Library language

Require Export ZArith.
Require Export Coq.Lists.List.
Require Export Coq.Bool.Bool.

This file contains the language. It includes syntax syntactic equality (which we need for subtraction and subset in some of the two implication rules) substitution functions free variable functions a function to determine modified variables

It also contains some of the semantics rules. It needs these because they are required for expression evaluation which is required by the two assertions and the evidence.

Finally there are functions that evaluate expressions given a state.

following is for conveninece in declarations and proofs
Ltac inv H := inversion H; subst; clear H.

Notation "[ ]" := nil.
Notation "[ x , .. , y ]" := (cons x .. (cons y nil) ..).

Three types of skal variables, A B and H Skalvar is union of the three
Inductive ASkal:Type :=
  AId : Z -> ASkal.

Inductive BSkal:Type :=
  BId : Z -> BSkal.

Inductive HSkal:Type :=
  HId : Z -> HSkal.

Inductive SkalVar: Type :=
  ASkalVar: ASkal -> SkalVar
 |BSkalVar: BSkal -> SkalVar
 |HSkalVar: HSkal -> SkalVar.

Definition beq_SkalVar var1 var2 : bool :=
  match (var1, var2) with
    (ASkalVar (AId n1), ASkalVar (AId n2)) => Zeq_bool n1 n2
  | (BSkalVar (BId n1), BSkalVar (BId n2)) => Zeq_bool n1 n2
  | (HSkalVar (HId n1), HSkalVar (HId n2)) => Zeq_bool n1 n2
  | _ => false

Definition HArray := list (prod Z Z).

Definition AVal:Type := Z.
Definition BVal: Type := bool.
Definition HVal:Type := HArray.
Inductive Val :=
  AValue: AVal->Val
| BValue: BVal->Val
| HValue: HVal->Val.

Inductive AOp :=
 | aminus
 | amult.

Definition AOp_Eq o1 o2:=
match o1,o2 with
   aplus, aplus => true
| aminus,aminus => true
| amult, amult => true
| _, _ => false end.

Lemma AOp_Eq_Eq : forall o1 o2, AOp_Eq o1 o2 = true <-> o1 = o2.
intros. split; intros. destruct o1; destruct o2; inv H; auto.
subst. destruct o2; auto.

Definition AopInter (a:AOp)(v w: AVal) : AVal:=
match a with
  aplus => Zplus v w
 | aminus => Zminus v w
 | amult => Zmult v w

Inductive BOp :=
 | blt
 | bgt
 | ble
 | bge
 | beql
 | bneql.

Definition BEqCompare c1 c2 :=
match c1, c2 with
   Eq, Eq => true
| Lt, Lt => true
| Gt, Gt => true
| _, _ => false

Definition BOpInter b v w :=
match b with
 | blt => BEqCompare (Zcompare v w) Lt
 | bgt => BEqCompare (Zcompare v w) Gt
 | ble => negb (BEqCompare (Zcompare v w) Gt)
 | bge => negb (BEqCompare (Zcompare v w) Lt)
 | beql => (BEqCompare (Zcompare v w) Eq)
 | bneql => negb ((BEqCompare (Zcompare v w) Eq))

Definition BOp_Eq o1 o2 :=
match o1, o2 with
   blt, blt => true
 | bgt, bgt => true
 | ble, ble => true
 | bge, bge => true
 | beql, beql => true
 | bneql, bneql => true
 | _, _ => false

Lemma BOp_Eq_Eq : forall o1 o2, BOp_Eq o1 o2 = true <-> o1 = o2.
intros. split; intros. destruct o1; destruct o2; inv H; auto.
subst. destruct o2; auto.

Expression declarations. H and A can contain eachother so we need to generate a new inductive hypothesis for them

Inductive HExpr :=
  HvarExpr : HSkal -> HExpr
| HemptyExpr : HExpr
| HupdateExpr : HExpr -> AExpr -> AExpr -> HExpr


AExpr :=
  SvarExpr: ASkal -> AExpr
| IntExpr: AVal -> AExpr
| AopExpr: AExpr -> AOp -> AExpr -> AExpr
| ArrayAccess : HExpr -> AExpr -> AExpr.

Inductive BExpr :=
  BvarExpr: BSkal -> BExpr
| BvalExpr:BVal -> BExpr
| BopExpr: AExpr -> BOp -> AExpr -> BExpr
| AndExpr: BExpr -> BExpr -> BExpr
| OrExpr: BExpr -> BExpr -> BExpr
| NotExpr: BExpr -> BExpr.

