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SootClass Member List
This is the complete list of members for SootClass, including all inherited members.
- addField(SootField f) throws AlreadyDeclaredException
- addInterface(SootClass interfaceClass) throws DuplicateNameException
- addMethod(SootMethod m) throws AlreadyDeclaredException
- declaresField(String name)
- declaresField(String name, Type type)
- declaresMethod(String name)
- declaresMethod(String name, List parameterTypes)
- declaresMethod(String name, List parameterTypes, Type returnType)
- fields (defined in SootClass)
- getField(String name) throws ca.mcgill.sable.soot.NoSuchFieldException, ca.mcgill.sable.soot.AmbiguousFieldException
- getField(String name, Type type) throws ca.mcgill.sable.soot.NoSuchFieldException
- getFieldCount()
- getFields()
- getInterfaceCount()
- getInterfaces()
- getManager() throws NotManagedException
- getMethod(String name) throws ca.mcgill.sable.soot.NoSuchMethodException, ca.mcgill.sable.soot.AmbiguousMethodException
- getMethod(String name, List parameterTypes) throws ca.mcgill.sable.soot.NoSuchMethodException, ca.mcgill.sable.soot.AmbiguousMethodException
- getMethod(String name, List parameterTypes, Type returnType) throws ca.mcgill.sable.soot.NoSuchMethodException
- getMethodCount()
- getMethods()
- getModifiers()
- getName()
- getSuperClass() throws NoSuperClassException
- hasSuperClass()
- implementsInterface(String name)
- interfaces (defined in SootClass)
- isManaged (defined in SootClass)
- isManaged()
- isResolved (defined in SootClass)
- isResolved()
- manager (defined in SootClass)
- methods (defined in SootClass)
- modifiers (defined in SootClass)
- name (defined in SootClass)
- printTo(BodyExpr bodyExpr, PrintWriter out) (defined in SootClass)
- printTo(BodyExpr bodyExpr, PrintWriter out, int printBodyOptions) (defined in SootClass)
- removeField(SootField f) throws IncorrectDeclarerException
- removeInterface(SootClass interfaceClass) throws NoSuchInterfaceException
- removeMethod(SootMethod m) throws IncorrectDeclarerException
- resolve()
- resolveIfNecessary()
- setModifiers(int modifiers)
- setName(String name) throws DuplicateNameException
- setResolved(boolean flag)
- setSuperClass(SootClass c)
- SootClass(String name)
- SootClass(String name, int modifiers)
- superClass (defined in SootClass)
- toString() (defined in SootClass)
- write(BodyExpr bodyExpr)
Generated at Thu Feb 7 07:21:53 2002 for Bandera by
1.2.10 written by Dimitri van Heesch,
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