00001 package edu.ksu.cis.bandera.birp;
00035 import edu.ksu.cis.bandera.bir.*;
00036 import edu.ksu.cis.bandera.bir.Collection;
00037 import edu.ksu.cis.bandera.birp.analysis.*;
00038 import edu.ksu.cis.bandera.birp.node.*;
00039 import edu.ksu.cis.bandera.birp.parser.*;
00040 import edu.ksu.cis.bandera.birp.lexer.*;
00042 import java.io.*;
00043 import java.util.*;
00045 public class BirBuilder extends DepthFirstAdapter implements BirConstants
00046 {
00047 TransSystem system;
00048 Hashtable globalVars;
00049 Hashtable localVars;
00050 Hashtable threadLocs;
00051 Hashtable threadLocTables;
00052 Hashtable threadLocalVarTables;
00053 Hashtable threads;
00054 Vector refTypes = new Vector();
00055 BirThread currentThread;
00056 Location currentLoc;
00057 ActionVector currentActions;
00058 Enumerated currentEnumerated;
00059 Record currentRecord;
00060 PrintAction currentPrintAction;
00061 boolean error;
00062 boolean inPredicate = false;
00063 String fileName;
00064 public BirBuilder(String fileName) {
00065 this.fileName = fileName;
00066 }
00067 LengthExpr arrayLength(Expr array, Token len) {
00068 Type arrayType = array.getType();
00069 if (arrayType.isKind(REF))
00070 arrayType = ((Ref)arrayType).getTargetType();
00071 if (! arrayType.isKind(ARRAY))
00072 error(len, "prefix of .length not array");
00073 if (array.getType().isKind(ARRAY))
00074 return new LengthExpr(array);
00075 else
00076 return new LengthExpr(new DerefExpr(array));
00077 }
00078 ArrayExpr arraySelect(Expr array, Expr index, Token bracket) {
00079 Type arrayType = array.getType();
00080 if (arrayType.isKind(REF))
00081 arrayType = ((Ref)arrayType).getTargetType();
00082 if (! arrayType.isKind(ARRAY))
00083 error(bracket, "prefix of [] not array");
00084 if (! index.getType().isKind(RANGE))
00085 error(bracket, "index of [] not range type");
00086 if (array.getType().isKind(ARRAY))
00087 return new ArrayExpr(array, index);
00088 else
00089 return new ArrayExpr(new DerefExpr(array), index);
00090 }
00091 void checkDecl(Token ident) {
00092 String name = ident.getText();
00093 Object existingDecl = (currentThread != null) ?
00094 localVars.get(name) : globalVars.get(name);
00095 if (existingDecl != null)
00096 error(ident, "redefinition of name: " + name);
00097 }
00098 StateVar declareVar(Token ident, Type type, Expr initVal) {
00099 String name = ident.getText();
00100 if ((initVal != null) && ! type.containsValue(initVal))
00101 error(ident, "bad initial value: " + initVal);
00102 checkDecl(ident);
00103 String key = (currentThread == null) ? name :
00104 currentThread.getName() + "." + name;
00105 Expr initValue = (initVal == null) ? type.defaultVal() : initVal;
00106 StateVar var = system.declareVar(key, name, currentThread,
00107 type, initValue);
00108 if (currentThread != null)
00109 localVars.put(name, var);
00110 else
00111 globalVars.put(name, var);
00112 return var;
00113 }
00114 StateVar error(Token tok, String msg) {
00115 System.out.println(fileName + ":" + tok.getLine() + ": " + msg);
00116 error = true;
00117 return null;
00118 }
00119 RecordExpr fieldSelect(Expr rec, Token id) {
00120 String name = id.getText();
00121 Type recType = rec.getType();
00122 if (recType.isKind(REF))
00123 recType = ((Ref)recType).getTargetType();
00124 if (! recType.isKind(RECORD))
00125 error(id, "prefix of " + name + " is not record type");
00126 Field field = ((Record)recType).getField(name);
00127 if (field == null)
00128 error(id, "field " + name + " not found");
00129 if (rec.getType().isKind(RECORD))
00130 return new RecordExpr(rec, field);
00131 else
00132 return new RecordExpr(new DerefExpr(rec), field);
00133 }
00134 Expr getDecl(Token ident) {
00135 String name = ident.getText();
00136 if (currentThread != null) {
00137 Object var = localVars.get(name);
00138 if (var != null)
00139 return (StateVar) var;
00140 }
00141 Object var = globalVars.get(name);
00142 if (var != null)
00143 if ((var instanceof StateVar) || (var instanceof Constant))
00144 return (Expr) var;
00145 else
00146 error(ident, "not a value: " + name);
00147 return error(ident, "undefined name: " + name);
00148 }
00149 public void inAEmptyLiveset(AEmptyLiveset node)
00150 {
00151 currentLoc.setLiveVars(new StateVarVector(1));
00152 }
00153 public void inAEnumeratedTypespec(AEnumeratedTypespec node)
00154 {
00155 currentEnumerated = system.enumeratedType();
00156 }
00157 public void inALocation(ALocation node)
