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00001 package gov.nasa.arc.ase.ltl;
00003 // Written by Dimitra Giannakopoulou, 29 Jan 2001
00004 import java.util.*;
00005 import gov.nasa.arc.ase.util.graph.*;
00007 class Transition
00008 {
00009   private TreeSet propositions;
00010   private int pointsTo;
00011   private BitSet accepting;
00012   private boolean safe_accepting;
00015   public Transition (TreeSet prop, int nd_id, BitSet acc, boolean safety)
00016   {
00017     propositions = prop;
00018     pointsTo = nd_id;
00019     accepting = new BitSet(Node.getAcceptingConds());
00020     accepting.or(acc);
00021     safe_accepting = safety;
00022   }  
00023   public boolean enabled (Hashtable ProgramState)
00024   {
00025     Iterator mustHold = propositions.iterator();
00026     Formula form = null;
00027     char c;
00028     Boolean value;
00030     while (mustHold.hasNext())
00031     {
00032       form = (Formula);
00033       switch (c = form.getContent()) {
00034     case 'N':
00035       value = (Boolean) ProgramState.get(form.getSub1().getName());
00036       if (value== null)
00037       {
00038         //                  System.out.println("Proposition not defined in program state");
00039         return false;
00040       }
00041       else
00042         if (value.booleanValue()) return false;
00043       break;
00044     case 't':
00045       break;
00046     case 'p':
00047       value = (Boolean) ProgramState.get(form.getName());
00048       if (value== null)
00049       {
00050         //                  System.out.println("Proposition not defined in program state");
00051         return false;
00052       }
00053       else
00054         if (!value.booleanValue()) return false;
00055       break;
00056       }
00057     }
00058     return true;
00059   }  
00060   public void FSPoutput()
00061   {
00062     if (propositions.isEmpty())
00063       System.out.print("TRUE{");
00064     else
00065     {
00066       // first print the propositions involved
00067       Iterator it = propositions.iterator();
00068       Formula nextForm = null;
00069       StringBuffer act = new StringBuffer();
00070       char cont; // stores content of formula
00071       boolean need_AND = false; // connect with AND multiple propositions
00073       while (it.hasNext())
00074       {
00075     nextForm = (Formula);
00076     //          if (nextForm.is_literal()) // only literals represent actions
00077     {
00079       cont = nextForm.getContent();
00080       if (need_AND)
00081         act.append("_AND_");
00082       need_AND = true;
00083       switch (cont)
00084       {
00085         case 'N':   act.append('N');
00086             act.append(nextForm.getSub1().getName());
00087             break;
00088         case 't' :  act.append("TRUE");
00089             break;
00090         default:    act.append(nextForm.getName());
00091             break;
00092       }
00093     }
00094       }
00095       System.out.print(act + "{");
00096     }
00097     if (Node.accepting_conds == 0)
00098     {
00099         if (safe_accepting == true)
00100         {
00101             System.out.print("0");
00102         }
00103     }
00104     else
00105     {
00106       for (int i=0; i<Node.accepting_conds; i++)
00107             if (!accepting.get(i))
00108                 System.out.print(i);
00109     }
00110     // and then the rest - easy
00111     System.out.print("} -> S" + pointsTo + " ");
00112   }  
00113   public int goesTo ()
00114   {
00115     return pointsTo;
00116   }  
00117   public void SMoutput(gov.nasa.arc.ase.util.graph.Node[] nodes, gov.nasa.arc.ase.util.graph.Node node)
00118   {
00119     String guard = "-";
00120     String action = "-";
00122     if (!propositions.isEmpty()) {
00123       Iterator it = propositions.iterator();
00124       Formula nextForm = null;
00125       StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
00126       char cont; // stores content of formula
00127       boolean need_AND = false; // connect with AND multiple propositions
00129       while (it.hasNext())
00130       {
00131     nextForm = (Formula);
00132     {
00133       cont = nextForm.getContent();
00134       if (need_AND)
00135         sb.append("&");
00136       need_AND = true;
00137       switch (cont)
00138       {
00139         case 'N':   sb.append('!');
00140             sb.append(nextForm.getSub1().getName());
00141             break;
00142         case 't' :  sb.append("true");
00143             break;
00144         default:    sb.append(nextForm.getName());
00145             break;
00146       }
00147     }
00148       }
00149       guard = sb.toString();
00150     }
00152     Edge e = new Edge(node, nodes[pointsTo], guard, action);
00154     if (Node.accepting_conds == 0)
00155     { 
00156         if (safe_accepting == true)
00157             e.setBooleanAttribute("acc0", true);
00158     }  
00159     else
00160       for(int i = 0; i < Node.accepting_conds; i++)
00161         if(!accepting.get(i))
00162             e.setBooleanAttribute("acc"+i, true);
00163   }  
00164 }

Generated at Thu Feb 7 06:57:56 2002 for Bandera by doxygen1.2.10 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2001