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TypeResolver Member List
This is the complete list of members for TypeResolver, including all inherited members.
- addRelationsBetweenHardNodes() (defined in TypeResolver)
[inline, private]
- assignTypesToLocals(JimpleBody stmtBody)
[inline, static]
- classHierarchy
- collapseStronglyConnectedComponents()
[inline, private]
- computeArrayDepths() (defined in TypeResolver)
[inline, private]
- constraintCollector
- currentMethod
- debug() (defined in TypeResolver)
[inline, private]
- DEBUG (defined in TypeResolver)
[private, static]
- debug_locals() (defined in TypeResolver)
[inline, private]
- error(String message) (defined in TypeResolver)
[inline, private, static]
- getTypeVariable(ClassHierarchy.TypeNode typeNode)
[inline, private]
- getTypeVariable(Local local)
[inline, private]
- getTypeVariable(SootClass sClass)
[inline, private]
- getTypeVariable(Type type)
[inline, private]
- lastClass (defined in TypeResolver)
[private, static]
- mergeAll(TypeVariable var)
[inline, private]
- mergeBaseTypeArrays() (defined in TypeResolver)
[inline, private]
- new_relation
- propagateArrayConstraints()
[inline, private]
- propagateConstrains() (defined in TypeResolver)
[inline, private]
- removeIndirectRelations()
[inline, private]
- removeRelationsBetweenNonEcrs() (defined in TypeResolver)
[inline, private]
- resolveComplexRelations()
[inline, private]
- resolveSingleRelations()
[inline, private]
- stmtBody (defined in TypeResolver)
- TypeResolver(JimpleBody stmtBody)
[inline, private]
- typeVariableHashtable
- typeVariableInstances
- typeVariableStringHashtable
- unresolvedTypeVariables
Generated at Thu Feb 7 07:22:42 2002 for Bandera by
1.2.10 written by Dimitri van Heesch,
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