00158 {
00159 String label = node.getId().getText();
00160 currentLoc = (Location) threadLocs.get(label);
00161 currentLoc.setLabel(label);
00162 }
00163 public void inANonemptyLiveset(ANonemptyLiveset node)
00164 {
00165 currentLoc.setLiveVars(new StateVarVector());
00166 StateVar var = (StateVar) getDecl(node.getFirst());
00167 if (var.getThread() == null)
00168 error(node.getFirst(), "variables in live clause must be local");
00169 else
00170 currentLoc.getLiveVars().addElement(var);
00171 }
00172 public void inAPredicates(APredicates node)
00173 {
00174 inPredicate = true;
00175 }
00176 public void inAPrintaction(APrintaction node)
00177 {
00178 currentPrintAction = new PrintAction();
00179 }
00180 public void inAProcess(AProcess node)
00181 {
00182 String name = node.getStartname().getText();
00183 system = new TransSystem(name);
00184 globalVars = new Hashtable();
00185 threads = new Hashtable();
00186 threadLocTables = new Hashtable();
00187 threadLocalVarTables = new Hashtable();
00189 Object threadNodes[] = node.getThreads().toArray();
00190 for(int i = 0; i < threadNodes.length; i++) {
00191 AThread threadNode = (AThread) threadNodes[i];
00192 String threadName = threadNode.getStartname().getText();
00193 threads.put(threadName,
00194 system.createThread(threadName, threadName));
00195 }
00196 }
00197 public void inARecordTypespec(ARecordTypespec node)
00198 {
00199 currentRecord = system.recordType();
00200 }
00201 public void inAThread(AThread node)
00202 {
00205 if (refTypes != null) {
00206 for (int i = 0; i < refTypes.size(); i++) {
00207 Ref refType = (Ref) refTypes.elementAt(i);
00208 refType.resolveTargets();
00209 }
00210 refTypes = null;
00211 }
00214 localVars = new Hashtable();
00215 threadLocs = new Hashtable();
00216 String name = node.getStartname().getText();
00217 ALocation startLocation = (ALocation) node.getStartloc();
00218 String startLabel = startLocation.getId().getText();
00219 currentThread = system.threadOfKey(name);
00220 Location startLoc =
00221 system.locationOfKey(startLabel + "#" + name, currentThread);
00222 currentThread.setStartLoc(startLoc);
00223 threadLocs.put(startLabel, startLoc);
00224 if (node.getMain() != null)
00225 currentThread.setMain(true);
00228 Object locs[] = node.getLocations().toArray();
00229 for(int i = 0; i < locs.length; i++) {
00230 ALocation aloc = (ALocation) locs[i];
00231 String locLabel = aloc.getId().getText();
00232 if (threadLocs.get(locLabel) != null)
00233 error(aloc.getId(), "loc " + locLabel
00234 + " defined more than once");
00235 Location loc =
00236 system.locationOfKey(locLabel + "#" + name, currentThread);
00237 threadLocs.put(locLabel,loc);
00238 }
00239 threadLocTables.put(currentThread,threadLocs);
00240 threadLocalVarTables.put(currentThread,localVars);
00241 }
00242 public void inATransformation(ATransformation node)
00243 {
00244 currentActions = new ActionVector();
00245 }
00246 public void inStart(Start node)
00247 {
00248 error = false;
00249 }
00250 public void outAAllocation(AAllocation node)
00251 {
00252 Expr arg = getDecl(node.getId());
00253 if (! (arg instanceof StateVar))
00254 error(node.getId(), "'new' can be invoked only on collections");
00255 StateVar collection = (StateVar) arg;
00256 if (! collection.getType().isKind(COLLECTION))
00257 error(node.getId(), "'new' can be invoked only on collections");
00258 Expr var = (Expr) getOut(node.getLhs());
00259 if (! var.getType().isKind(REF))
00260 error(node.getId(), "lhs of 'new' assignment must be reference");
00261 else if (! ((Ref)var.getType()).getTargets().contains(collection))
00262 error(node.getId(), "ref cannot point to collection allocated");
00263 Expr rhs;
00264 Collection colType = (Collection) collection.getType();
00265 if (node.getArraylength() != null) {
00266 if (! colType.getBaseType().isKind(ARRAY))
00267 error(node.getId(),"not an array collection");
00268 Expr arrayLen = (Expr) getOut(node.getArraylength());
00269 rhs = new NewArrayExpr(collection,arrayLen);
00270 } else {
00271 if (! colType.getBaseType().isKind(RECORD))
00272 error(node.getId(),"not an record collection");
00273 rhs = new NewExpr(collection);
00274 }
00275 setOut(node, new AssignAction(var, rhs));
00276 }
00277 public void outAAllocationAction(AAllocationAction node)
00278 {
00279 Action action = (Action) getOut(node.getAllocation());
00280 currentActions.addElement(action);
00281 }
