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PostProcessOnAnnotation Member List
This is the complete list of members for PostProcessOnAnnotation, including all inherited members.
- addCatchesToRemovedSet(Set removedSet, Vector catches, StmtList stmtList, Set linePropList, BitSet slcSet)
[inline, private]
- addCatchesToSliceSet(BitSet slcSet, Vector catches, StmtList stmtList)
[inline, private]
- buildNewInvokeExpr(InvokeExpr invokeExpr) (defined in PostProcessOnAnnotation)
[inline, private]
- callSiteInSlice(Map callSiteIndexMap, Map callSiteMap, Stmt stmt)
[inline, private]
- cfanns (defined in PostProcessOnAnnotation)
- changeReturnTypeToVoidMds
- classList
- emptyBody(Stmt[] bodyStmts, BitSet sliceSet, StmtList stmtList)
[inline, private]
- emptyBody(Set bodyStmts, BitSet sliceSet, StmtList stmtList)
[inline, private]
- fieldRefToField(Set fieldRefSet)
[inline, private]
- filterOutFields(Set variableSet)
[inline, private]
- getAllClassesFor(Package pckg)
[inline, private]
- getAllPackages()
[inline, private]
- getAllVarsOf(MethodInfo mdInfo)
[inline, private]
- getCurrentResidualClasses()
[inline, private]
- getKeepedParaOriginalIndex(MethodInfo mdInfo)
[inline, private]
- getModifiedPackages()
- getModifiedSootClasses()
- getModifiedSootMethods()
- getParameterModifiedMethods()
- getRemovableLocals(SootMethod sm)
- getRemovablePackages()
- getRemovableSootClasses()
- getRemovableSootFields()
- getRemovableSootMethods()
- getTrapHandlers(JimpleBody jimpBody)
[inline, private]
- getUnreachableSootClasses()
- getUnreachableSootMethods()
- getUnusedLocals(MethodInfo mdInfo)
[inline, private]
- initializeMdInfoAndAnnotation()
[inline, private]
- isImplementingOneAbstractMd(SootClass superClass, SootMethod sm)
[inline, private]
- isImplementingOneAbstractMd(SootMethod sm)
[inline, private]
- isImplementingOneInterfaceMd(SootClass interfaceClass, SootMethod sm)
[inline, private]
- isPublicAndStatic(int modifier)
[inline, private]
- keepParasOfMainMd(MethodInfo mdInfo, Map relevantVars, StmtList stmtList, BitSet sliceSet)
[inline, private]
- makeMethodEmpty(MethodInfo methodInfo, Annotation annForSm)
[inline, private]
- modifiedSootMethodToRemovableLocals (defined in PostProcessOnAnnotation)
- modifyMethod(MethodInfo mdInfo)
[inline, private]
- parameterModifiedSootMethods (defined in PostProcessOnAnnotation)
- PostProcessOnAnnotation(List ct, AnnotationManager cfs)
- relevantExceptionClasses()
[inline, private]
- relevantExceptionClassNames (defined in PostProcessOnAnnotation)
- relevantFDClass()
[inline, private]
- relevantFields
- relevantInterfaceAndSuperClasses()
[inline, private]
- removableSootClasses
- removableSootFields (defined in PostProcessOnAnnotation)
- removableSootMethods (defined in PostProcessOnAnnotation)
- removeEmptyBlock(MethodInfo mdInfo, Set rmedStmtByEmptBlck, Vector currentCFANNs, StmtList stmtList, JimpleBody jimpleBody)
[inline, private]
- removeEmptyConditionalBlock(Vector currentCfanns, BitSet slcSet, Set linePropList, Set removedStmtByEmptyB, StmtList stmtList)
[inline, private]
- removeEmptyLock(List lockPairList, BitSet slcSet, Set linePropList, Set removedStmtByEmptyB, StmtList stmtList)
[inline, private]
- removeEmptyTry(Vector currentCfanns, BitSet slcSet, Set linePropList, Set removedStmtByEmptyB, StmtList stmtList, JimpleBody jimpleBody)
[inline, private]
- removeEmptyTryFinally(Vector currentCfanns, BitSet slcSet, Set linePropList, Set removedStmtByEmptyB, StmtList stmtList, JimpleBody jimpleBody)
[inline, private]
- removeFieldInClinit(SootClass sootClass, SootField sootField)
[inline, private]
- removeIrrelevantFields(ClassInfo classInfo)
[inline, private]
- resClassCons()
- residualParameters(MethodInfo mdInfo)
[inline, private]
- rmIrrelevantFds()
[inline, private]
- rmIrrelevantParasForInvoke()
[inline, private]
- rmIrrelevantParasForMd()
[inline, private]
- rmMethodAndClass(Map removableMdMap)
[inline, private]
- rmParasOfInvokeExpr(MethodInfo mdInfo)
[inline, private]
- rmUnusedLocals()
[inline, private]
- unreachableSootClasses (defined in PostProcessOnAnnotation)
- unreachableSootMethods (defined in PostProcessOnAnnotation)
Generated at Thu Feb 7 07:20:43 2002 for Bandera by
1.2.10 written by Dimitri van Heesch,
© 1997-2001