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MethodGen Member List
This is the complete list of members for MethodGen, including all inherited members.
- AALOAD (defined in Constants)
- AALOAD (defined in Constants)
- AALOAD (defined in Constants)
- AASTORE (defined in Constants)
- AASTORE (defined in Constants)
- AASTORE (defined in Constants)
- ACC_ABSTRACT (defined in Constants)
- ACC_ABSTRACT (defined in Constants)
- ACC_ABSTRACT (defined in Constants)
- ACC_FINAL (defined in Constants)
- ACC_FINAL (defined in Constants)
- ACC_FINAL (defined in Constants)
- ACC_INTERFACE (defined in Constants)
- ACC_INTERFACE (defined in Constants)
- ACC_INTERFACE (defined in Constants)
- ACC_NATIVE (defined in Constants)
- ACC_NATIVE (defined in Constants)
- ACC_NATIVE (defined in Constants)
- ACC_PRIVATE (defined in Constants)
- ACC_PRIVATE (defined in Constants)
- ACC_PRIVATE (defined in Constants)
- ACC_PROTECTED (defined in Constants)
- ACC_PROTECTED (defined in Constants)
- ACC_PROTECTED (defined in Constants)
- FieldGenOrMethodGen::ACC_PUBLIC
- AccessFlags::ACC_PUBLIC
- Constants::ACC_PUBLIC
- ACC_STATIC (defined in Constants)
- ACC_STATIC (defined in Constants)
- ACC_STATIC (defined in Constants)
- ACC_SUPER (defined in Constants)
- ACC_SUPER (defined in Constants)
- ACC_SUPER (defined in Constants)
- ACC_SYNCHRONIZED (defined in Constants)
- ACC_SYNCHRONIZED (defined in Constants)
- ACC_SYNCHRONIZED (defined in Constants)
- ACC_TRANSIENT (defined in Constants)
- ACC_TRANSIENT (defined in Constants)
- ACC_TRANSIENT (defined in Constants)
- ACC_VOLATILE (defined in Constants)
- ACC_VOLATILE (defined in Constants)
- ACC_VOLATILE (defined in Constants)
- access_flags (defined in AccessFlags)
- access_flags (defined in AccessFlags)
- ACCESS_NAMES (defined in Constants)
- ACCESS_NAMES (defined in Constants)
- AccessFlags() (defined in AccessFlags)
- FieldGenOrMethodGen::AccessFlags(int a)
- AccessFlags() (defined in AccessFlags)
- AccessFlags(int a)
- ACONST_NULL (defined in Constants)
- ACONST_NULL (defined in Constants)
- ACONST_NULL (defined in Constants)
- addAttribute(Attribute a)
- addCodeAttribute(Attribute a)
- addCodeAttribute(Attribute a)
- addException(String class_name)
- addException(String class_name)
- addExceptionHandler(InstructionHandle start_pc, InstructionHandle end_pc, InstructionHandle handler_pc, ObjectType catch_type)
- addExceptionHandler(InstructionHandle start_pc, InstructionHandle end_pc, InstructionHandle handler_pc, String catch_type)
- addExceptionHandler(InstructionHandle start_pc, InstructionHandle end_pc, InstructionHandle handler_pc, ObjectType catch_type)
- addExceptionHandler(InstructionHandle start_pc, InstructionHandle end_pc, InstructionHandle handler_pc, String catch_type)
- addLineNumber(InstructionHandle ih, int src_line)
- addLineNumber(InstructionHandle ih, int src_line)
- addLocalVariable(String name, Type type, int slot, InstructionHandle start, InstructionHandle end)
- addLocalVariable(String name, Type type, InstructionHandle start, InstructionHandle end)
- addLocalVariable(String name, Type type, int slot, InstructionHandle start, InstructionHandle end)
- addLocalVariable(String name, Type type, InstructionHandle start, InstructionHandle end)
- addObserver(MethodObserver o)
- ALOAD (defined in Constants)
- ALOAD (defined in Constants)
- ALOAD (defined in Constants)
- ALOAD_0 (defined in Constants)
- ALOAD_0 (defined in Constants)
- ALOAD_0 (defined in Constants)
- ALOAD_1 (defined in Constants)