00282 public void outAAndExpr6(AAndExpr6 node)
00283 {
00284 Expr arg1 = (Expr) getOut(node.getExpr6());
00285 Expr arg2 = (Expr) getOut(node.getExpr5());
00286 setOut(node, new AndExpr(arg1, arg2));
00287 if (! (arg1.getType().isKind(BOOL) && arg2.getType().isKind(BOOL)))
00288 error(node.getAnd(), "arguments to && must be boolean");
00289 }
00290 public void outAArraylength(AArraylength node)
00291 {
00292 setOut(node, getOut(node.getExpr()));
00293 }
00294 public void outAArraylengthExpr0(AArraylengthExpr0 node)
00295 {
00296 Expr array = (Expr) getOut(node.getExpr0());
00297 setOut(node, arrayLength(array,node.getLength()));
00298 }
00299 public void outAArraylengthLhs(AArraylengthLhs node)
00300 {
00301 Expr array = (Expr) getOut(node.getLhs());
00302 setOut(node, arrayLength(array,node.getLength()));
00303 }
00304 public void outAArrayselectExpr0(AArrayselectExpr0 node)
00305 {
00306 Expr array = (Expr) getOut(node.getExpr0());
00307 Expr index = (Expr) getOut(node.getExpr());
00308 setOut(node, arraySelect(array,index,node.getLbrack()));
00309 }
00310 public void outAArrayselectLhs(AArrayselectLhs node)
00311 {
00312 Expr array = (Expr) getOut(node.getLhs());
00313 Expr index = (Expr) getOut(node.getExpr());
00314 setOut(node, arraySelect(array,index,node.getLbrack()));
00315 }
00316 public void outAArrayTypespec(AArrayTypespec node)
00317 {
00318 Type baseType = (Type) getOut(node.getType());
00319 ConstExpr size = (ConstExpr) getOut(node.getConst());
00320 setOut(node, system.arrayType(baseType, size));
00321 }
00322 public void outAAssertaction(AAssertaction node)
00323 {
00324 Expr cond = (Expr) getOut(node.getExpr());
00325 if (! cond.getType().isKind(BOOL))
00326 error(node.getAssert(),"assert expression must be boolean");
00327 setOut(node, new AssertAction(cond));
00328 }
00329 public void outAAssertactionAction(AAssertactionAction node)
00330 {
00331 Action action = (Action) getOut(node.getAssertaction());
00332 currentActions.addElement(action);
00333 }
00334 public void outAAssignment(AAssignment node)
00335 {
00336 Expr var = (Expr) getOut(node.getLhs());
00337 Expr expr = (Expr) getOut(node.getExpr());
00338 setOut(node, new AssignAction(var, expr));
00339 if (! var.getType().compatibleWith(expr.getType()))
00340 error(node.getAssign(), "incompatible type in assignment");
00341 if (! var.getType().isKind(RANGE|BOOL|ENUMERATED|REF))
00342 error(node.getAssign(), "only range, boolean, enumerated, and ref types can be assigned");
00343 }
00344 public void outAAssignmentAction(AAssignmentAction node)
00345 {
00346 Action action = (Action) getOut(node.getAssignment());
00347 currentActions.addElement(action);
00348 }
00349 public void outAAtlocationThreadtest(AAtlocationThreadtest node)
00350 {
00351 if (! inPredicate)
00352 error(node.getThreadname(),
00353 "Thread location tests can only be used in predicates");
00354 String threadName = node.getThreadname().getText();
00355 BirThread thread = (BirThread)threads.get(threadName);
00356 if (thread == null)
00357 error(node.getThreadname(), "thread not yet declared: " +
00358 threadName);
00359 String locLabel = node.getLocname().getText();
00360 Hashtable threadLocTable = (Hashtable) threadLocTables.get(thread);
00361 Location loc = (Location) threadLocTable.get(locLabel);
00362 if (loc == null)
00363 error(node.getLocname(),"no location " + locLabel + " in thread "
00364 + threadName);
00365 setOut(node, new ThreadLocTest(loc));
00366 }
00367 public void outABooleanTypespec(ABooleanTypespec node)
00368 {
00369 setOut(node, system.booleanType());
00370 }
00371 public void outABoolValue(ABoolValue node)
00372 {
00373 setOut(node, getOut(node.getBool()));
00374 }
00375 public void outAChoice(AChoice node)
00376 {
00377 Expr var = (Expr) getOut(node.getLhs());
00378 Expr firstChoice = (Expr) getOut(node.getValue());
00379 ChooseExpr choose = new ChooseExpr(firstChoice);
00380 Object temp[] = node.getRest().toArray();
00381 for(int i = 0; i < temp.length; i++) {
00382 Expr choice = (Expr) getOut(((AChoicetail) temp[i]).getValue());
00383 if (choice.getType() != choose.getType())
00384 error(node.getChoose(), "incompatible types in choose: ");
00385 choose.addChoice(choice);
00386 }
00387 setOut(node, new AssignAction(var, choose));
00388 }
00389 public void outAChoiceAction(AChoiceAction node)
00390 {
00391 Action action = (Action) getOut(node.getChoice());
00392 currentActions.addElement(action);