Scheme HExpr_ind_mut := Induction for HExpr Sort Type
AExpr_ind_mut := Induction for AExpr Sort Type.

Notation "x 'b&&' y" := (AndExpr x y) (at level 80, right associativity).
Notation "x 'b||' y" := (OrExpr x y) (at level 80, right associativity).
Notation "! x" := (NotExpr x) (at level 70).

Inductive Expr :=
 | AExp : AExpr -> Expr
 | BExp : BExpr -> Expr
 | HExp : HExpr -> Expr.

Commands and their notations
Inductive Command :=
  Skip: Command
| Seq: Command -> Command -> Command
| Assign: SkalVar -> Expr -> Command
| Assert: BExpr -> Command
| Cond: BExpr -> Command -> Command -> Command
| While : BExpr -> Command -> Command
| For : ASkal -> ASkal -> Command -> Command .

Notation "l '::=' a" :=
  (Assign l a) (at level 60).
Notation "c1 ; c2" :=
  (Seq c1 c2) (at level 80, right associativity).
Notation "'IFB' e1 'THEN' e2 'ELSE' e3 'FI'" :=
  (Cond e1 e2 e3) (at level 80, right associativity).
Notation "'ASSERT' x" := (Assert x) (at level 50).
Notation "'WHILE' b 'DO' c" := (While b c) (at level 50).
Notation "'FOR' b '=1TO' z 'DO' c" := (For b z c) (at level 50).

Fixpoint hValToHExpr (v :HVal) : HExpr :=
match v with
(a,b)::t => HupdateExpr (hValToHExpr t) (IntExpr a) (IntExpr b)
| [] => HemptyExpr end.

Substitution. We need a function to substitute each type into each other type

Fixpoint ASubstA (e:AExpr) (a: AExpr) (x:SkalVar) : AExpr :=
  match e with
   SvarExpr y => if beq_SkalVar x (ASkalVar y) then a
         else e
| IntExpr _ => e
| AopExpr A1 op A2 => AopExpr (ASubstA A1 a x) op (ASubstA A2 a x)
| ArrayAccess h a1 => ArrayAccess (HSubstA h a x) (ASubstA a1 a x)


HSubstA (e:HExpr) (a: AExpr) (x:SkalVar) : HExpr :=
  match e with
  HvarExpr v => e
| HemptyExpr => e
| HupdateExpr h a1 a2 => HupdateExpr (HSubstA h a x) (ASubstA a1 a x) (ASubstA a2 a x)

Fixpoint ASubstH (e:AExpr) (h:HExpr) (x:SkalVar) :=
  match e with
  ArrayAccess h1 a => ArrayAccess (HSubstH h1 h x) (ASubstH a h x)
| AopExpr A1 op A2 => AopExpr (ASubstH A1 h x) op (ASubstH A2 h x)
| _ => e


with HSubstH (e:HExpr) (h:HExpr) (x:SkalVar) :=
  match e with
  HvarExpr v => if beq_SkalVar x (HSkalVar v) then h else e
| HemptyExpr => e
| HupdateExpr h1 a a1 => HupdateExpr (HSubstH h1 h x) (ASubstH a h x) (ASubstH a1 h x)

Fixpoint BSubstB (e:BExpr) (a: BExpr) (x:SkalVar) : BExpr :=
  match e with
  BvarExpr v => if beq_SkalVar x (BSkalVar v) then a else e
| BvalExpr b => e
| BopExpr a1 op a2 => e
| AndExpr b1 b2 => AndExpr (BSubstB b1 a x) (BSubstB b2 a x)
| OrExpr b1 b2 => OrExpr (BSubstB b1 a x) (BSubstB b2 a x)
| NotExpr b => NotExpr (BSubstB b a x)

Fixpoint BSubstA (e:BExpr) (a: AExpr) (x:SkalVar) : BExpr :=
  match e with
  BvarExpr v => e
| BvalExpr b => e
| BopExpr a1 op a2 => BopExpr (ASubstA a1 a x) op (ASubstA a2 a x)
| AndExpr b1 b2 => AndExpr (BSubstA b1 a x) (BSubstA b2 a x)
| OrExpr b1 b2 => OrExpr (BSubstA b1 a x) (BSubstA b2 a x)
| NotExpr b => NotExpr (BSubstA b a x)

