDocumentationComment (TDocumentationComment node)
void caseTDot (TDot node)
void caseTDouble (TDouble node)
void caseTDoubleLiteral (TDoubleLiteral node)
void caseTEndOfLineComment (TEndOfLineComment node)
void caseTEqual (TEqual node)
void caseTExpression (TExpression node)
void caseTFalse (TFalse node)
void caseTFloat (TFloat node)
void caseTFloatLiteral (TFloatLiteral node)
void caseTGreater (TGreater node)
void caseTGreaterEqual (TGreaterEqual node)
void caseTHexIntLiteral (THexIntLiteral node)
void caseTHexLongLiteral (THexLongLiteral node)
void caseTId (TId node)
void caseTInstanceof (TInstanceof node)
void caseTInt (TInt node)
void caseTInvoke (TInvoke node)
void caseTLBrace (TLBrace node)
void caseTLBracket (TLBracket node)
void caseTLess (TLess node)
void caseTLessEqual (TLessEqual node)
void caseTLocation (TLocation node)
void caseTLong (TLong node)
void caseTLParen (TLParen node)
void caseTMinus (TMinus node)
void caseTNot (TNot node)
void caseTNotEqual (TNotEqual node)
void caseTNull (TNull node)
void caseTOctIntLiteral (TOctIntLiteral node)
void caseTOctLongLiteral (TOctLongLiteral node)
void caseTOr (TOr node)
void caseTPlus (TPlus node)
void caseTQuestion (TQuestion node)
void caseTRBrace (TRBrace node)
void caseTRBracket (TRBracket node)
void caseTReturn (TReturn node)
void caseTRetVal (TRetVal node)
void caseTRParen (TRParen node)
void caseTSemicolon (TSemicolon node)
void caseTShiftLeft (TShiftLeft node)
void caseTShort (TShort node)
void caseTSignedShiftRight (TSignedShiftRight node)
void caseTStar (TStar node)
void caseTStringLiteral (TStringLiteral node)
void caseTStrongDiv (TStrongDiv node)
void caseTStrongMod (TStrongMod node)
void caseTThis (TThis node)
void caseTTraditionalComment (TTraditionalComment node)
void caseTTrue (TTrue node)
void caseTUnsignedShiftRight (TUnsignedShiftRight node)
void caseTWeakDiv (TWeakDiv node)
void caseTWeakMod (TWeakMod node)
void caseTWhiteSpace (TWhiteSpace node)
Object getIn (Node node)
Object getOut (Node node)
void setIn (Node node, Object in)
void setOut (Node node, Object out)

Static Public Methods

Analysis init ()

Private Methods

 Analysis ()
Collection getDefsOrUses (Value v, SootMethod enclosingMethod, int mode)
StmtMethodPair getStmtMethodPair (Stmt s)

Static Private Methods

Collection sortUnique (Collection c, Comparator comparator)

Static Private Attributes

Analysis singleton
Category cat
final int DEFS = 1
final int USES = 2

Detailed Description

This class is the interface provided by BOFA to the external world.

The nasty details of Object Flow engine is hidden behind this class. This class provides the necessary interface using types defined in ca.mcgill.sable.* packages, in particular, soot and soot.jimple, to query the Object Flow Analysis engine for information.

Created: Wed Nov 15 22:15:07 2000

Venkatesh Prasad Ranganath

Definition at line 40 of file abstraction/options/analysis/

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Analysis::Analysis   [inline, private]

Creates a new Analysis instance. This a private constructor to implement the singleton pattern.

Definition at line 450 of file bofa/

Referenced by init().

Member Function Documentation

Collection Analysis::getDefs Value   v,
SootMethod   enclosingMethod

Provides a set of Stmt(from the soot library)in which the given Value is defined. A copy of annotationmanager is obtained from compilationmanager to provide the information.

v   the variable which is of interest. This should be a valid reference variable not a expression.
enclosingMethod   the method in which the variable occurs.
a collection of "defining" StmtMethodPairs.

Definition at line 461 of file bofa/

Referenced by TempExpr::print().