00393 }
00394 public void outACollection(ACollection node)
00395 {
00396 Type baseType = (Type) getOut(node.getType());
00397 ConstExpr size = (ConstExpr) getOut(node.getConst());
00398 Collection collection = system.collectionType(baseType,size);
00399 declareVar(node.getId(), collection, null);
00400 }
00401 public void outAConstantDefinition(AConstantDefinition node)
00402 {
00403 String proposedName = node.getId().getText();
00404 checkDecl(node.getId());
00405 int val = parseInt(node.getInt().getText());
00406 String name = system.createName(null, proposedName);
00407 Constant constant = new Constant(name, val, Type.intType);
00408 globalVars.put(name, constant);
00409 system.define(name, constant);
00410 }
00411 public void outADefinedType(ADefinedType node)
00412 {
00413 Object def = globalVars.get(node.getId().getText());
00414 if (def == null)
00415 error(node.getId(), "type undefined: " + node.getId().getText());
00416 else if (!( def instanceof Type))
00417 error(node.getId(), "not a type: " + node.getId().getText());
00418 else
00419 setOut(node, def);
00420 }
00421 public void outADivExpr2(ADivExpr2 node)
00422 {
00423 Expr arg1 = (Expr) getOut(node.getExpr2());
00424 Expr arg2 = (Expr) getOut(node.getExpr1());
00425 setOut(node, new DivExpr(arg1, arg2));
00426 if (! (arg1.getType().isKind(RANGE) && arg2.getType().isKind(RANGE)))
00427 error(node.getDiv(), "arguments to '/' must be integer");
00428 }
00429 public void outAEnumeratedTypespec(AEnumeratedTypespec node)
00430 {
00431 setOut(node, currentEnumerated);
00432 currentEnumerated = null;
00433 }
00434 public void outAEqExpr5(AEqExpr5 node)
00435 {
00436 Expr arg1 = (Expr) getOut(node.getExpr5());
00437 Expr arg2 = (Expr) getOut(node.getExpr4());
00438 if (! (arg1.getType().isKind(BOOL|RANGE|ENUMERATED|REF)
00439 && arg2.getType().isKind(BOOL|RANGE|ENUMERATED|REF)))
00440 error(node.getEq(), "arguments to == must be ref, boolean, range, or enumerated");
00441 setOut(node, new EqExpr(arg1, arg2));
00442 }
00443 public void outAExitThreadop(AExitThreadop node)
00444 {
00445 setOut(node, new Integer(EXIT));
00446 }
00447 public void outAExpr(AExpr node)
00448 {
00449 setOut(node, getOut(node.getExpr7()));
00450 }
00451 public void outAExpr0Expr1(AExpr0Expr1 node)
00452 {
00453 setOut(node, getOut(node.getExpr0()));
00454 }
00455 public void outAExpr1Expr2(AExpr1Expr2 node)
00456 {
00457 setOut(node, getOut(node.getExpr1()));
00458 }
00459 public void outAExpr2Expr3(AExpr2Expr3 node)
00460 {
00461 setOut(node, getOut(node.getExpr2()));
00462 }
00463 public void outAExpr3Expr4(AExpr3Expr4 node)
00464 {
00465 setOut(node, getOut(node.getExpr3()));
00466 }
00467 public void outAExpr4Expr5(AExpr4Expr5 node)
00468 {
00469 setOut(node, getOut(node.getExpr4()));
00470 }
00471 public void outAExpr5Expr6(AExpr5Expr6 node)
00472 {
00473 setOut(node, getOut(node.getExpr5()));
00474 }
00475 public void outAExpr6Expr7(AExpr6Expr7 node)
00476 {
00477 setOut(node, getOut(node.getExpr6()));
00478 }
00479 public void outAFalseBool(AFalseBool node)
00480 {
00481 setOut(node, new BoolLit(false));
00482 }
00483 public void outAField(AField node)
00484 {
00485 String name = node.getId().getText();
00486 Type type = (Type) getOut(node.getType());
00487 currentRecord.addField(name,type);
00488 }
00489 public void outAFieldselectExpr0(AFieldselectExpr0 node)
00490 {
00491 setOut(node, fieldSelect((Expr) getOut(node.getExpr0()),
00492 node.getId()));
00493 }
00494 public void outAFieldselectLhs(AFieldselectLhs node)
00495 {
00496 setOut(node, fieldSelect((Expr) getOut(node.getLhs()),
00497 node.getId()));
00498 }
00499 public void outAGeExpr4(AGeExpr4 node)
00500 {
00501 Expr arg1 = (Expr) getOut(node.getExpr4());
00502 Expr arg2 = (Expr) getOut(node.getExpr3());
00503 setOut(node, new LeExpr(arg2, arg1));
00504 if (! (arg1.getType().isKind(RANGE | ENUMERATED)
00505 && arg2.getType().isKind(RANGE | ENUMERATED)))
00506 error(node.getGe(), "arguments to '>=' must be integer");
00507 }
00508 public void outAGtExpr4(AGtExpr4 node)
00509 {
00510 Expr arg1 = (Expr) getOut(node.getExpr4());
00511 Expr arg2 = (Expr) getOut(node.getExpr3());
00512 setOut(node, new LtExpr(arg2, arg1));
00513 if (! (arg1.getType().isKind(RANGE | ENUMERATED)
00514 && arg2.getType().isKind(RANGE | ENUMERATED)))
00515 error(node.getGt(), "arguments to '>' must be integer");
00516 }
00517 public void outAHaslockLocktestop(AHaslockLocktestop node)