- ALOAD_1 (defined in Constants)
- ALOAD_1 (defined in Constants)
- ALOAD_2 (defined in Constants)
- ALOAD_2 (defined in Constants)
- ALOAD_2 (defined in Constants)
- ALOAD_3 (defined in Constants)
- ALOAD_3 (defined in Constants)
- ALOAD_3 (defined in Constants)
- ANEWARRAY (defined in Constants)
- ANEWARRAY (defined in Constants)
- ANEWARRAY (defined in Constants)
- ANEWARRAY_QUICK (defined in Constants)
- ANEWARRAY_QUICK (defined in Constants)
- ANEWARRAY_QUICK (defined in Constants)
- ARETURN (defined in Constants)
- ARETURN (defined in Constants)
- ARETURN (defined in Constants)
- arg_names (defined in MethodGen)
- arg_names (defined in MethodGen)
- arg_types (defined in MethodGen)
- arg_types (defined in MethodGen)
- ARRAYLENGTH (defined in Constants)
- ARRAYLENGTH (defined in Constants)
- ARRAYLENGTH (defined in Constants)
- ASTORE (defined in Constants)
- ASTORE (defined in Constants)
- ASTORE (defined in Constants)
- ASTORE_0 (defined in Constants)
- ASTORE_0 (defined in Constants)
- ASTORE_0 (defined in Constants)
- ASTORE_1 (defined in Constants)
- ASTORE_1 (defined in Constants)
- ASTORE_1 (defined in Constants)
- ASTORE_2 (defined in Constants)
- ASTORE_2 (defined in Constants)
- ASTORE_2 (defined in Constants)
- ASTORE_3 (defined in Constants)
- ASTORE_3 (defined in Constants)
- ASTORE_3 (defined in Constants)
- ATHROW (defined in Constants)
- ATHROW (defined in Constants)
- ATHROW (defined in Constants)
- ATTR_CODE (defined in Constants)
- ATTR_CODE (defined in Constants)
- ATTR_CODE (defined in Constants)
- ATTR_CONSTANT_VALUE (defined in Constants)
- ATTR_CONSTANT_VALUE (defined in Constants)
- ATTR_CONSTANT_VALUE (defined in Constants)
- ATTR_DEPRECATED (defined in Constants)
- ATTR_DEPRECATED (defined in Constants)
- ATTR_DEPRECATED (defined in Constants)
- ATTR_EXCEPTIONS (defined in Constants)
- ATTR_EXCEPTIONS (defined in Constants)
- ATTR_EXCEPTIONS (defined in Constants)
- ATTR_INNER_CLASSES (defined in Constants)
- ATTR_INNER_CLASSES (defined in Constants)
- ATTR_INNER_CLASSES (defined in Constants)
- ATTR_LINE_NUMBER_TABLE (defined in Constants)
- ATTR_LINE_NUMBER_TABLE (defined in Constants)
- ATTR_LINE_NUMBER_TABLE (defined in Constants)
- ATTR_LOCAL_VARIABLE_TABLE (defined in Constants)
- ATTR_LOCAL_VARIABLE_TABLE (defined in Constants)
- ATTR_LOCAL_VARIABLE_TABLE (defined in Constants)
- ATTR_PMG (defined in Constants)
- ATTR_PMG (defined in Constants)
- ATTR_PMG (defined in Constants)
- ATTR_SIGNATURE (defined in Constants)
- ATTR_SIGNATURE (defined in Constants)
- ATTR_SIGNATURE (defined in Constants)
- ATTR_SOURCE_FILE (defined in Constants)
- ATTR_SOURCE_FILE (defined in Constants)
- ATTR_SOURCE_FILE (defined in Constants)
- ATTR_SYNTHETIC (defined in Constants)
- ATTR_SYNTHETIC (defined in Constants)
- ATTR_SYNTHETIC (defined in Constants)
- FieldGenOrMethodGen::ATTR_UNKNOWN
- AccessFlags::ATTR_UNKNOWN
- Constants::ATTR_UNKNOWN
- ATTRIBUTE_NAMES (defined in Constants)
- ATTRIBUTE_NAMES (defined in Constants)
- attribute_vec (defined in MethodGen)
- BALOAD (defined in Constants)
- BALOAD (defined in Constants)
- BALOAD (defined in Constants)
- BASTORE (defined in Constants)
- BASTORE (defined in Constants)
- BASTORE (defined in Constants)
- BIPUSH (defined in Constants)
- BIPUSH (defined in Constants)
- BIPUSH (defined in Constants)
- BREAKPOINT (defined in Constants)
- BREAKPOINT (defined in Constants)
- BREAKPOINT (defined in Constants)
- CALOAD (defined in Constants)
- CALOAD (defined in Constants)