Collection Analysis::getDefsOrUses Value   v,
SootMethod   enclosingMethod,
int   mode
[inline, private]

Provides a set of Stmt(from the soot library)in which the given Value is defined or used. A copy of annotationmanager is obtained from compilationmanager to provide the information.

v   the reference variable or local which is of interest.
enclosingMethod   the method in which the reference variable or local occurs.
mode   defines the nature of the return value. It should be USES or DEFS only.
a collection of "defining" or "using" Stmts.

Definition at line 476 of file bofa/

Referenced by getDefs(), and getUses().

StmtMethodPair Analysis::getStmtMethodPair Stmt   s [inline, private]

Provides a StmtMethodPair object containing the given statement and the method enclosing the statement. This method obtains the current annotationmanager from compilationmanager to provide the information.

s   the statement for which the enclosing method is requested.
a StmtMethodPair object containing the given statement and it's enclosing method, if one exists. Otherwise null is returned. This should not occur as all statements in Java should occur inside a method at the JVM level.

Definition at line 526 of file bofa/

Referenced by Analysis::RefValueSwitch::collect(), and getDefsOrUses().

Collection Analysis::getUses Value   v,
SootMethod   enclosingMethod

Provides a set of Stmt(from the soot library)in which the given Value is used. A copy of annotationmanager is obtained from compilationmanager to provide the information.

v   the variable which is of interest. This should be a valid reference variable not a expression.
enclosingMethod   the method in which the variable occurs.
a collection of "using" StmtMethodPairs.

Definition at line 558 of file bofa/

Referenced by TempExpr::print().

Analysis Analysis::init   [inline, static]

The singleton object corresponding to the Analysis class is created here.

an Analysis object.

Reimplemented in SmvTrans.

Definition at line 566 of file bofa/

Collection Analysis::invokeExprResolution NonStaticInvokeExpr   expr,
SootMethod   enclosingMethod

Provides a collection of classes of objects that may flow into the receiver object at the point of a non-static invocation.

expr   the virtual invocation expression as expressed in Jimple.
enclosingMethod   the method inside which the invocation occurs.
collection of possible classes, represented as SootClass, from which the method implementation may be invoked after resolution.

Definition at line 584 of file bofa/

Referenced by TempExpr::print().

boolean Analysis::nullReference Value   v,
SootMethod   enclosingMethod

Tells if the given Value, representing a reference, can ever evaluate to null during run-time.

v   the reference variable of interest.
enclosingMethod   the method in which the variable occurs.
true - if v may contain null value; otherwise false.

Definition at line 642 of file bofa/

Referenced by TempExpr::print().

Set Analysis::referenceValueSet Value   v,
SootMethod   enclosingMethod

This method provides a set of objects the given reference variable may or will refer.

The set consists of Value objects representing the object creation expressions. It is the objects created at this site the given reference may or will refer to.

v   the reference variable of interest.
enclosingMethod   the method in which the value occurs.
a set of Values which the variable may refer.

Definition at line 666 of file bofa/

Referenced by TempExpr::print().

Collection Analysis::sortUnique Collection   c,
Comparator   comparator
[inline, static, private]

Sorts the given collection using the given comparator and returns the sorted collection with the duplicate removed.

c   the collection to be sorted.
comparator   the comparator that dictates the sorting.
the sorted collection.

Definition at line 679 of file bofa/

Referenced by invokeExprResolution().

Member Data Documentation

final int Analysis::DEFS = 1 [static, private]

Indicates that the "defining" statements are required.

Definition at line 102 of file bofa/

final int Analysis::USES = 2 [static, private]

Indicates that the "using" statement are required.

Definition at line 108 of file bofa/

Category Analysis::cat [static, private]

Provides logging capability through log4j.

Definition at line 96 of file bofa/

Analysis Analysis::singleton [static, private]

Stores the singleton object corresponding to the Analysis class.

Definition at line 90 of file bofa/

The documentation for this interface was generated from the following files:
Generated at Thu Feb 7 07:04:16 2002 for Bandera by doxygen1.2.10 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2001