00518 {
00519 setOut(node, new Integer(HAS_LOCK));
00520 }
00521 public void outAIdConst(AIdConst node)
00522 {
00523 Object def = globalVars.get(node.getId().getText());
00524 if (def == null)
00525 error(node.getId(), "constant undefined: " + node.getId().getText());
00526 else if (!( def instanceof Constant))
00527 error(node.getId(), "not a constant: " + node.getId().getText());
00528 else
00529 setOut(node, def);
00530 }
00531 public void outAIdValue(AIdValue node)
00532 {
00533 setOut(node, getDecl(node.getId()));
00534 }
00535 public void outAInitializer(AInitializer node)
00536 {
00537 if (node.getAssign() != null)
00538 setOut(node, getOut(node.getValue()));
00539 else
00540 setOut(node, null);
00541 }
00542 public void outAInstanceofExpr0(AInstanceofExpr0 node)
00543 {
00544 Expr refExpr = (Expr) getOut(node.getExpr0());
00545 Object decl = globalVars.get(node.getId().getText());
00546 if (! refExpr.getType().isKind(REF))
00547 error(node.getInstanceof(), "first argument of 'instanceof' must be a reference");
00548 if ((decl == null) || ! (decl instanceof Ref))
00549 error(node.getInstanceof(), "second argument of 'instanceof' must be a reference type");
00550 else {
00551 Ref refType = (Ref) decl;
00552 setOut(node, new InstanceOfExpr(refExpr, refType));
00553 }
00554 }
00555 public void outAIntConst(AIntConst node)
00556 {
00557 setOut(node, new IntLit(parseInt(node.getInt().getText())));
00558 }
00559 public void outAIntegerValue(AIntegerValue node)
00560 {
00561 setOut(node, new IntLit(parseInt(node.getInt().getText())));
00562 }
00563 public void outAJoinThreadop(AJoinThreadop node)
00564 {
00565 setOut(node, new Integer(JOIN));
00566 }
00567 public void outALeExpr4(ALeExpr4 node)
00568 {
00569 Expr arg1 = (Expr) getOut(node.getExpr4());
00570 Expr arg2 = (Expr) getOut(node.getExpr3());
00571 setOut(node, new LeExpr(arg1, arg2));
00572 if (! (arg1.getType().isKind(RANGE | ENUMERATED)
00573 && arg2.getType().isKind(RANGE | ENUMERATED)))
00574 error(node.getLe(), "arguments to '<=' must be integer");
00575 }
00576 public void outALivevar(ALivevar node)
00577 {
00578 StateVar var = (StateVar) getDecl(node.getId());
00579 if (var.getThread() == null)
00580 error(node.getId(), "variables in live clause must be local");
00581 else
00582 currentLoc.getLiveVars().addElement(var);
00583 }
00584 public void outALocation(ALocation node)
00585 {
00586 currentLoc = null;
00587 }
00588 public void outALockavailableLocktestop(ALockavailableLocktestop node)
00589 {
00590 setOut(node, new Integer(LOCK_AVAILABLE));
00591 }
00592 public void outALockLockOp(ALockLockOp node)
00593 {
00594 setOut(node, new Integer(LOCK));
00595 }
00596 public void outALocktest(ALocktest node)
00597 {
00598 Expr lock = (Expr) getOut(node.getLhs());
00599 int operation = ((Integer)getOut(node.getLocktestop())).intValue();
00600 setOut(node, new LockTest(lock, operation, currentThread));
00601 }
00602 public void outALocktestExpr0(ALocktestExpr0 node)
00603 {
00604 setOut(node, getOut(node.getLocktest()));
00605 }
00606 public void outALockTypespec(ALockTypespec node)
00607 {
00608 boolean wait = (node.getWait() != null);
00609 boolean reentrant = (node.getReentrant() != null);
00610 setOut(node, system.lockType(wait,reentrant));
00611 }
00612 public void outALockupdate(ALockupdate node)
00613 {
00614 Expr lock = (Expr) getOut(node.getLhs());
00615 int operation = ((Integer)getOut(node.getLockOp())).intValue();
00616 setOut(node, new LockAction(lock, operation, currentThread));
00617 }
00618 public void outALockupdateAction(ALockupdateAction node)
00619 {
00620 Action action = (Action) getOut(node.getLockupdate());
00621 currentActions.addElement(action);
00622 }
00623 public void outALtExpr4(ALtExpr4 node)
00624 {
00625 Expr arg1 = (Expr) getOut(node.getExpr4());
00626 Expr arg2 = (Expr) getOut(node.getExpr3());
00627 setOut(node, new LtExpr(arg1, arg2));
00628 if (! (arg1.getType().isKind(RANGE | ENUMERATED)
00629 && arg2.getType().isKind(RANGE | ENUMERATED)))
00630 error(node.getLt(), "arguments to '<' must be integer");
00631 }
00632 public void outAMinusExpr1(AMinusExpr1 node)
00633 {
00634 Expr arg1 = new IntLit(0);
00635 Expr arg2 = (Expr) getOut(node.getExpr1());
00636 setOut(node, new SubExpr(arg1, arg2));
00637 if (! arg1.getType().isKind(RANGE))
00638 error(node.getMinus(), "argument to '-' must be integer");
00639 }