- CALOAD (defined in Constants)
- CASTORE (defined in Constants)
- CASTORE (defined in Constants)
- CASTORE (defined in Constants)
- CHECKCAST (defined in Constants)
- CHECKCAST (defined in Constants)
- CHECKCAST (defined in Constants)
- CHECKCAST_QUICK (defined in Constants)
- CHECKCAST_QUICK (defined in Constants)
- CHECKCAST_QUICK (defined in Constants)
- class_name (defined in MethodGen)
- clone() (defined in FieldGenOrMethodGen)
- code_attrs_vec (defined in MethodGen)
- CONSTANT_Class (defined in Constants)
- CONSTANT_Class (defined in Constants)
- CONSTANT_Class (defined in Constants)
- CONSTANT_Double (defined in Constants)
- CONSTANT_Double (defined in Constants)
- CONSTANT_Double (defined in Constants)
- CONSTANT_Fieldref (defined in Constants)
- CONSTANT_Fieldref (defined in Constants)
- CONSTANT_Fieldref (defined in Constants)
- CONSTANT_Float (defined in Constants)
- CONSTANT_Float (defined in Constants)
- CONSTANT_Float (defined in Constants)
- CONSTANT_Integer (defined in Constants)
- CONSTANT_Integer (defined in Constants)
- CONSTANT_Integer (defined in Constants)
- CONSTANT_InterfaceMethodref (defined in Constants)
- CONSTANT_InterfaceMethodref (defined in Constants)
- CONSTANT_InterfaceMethodref (defined in Constants)
- CONSTANT_Long (defined in Constants)
- CONSTANT_Long (defined in Constants)
- CONSTANT_Long (defined in Constants)
- CONSTANT_Methodref (defined in Constants)
- CONSTANT_Methodref (defined in Constants)
- CONSTANT_Methodref (defined in Constants)
- CONSTANT_NameAndType (defined in Constants)
- CONSTANT_NameAndType (defined in Constants)
- CONSTANT_NameAndType (defined in Constants)
- CONSTANT_NAMES (defined in Constants)
- CONSTANT_NAMES (defined in Constants)
- CONSTANT_String (defined in Constants)
- CONSTANT_String (defined in Constants)
- CONSTANT_String (defined in Constants)
- FieldGenOrMethodGen::CONSTANT_Utf8
- AccessFlags::CONSTANT_Utf8
- Constants::CONSTANT_Utf8
- FieldGenOrMethodGen::CONSUME_STACK
- cp (defined in MethodGen)
- D2F (defined in Constants)
- D2F (defined in Constants)
- D2F (defined in Constants)
- D2I (defined in Constants)
- D2I (defined in Constants)
- D2I (defined in Constants)
- D2L (defined in Constants)
- D2L (defined in Constants)
- D2L (defined in Constants)
- DADD (defined in Constants)
- DADD (defined in Constants)
- DADD (defined in Constants)
- DALOAD (defined in Constants)
- DALOAD (defined in Constants)
- DALOAD (defined in Constants)
- DASTORE (defined in Constants)
- DASTORE (defined in Constants)
- DASTORE (defined in Constants)
- DCMPG (defined in Constants)
- DCMPG (defined in Constants)
- DCMPG (defined in Constants)
- DCMPL (defined in Constants)
- DCMPL (defined in Constants)
- DCMPL (defined in Constants)
- DCONST_0 (defined in Constants)
- DCONST_0 (defined in Constants)
- DCONST_0 (defined in Constants)
- DCONST_1 (defined in Constants)
- DCONST_1 (defined in Constants)
- DCONST_1 (defined in Constants)
- DDIV (defined in Constants)
- DDIV (defined in Constants)
- DDIV (defined in Constants)
- DLOAD (defined in Constants)
- DLOAD (defined in Constants)
- DLOAD (defined in Constants)
- DLOAD_0 (defined in Constants)
- DLOAD_0 (defined in Constants)
- DLOAD_0 (defined in Constants)
- DLOAD_1 (defined in Constants)
- DLOAD_1 (defined in Constants)
- DLOAD_1 (defined in Constants)
- DLOAD_2 (defined in Constants)
- DLOAD_2 (defined in Constants)
- DLOAD_2 (defined in Constants)
- DLOAD_3 (defined in Constants)
- DLOAD_3 (defined in Constants)