Fixpoint BSubstH (e:BExpr) (h:HExpr) (x:SkalVar) : BExpr :=
  match e with
  BvarExpr v => e
| BvalExpr b => e
| BopExpr a1 op a2 => BopExpr (ASubstH a1 h x) op (ASubstH a2 h x)
| AndExpr b1 b2 => AndExpr (BSubstH b1 h x) (BSubstH b2 h x)
| OrExpr b1 b2 => OrExpr (BSubstH b1 h x) (BSubstH b2 h x)
| NotExpr b => NotExpr (BSubstH b h x)

Definition SubstH (e:Expr) (h: HExpr) (x:SkalVar) : Expr :=
match e with
  AExp ae => AExp (ASubstH ae h x)
| BExp be => BExp (BSubstH be h x)
| HExp he => HExp (HSubstH he h x)

Definition SubstA (e:Expr) (a: AExpr) (x:SkalVar) : Expr :=
match e with
  AExp ae => AExp (ASubstA ae a x)
| BExp be => BExp (BSubstA be a x)
| HExp he => HExp (HSubstA he a x)

Definition SubstB (e:Expr) (B: BExpr) (x:SkalVar) : Expr :=
match e with
| BExp be => BExp (BSubstB be B x)
| _ => e

Mods takes a command and determines what variables are modified by the command. This is all of the variables on the left hand side of an assign. We use this function instead of the mods only evidence.
Fixpoint Mods (cmd: Command) : list SkalVar :=
match cmd with
| Skip => nil
| Seq c1 c2 => (Mods c1) ++ (Mods c2)
| Assign x _ => [x]
| Assert _ => []
| Cond _ c1 c2 => (Mods c1) ++ (Mods c2)
| While _ c => Mods c
| For av _ c => [ASkalVar av] ++ Mods c

Calculates free variables in expressions. One for each type
Fixpoint AFv (exp: AExpr) : list SkalVar :=
match exp with
| SvarExpr x => [ASkalVar x]
| IntExpr _ => []
| AopExpr e1 _ e2 => (AFv e1) ++ (AFv e2)
| ArrayAccess h a => (HFv h) ++ (AFv a) end
HFv exp :=
match exp with
| HvarExpr x => [HSkalVar x]
| HemptyExpr => []
| HupdateExpr h a1 a2 => (HFv h) ++ (AFv a1) ++ (AFv a2)

Fixpoint BFv (exp: BExpr) : list SkalVar :=
match exp with
| BvarExpr x => [BSkalVar x]
| BvalExpr _ => []
| BopExpr e1 _ e2 => (AFv e1) ++ (AFv e2)
| AndExpr e1 e2 => (BFv e1) ++ (BFv e2)
| OrExpr e1 e2 => (BFv e1) ++ (BFv e2)
| NotExpr e => BFv e end.

Definition fv (exp: Expr) : list SkalVar :=
match exp with
| AExp ae => AFv ae
| BExp be => BFv be
| HExp he => HFv he

Fixpoint AFvList A :=
match A with
   [] => []
| h::t => AFv h ++ (AFvList t)

Collects all fre variables in a command's expressions
Fixpoint varsUsedIn (C: Command) : list SkalVar :=
match C with
  Skip => []
| Seq C1 C2 => (varsUsedIn C1) ++ (varsUsedIn C2)
| Assign _ e => (fv e)
| Assert e => (fv (BExp e))
| Cond b C1 C2 => (fv (BExp b)) ++
                  (varsUsedIn C1) ++
                  (varsUsedIn C2)
| While b C => (BFv b) ++ (varsUsedIn C)
| For a _ C => [ASkalVar a] ++ varsUsedIn C

Fixpoint skalVarIn (x: SkalVar) (vs :list SkalVar) : bool :=
 match vs with
 | h::t => if beq_SkalVar x h then true else (skalVarIn x t)
 | [] => false end.

Fixpoint allVarsIn (v1 : list SkalVar) (v2 : list SkalVar) : bool :=
 match v1 with
 | h::t => if (skalVarIn h v2) then allVarsIn t v2 else false
 | [] => true end.

We define a state as a triple with three functions from skalVars to options of their respective valuse. We update by adding a function around the old state. If the variable doesn't exist we get none.

Definition AState: Type := ASkal -> option AVal.
Definition BState: Type := BSkal -> option BVal.
Definition HState: Type := HSkal -> option HVal.

Definition State: Type := prod (prod AState BState) HState.