00640 public void outAMinusExpr3(AMinusExpr3 node)
00641 {
00642 Expr arg1 = (Expr) getOut(node.getExpr3());
00643 Expr arg2 = (Expr) getOut(node.getExpr2());
00644 setOut(node, new SubExpr(arg1, arg2));
00645 if (! (arg1.getType().isKind(RANGE) && arg2.getType().isKind(RANGE)))
00646 error(node.getMinus(), "arguments to '-' must be integer");
00647 }
00648 public void outAModExpr2(AModExpr2 node)
00649 {
00650 Expr arg1 = (Expr) getOut(node.getExpr2());
00651 Expr arg2 = (Expr) getOut(node.getExpr1());
00652 setOut(node, new RemExpr(arg1, arg2));
00653 if (! (arg1.getType().isKind(RANGE) && arg2.getType().isKind(RANGE)))
00654 error(node.getMod(), "arguments to '%' must be integer");
00655 }
00656 public void outAMultExpr2(AMultExpr2 node)
00657 {
00658 Expr arg1 = (Expr) getOut(node.getExpr2());
00659 Expr arg2 = (Expr) getOut(node.getExpr1());
00660 setOut(node, new MulExpr(arg1, arg2));
00661 if (! (arg1.getType().isKind(RANGE) && arg2.getType().isKind(RANGE)))
00662 error(node.getMult(), "arguments to '*' must be integer");
00663 }
00664 public void outANameEnumconst(ANameEnumconst node)
00665 {
00666 checkDecl(node.getId());
00667 String name = system.createName(null, node.getId().getText());
00668 Constant constant = currentEnumerated.add(name);
00669 globalVars.put(name, constant);
00670 }
00671 public void outANamevalueEnumconst(ANamevalueEnumconst node)
00672 {
00673 checkDecl(node.getId());
00674 String name = system.createName(null, node.getId().getText());
00675 int value = parseInt(node.getInt().getText());
00676 Constant constant = currentEnumerated.add(name, value);
00677 globalVars.put(name, constant);
00678 }
00679 public void outANoteqExpr5(ANoteqExpr5 node)
00680 {
00681 Expr arg1 = (Expr) getOut(node.getExpr5());
00682 Expr arg2 = (Expr) getOut(node.getExpr4());
00683 if (! (arg1.getType().isKind(BOOL|RANGE|ENUMERATED|REF)
00684 && arg2.getType().isKind(BOOL|RANGE|ENUMERATED|REF)))
00685 error(node.getNoteq(), "arguments to != must be ref, boolean, range, or enumerated");
00686 setOut(node, new NeExpr(arg1, arg2));
00687 }
00688 public void outANotExpr1(ANotExpr1 node)
00689 {
00690 Expr arg1 = (Expr)getOut(node.getExpr1());
00691 setOut(node, new NotExpr(arg1));
00692 if (! arg1.getType().isKind(BOOL))
00693 error(node.getNot(), "argument to ! must be boolean");
00694 }
00695 public void outANotifyallLockOp(ANotifyallLockOp node)
00696 {
00697 setOut(node, new Integer(NOTIFYALL));
00698 }
00699 public void outANotifyLockOp(ANotifyLockOp node)
00700 {
00701 setOut(node, new Integer(NOTIFY));
00702 }
00703 public void outANullValue(ANullValue node)
00704 {
00705 setOut(node, new NullExpr(system));
00706 }
00707 public void outAOrExpr7(AOrExpr7 node)
00708 {
00709 Expr arg1 = (Expr) getOut(node.getExpr7());
00710 Expr arg2 = (Expr) getOut(node.getExpr6());
00711 setOut(node, new OrExpr(arg1, arg2));
00712 if (! (arg1.getType().isKind(BOOL) && arg2.getType().isKind(BOOL)))
00713 error(node.getOr(), "arguments to || must be boolean");
00714 }
00715 public void outAParenexprExpr0(AParenexprExpr0 node)
00716 {
00717 setOut(node, getOut(node.getExpr()));
00718 }
00719 public void outAPlusExpr1(APlusExpr1 node)
00720 {
00721 setOut(node, getOut(node.getExpr1()));
00722 }
00723 public void outAPlusExpr3(APlusExpr3 node)
00724 {
00725 Expr arg1 = (Expr) getOut(node.getExpr3());
00726 Expr arg2 = (Expr) getOut(node.getExpr2());
00727 setOut(node, new AddExpr(arg1, arg2));
00728 if (! (arg1.getType().isKind(RANGE) && arg2.getType().isKind(RANGE)))
00729 error(node.getPlus(), "arguments to '+' must be integer");
00730 }
00731 public void outAPredicate(APredicate node)
00732 {
00733 String predName = node.getId().getText();
00734 Expr predExpr = (Expr) getOut(node.getExpr());
00735 system.declarePredicate(predName,predExpr);
00736 }
00737 public void outAPrintaction(APrintaction node)
00738 {
00739 setOut(node,currentPrintAction);
00740 currentPrintAction = null;
00741 }
00742 public void outAPrintactionAction(APrintactionAction node)
00743 {
00744 Action action = (Action) getOut(node.getPrintaction());
00745 currentActions.addElement(action);
00746 }
00747 public void outAProcess(AProcess node)
00748 {
00749 String name = node.getStartname().getText();
00750 String endName = node.getEndname().getText();
00751 if (! name.equals(endName))
00752 error(node.getEndname(),
00753 "process " + name + " ended with end " + endName);
00754 system.numberLocations();
00755 setOut(node, system);
00756 }
00757 public void outAProgram(AProgram node)
00758 {
00759 setOut(node, getOut(node.getProcess()));
00760 }
00761 public void outARangeTypespec(ARangeTypespec node) {
00762 ConstExpr lo = (ConstExpr) getOut(node.getLow());
00763 ConstExpr hi = (ConstExpr) getOut(node.getHi());
00764 setOut(node, system.rangeType(lo,hi));
00765 }
00766 public void outARecordTypespec(ARecordTypespec node)
00767 {
00768 system.addType(currentRecord);
00769 setOut(node, currentRecord);
00770 currentRecord = null;
00771 }
00772 public void outARefTypespec(ARefTypespec node)
00773 {
00774 Ref refType = system.refType();
00775 refType.addTarget(node.getFirst().getText());
00776 Object temp[] = node.getRest().toArray();
00777 for(int i = 0; i < temp.length; i++)
00778 refType.addTarget(((AReftail) temp[i]).getId().getText());
00779 refTypes.addElement(refType);
00780 setOut(node, refType);
00781 }
00782 public void outARefValue(ARefValue node)
00783 {
00784 Expr arg = getDecl(node.getId());
00785 if (! (arg instanceof StateVar))
00786 error(node.getId(), "'ref' can be invoked only on a variable");
00787 StateVar singleton = (StateVar) arg;
00788 if (! singleton.getType().isKind(ARRAY|RECORD))
00789 error(node.getId(), "'ref' can be invoked only on arrays/records");
00790 setOut(node, new RefExpr(singleton));
00791 }
00792 public void outARemoterefExpr0(ARemoterefExpr0 node)
00793 {
00794 if (! inPredicate)
00795 error(node.getThreadname(),
00796 "Remote references can only be used in predicates");
00797 String threadName = node.getThreadname().getText();
00798 BirThread thread = (BirThread)threads.get(threadName);
00799 if (thread == null)
00800 error(node.getThreadname(), "thread not declared: " + threadName);
00801 String localName = node.getLocalname().getText();
00802 Hashtable threadLocalVars =(Hashtable)threadLocalVarTables.get(thread);
00803 Object var = threadLocalVars.get(localName);
00804 if (var == null || !(var instanceof StateVar))
00805 error(node.getLocalname(),"invalid local: " + localName);
00806 setOut(node, var);
00807 }
00808 public void outAStartThreadop(AStartThreadop node)
00809 {
00810 setOut(node, new Integer(START));
00811 }
00812 public void outAStringPrintarg(AStringPrintarg node)
00813 {
00814 String s = node.getString().getText();
00815 currentPrintAction.addPrintItem(s.substring(1,s.length() - 1));
00816 }
00817 public void outATerminatedThreadtest(ATerminatedThreadtest node)
00818 {
00819 BirThread thread = (BirThread)threads.get(node.getId().getText());
00820 if (thread == null)
00821 error(node.getId(), "thread not yet declared: " +
00822 node.getId().getText());
00823 int operation = THREAD_TERMINATED;
00824 setOut(node, new ThreadTest(thread, operation, currentThread));
00825 }
00826 public void outAThread(AThread node)
00827 {
00828 String name = node.getStartname().getText();
00829 String endName = node.getEndname().getText();
00830 if (! name.equals(endName))
00831 error(node.getEndname(),
00832 "thread " + name + " ended with end " + endName);
00833 localVars = null;
00834 currentThread = null;
00835 threadLocs = null;
00836 }
00837 public void outAThreadtestExpr0(AThreadtestExpr0 node)
00838 {
00839 setOut(node, getOut(node.getThreadtest()));
00840 }
00841 public void outAThreadupdate(AThreadupdate node)
00842 {
00843 String threadArg = node.getId().getText();
00844 BirThread thread = (BirThread)threads.get(node.getId().getText());
00845 if (thread == null)
00846 error(node.getId(), "thread not yet declared: " + threadArg);
00847 int operation = ((Integer)getOut(node.getThreadop())).intValue();
00848 if (operation == EXIT && thread != currentThread)
00849 error(node.getId(), "can only exit current thread " + threadArg);
00850 setOut(node, new ThreadAction(thread, operation, currentThread));
00851 }
00852 public void outAThreadupdateAction(AThreadupdateAction node)
00853 {
00854 Action action = (Action) getOut(node.getThreadupdate());
00855 currentActions.addElement(action);
00856 }
00857 public void outATransformation(ATransformation node)
00858 {
00859 Location toLoc = (Location) threadLocs.get(node.getId().getText());
00860 if (toLoc == null)
00861 error(node.getId(), "target of goto not found: " +
00862 node.getId().getText());
00863 Expr guard = (Expr) getOut(node.getExpr());
00864 if (! guard.getType().isKind(BOOL))
00865 error(node.getWhen(), "guard expression must be boolean" +
00866 node.getExpr());