Definition aUpdate (S: State)(x: ASkal)(v:AVal): State :=
  match S with
     | ((aS, bS), hS) =>
       ((fun y => (if beq_SkalVar (ASkalVar x) (ASkalVar y) then Some v else aS y),bS),hS)

Definition bUpdate (S: State)(x: BSkal)(v:BVal): State :=
  match S with
     | ((aS, bS),hS) => ((aS, fun y => (if beq_SkalVar (BSkalVar x) (BSkalVar y) then Some v else bS y)),hS)

Definition hUpdate (S:State)(x:HSkal)(v:HVal) : State :=
  match S with
     | ((aS, bS),hS) => ((aS,bS), fun y => (if beq_SkalVar (HSkalVar x) (HSkalVar y) then Some v else hS y))

Definition lookup (S:State)(x:SkalVar): option Val :=
  match x with
  | ASkalVar a => match ((fst (fst S)) a) with Some v => Some (AValue v) | None => None end
  | BSkalVar b => match ((snd (fst S)) b) with Some v => Some (BValue v) | None => None end
  | HSkalVar h => match ((snd S) h) with Some v => Some (HValue v) | None => None end

Lemma lookupNeqa : forall s x y v, beq_SkalVar (ASkalVar y) (x) = false -> lookup (aUpdate s y v) (x) = lookup s x.
destruct s. destruct p. simpl. destruct x; simpl; auto. rewrite H. auto.

Lemma lookupNeqb : forall s x y v, beq_SkalVar (BSkalVar y) (x) = false -> lookup (bUpdate s y v) (x) = lookup s x.
destruct s. destruct p. simpl. destruct x; simpl; auto. rewrite H. auto.

Lemma lookupNeqh : forall s x y v, beq_SkalVar (HSkalVar y) (x) = false -> lookup (hUpdate s y v) (x) = lookup s x.
destruct s. destruct p. simpl. destruct x; simpl; auto. rewrite H. auto.

Fixpoint allInDomain X s :=
match X with
| [] => true
| h::t => match (lookup s h) with
          | Some _ => allInDomain t s
          | None => false

Our representation of an array is a list of pairs of two AValues. When we modify a value we just put a new value at the front of the list. When we access the array we take the first key that matches
Fixpoint AccessArray (h: HArray) (z:Z) :=
match h with
(a,b)::t => if (Z_eq_dec z a) then b else AccessArray t z
| [] => 0%Z

Definition UpdateArray (h: HArray) a a1 :=

Evaluation function
Fixpoint AEval (A:AExpr)(s:State) : option AVal :=
  match A with
  SvarExpr x => match ((fst (fst s)) x) with Some (v) => Some v | _ => None end
| IntExpr i => Some i
| AopExpr A1 op A2 => match (AEval A1 s), (AEval A2 s) with
                         Some v1, Some v2 => Some (AopInter op v1 v2)
                       | _ , _ => None
| ArrayAccess h a => match (AEval a s), (HEval h s) with Some v, Some v1 => Some (AccessArray v1 v) | _, _ => None end

with HEval (H:HExpr)(s:State) : option HVal :=
  match H with
  | HvarExpr x => (snd s) x
  | HemptyExpr => Some []
  | HupdateExpr h a a1 => match (AEval a s), (AEval a1 s), (HEval h s) with
                                             Some v, Some v1, Some v3 => Some (UpdateArray v3 v v1)
                                             | _, _, _ => None end

Fixpoint BEval (B:BExpr)(s:State) : option BVal :=
  match B with
  BvarExpr x => match ((snd (fst s)) x) with Some (v) => Some v | _ => None end
| BvalExpr b => Some b
| BopExpr a1 op a2 => (match (AEval a1 s, AEval a2 s) with
                                           (Some v1, Some v2) => Some (BOpInter op v1 v2)
                                        | _ => None end )
| AndExpr b1 b2 => (match (BEval b1 s, BEval b2 s) with
                                      (Some t1, Some t2) => Some((t1 && t2)%bool)
                                    | _ => None end)
| OrExpr b1 b2 => (match (BEval b1 s, BEval b2 s) with
                                      (Some t1, Some t2) => Some((t1 || t2)%bool)
                                    | _ => None end)
| NotExpr b => (match BEval b s with Some t => Some (negb t) | None => None end)

Fixpoint Eval E s : option Val :=
  match E with
    AExp A => (match AEval A s with
                                     Some a => Some (AValue a)
                                   | None => None end)
| BExp B => (match BEval B s with
                                     Some b => Some (BValue b)
                                   | None => None end)
| HExp H => (match HEval H s with
                                     Some h => Some (HValue h)
                                   | None => None end)