00867 Transformation trans = currentLoc.addTrans(toLoc,guard,currentActions);
00868 trans.setVisible(node.getInvisible() == null);
00869 currentActions = null;
00870 }
00871 public void outATrueBool(ATrueBool node)
00872 {
00873 setOut(node, new BoolLit(true));
00874 }
00875 public void outATypedefDefinition(ATypedefDefinition node)
00876 {
00877 String name = node.getId().getText();
00878 checkDecl(node.getId());
00879 Type type = (Type) getOut(node.getTypespec());
00880 type.setName(name);
00881 globalVars.put(name, type);
00882 system.define(name, type);
00883 }
00884 public void outATypespecType(ATypespecType node)
00885 {
00886 setOut(node, getOut(node.getTypespec()));
00887 }
00888 public void outAUnlockLockOp(AUnlockLockOp node)
00889 {
00890 setOut(node, new Integer(UNLOCK));
00891 }
00892 public void outAUnwaitLockOp(AUnwaitLockOp node)
00893 {
00894 setOut(node, new Integer(UNWAIT));
00895 }
00896 public void outAValueExpr0(AValueExpr0 node)
00897 {
00898 setOut(node, getOut(node.getValue()));
00899 }
00900 public void outAValueLhs(AValueLhs node)
00901 {
00902 setOut(node, getDecl(node.getId()));
00903 }
00904 public void outAVariable(AVariable node)
00905 {
00906 Expr initVal = (node.getInitializer() == null) ? null :
00907 (Expr) getOut(node.getInitializer());
00908 declareVar(node.getId(), (Type) getOut(node.getType()), initVal);
00909 }
00910 public void outAVarPrintarg(AVarPrintarg node)
00911 {
00912 Expr arg = getDecl(node.getId());
00913 if (! (arg instanceof StateVar))
00914 error(node.getId(), "can only print variables");
00915 StateVar var = (StateVar) arg;
00916 if (! var.getType().isKind(BOOL|RANGE|ENUMERATED))
00917 error(node.getId(), "can only print boolean, range, or enum types");
00918 currentPrintAction.addPrintItem(var);
00919 }
00920 public void outAWaitLockOp(AWaitLockOp node)
00921 {
00922 setOut(node, new Integer(WAIT));
00923 }
00924 public void outAWasnotifiedLocktestop(AWasnotifiedLocktestop node)
00925 {
00926 setOut(node, new Integer(WAS_NOTIFIED));
00927 }
00928 public void outStart(Start node)
00929 {
00930 setOut(node, getOut(node.getPProgram()));
00931 }
00932 public static TransSystem parse(String birSource) {
00933 TransSystem result = null;
00934 try {
00936 if (birSource == null) throw new RuntimeException("Null filename detected!");
00937 String fileName = birSource;
00938 if (!fileName.toLowerCase().endsWith(".bir")) fileName += ".bir";
00940 File birFile = new File(fileName);
00941 FileInputStream streamIn = new FileInputStream(birFile);
00942 InputStreamReader streamRead = new InputStreamReader(streamIn);
00943 PushbackReader pushRead = new PushbackReader(streamRead, 1024);
00944 Lexer lex = new Lexer(pushRead);
00945 Parser parser = new Parser(lex);
00946 Start tree = parser.parse();
00947 BirBuilder builder = new BirBuilder(fileName);
00948 tree.apply(builder);
00949 result = (TransSystem) builder.getOut(tree);
00950 streamIn.close();
00951 return result;
00952 } catch(IOException e) {
00953 throw new RuntimeException("Could not open BIR source file (" + e + ")");
00954 } catch(LexerException e) {
00955 System.out.println("Lexical error:\n" + e);
00956 } catch(ParserException e) {
00957 System.out.println("Syntax error:\n" + e);
00958 }
00959 return null;
00960 }
00961 int parseInt(String s) {
00962 try {
00963 int result = Integer.parseInt(s);
00964 return result;
00965 } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
00966 throw new RuntimeException("Integer didn't parse: " + s);
00967 }
00968 }
00969 public static TransSystem parseString(String birSource) {
00970 TransSystem result = null;
00971 try {
00972 if (birSource == null) throw new RuntimeException("Null filename detected!");
00973 String fileName = "";
00974 PushbackReader pushRead = new PushbackReader(new StringReader(birSource), 1024);
00975 Lexer lex = new Lexer(pushRead);
00976 Parser parser = new Parser(lex);
00977 Start tree = parser.parse();
00978 BirBuilder builder = new BirBuilder(fileName);
00979 tree.apply(builder);
00980 result = (TransSystem) builder.getOut(tree);
00981 return result;
00982 } catch(IOException e) {
00983 throw new RuntimeException("Could not open BIR source file (" + e + ")");
00984 } catch(LexerException e) {
00985 System.out.println("Lexical error:\n" + e);
00986 } catch(ParserException e) {
00987 System.out.println("Syntax error:\n" + e);
00988 }
00989 return null;
00990 }
00991 }