- DLOAD_3 (defined in Constants)
- DMUL (defined in Constants)
- DMUL (defined in Constants)
- DMUL (defined in Constants)
- DNEG (defined in Constants)
- DNEG (defined in Constants)
- DNEG (defined in Constants)
- DREM (defined in Constants)
- DREM (defined in Constants)
- DREM (defined in Constants)
- DRETURN (defined in Constants)
- DRETURN (defined in Constants)
- DRETURN (defined in Constants)
- DSTORE (defined in Constants)
- DSTORE (defined in Constants)
- DSTORE (defined in Constants)
- DSTORE_0 (defined in Constants)
- DSTORE_0 (defined in Constants)
- DSTORE_0 (defined in Constants)
- DSTORE_1 (defined in Constants)
- DSTORE_1 (defined in Constants)
- DSTORE_1 (defined in Constants)
- DSTORE_2 (defined in Constants)
- DSTORE_2 (defined in Constants)
- DSTORE_2 (defined in Constants)
- DSTORE_3 (defined in Constants)
- DSTORE_3 (defined in Constants)
- DSTORE_3 (defined in Constants)
- DSUB (defined in Constants)
- DSUB (defined in Constants)
- DSUB (defined in Constants)
- DUP (defined in Constants)
- DUP (defined in Constants)
- DUP (defined in Constants)
- DUP2 (defined in Constants)
- DUP2 (defined in Constants)
- DUP2 (defined in Constants)
- DUP2_X1 (defined in Constants)
- DUP2_X1 (defined in Constants)
- DUP2_X1 (defined in Constants)
- DUP2_X2 (defined in Constants)
- DUP2_X2 (defined in Constants)
- DUP2_X2 (defined in Constants)
- DUP_X1 (defined in Constants)
- DUP_X1 (defined in Constants)
- DUP_X1 (defined in Constants)
- DUP_X2 (defined in Constants)
- DUP_X2 (defined in Constants)
- DUP_X2 (defined in Constants)
- exception_vec (defined in MethodGen)
- F2D (defined in Constants)
- F2D (defined in Constants)
- F2D (defined in Constants)
- F2I (defined in Constants)
- F2I (defined in Constants)
- F2I (defined in Constants)
- F2L (defined in Constants)
- F2L (defined in Constants)
- F2L (defined in Constants)
- FADD (defined in Constants)
- FADD (defined in Constants)
- FADD (defined in Constants)
- FALOAD (defined in Constants)
- FALOAD (defined in Constants)
- FALOAD (defined in Constants)
- FASTORE (defined in Constants)
- FASTORE (defined in Constants)
- FASTORE (defined in Constants)
- FCMPG (defined in Constants)
- FCMPG (defined in Constants)
- FCMPG (defined in Constants)
- FCMPL (defined in Constants)
- FCMPL (defined in Constants)
- FCMPL (defined in Constants)
- FCONST_0 (defined in Constants)
- FCONST_0 (defined in Constants)
- FCONST_0 (defined in Constants)
- FCONST_1 (defined in Constants)
- FCONST_1 (defined in Constants)
- FCONST_1 (defined in Constants)
- FCONST_2 (defined in Constants)
- FCONST_2 (defined in Constants)
- FCONST_2 (defined in Constants)
- FDIV (defined in Constants)
- FDIV (defined in Constants)
- FDIV (defined in Constants)
- FieldGenOrMethodGen() (defined in FieldGenOrMethodGen)
[inline, protected]
- FLOAD (defined in Constants)
- FLOAD (defined in Constants)
- FLOAD (defined in Constants)
- FLOAD_0 (defined in Constants)
- FLOAD_0 (defined in Constants)
- FLOAD_0 (defined in Constants)
- FLOAD_1 (defined in Constants)
- FLOAD_1 (defined in Constants)
- FLOAD_1 (defined in Constants)
- FLOAD_2 (defined in Constants)
- FLOAD_2 (defined in Constants)
- FLOAD_2 (defined in Constants)
- FLOAD_3 (defined in Constants)
- FLOAD_3 (defined in Constants)
- FLOAD_3 (defined in Constants)
- FMUL (defined in Constants)
- FMUL (defined in Constants)
- FMUL (defined in Constants)
- FNEG (defined in Constants)
- FNEG (defined in Constants)
- FNEG (defined in Constants)
- FREM (defined in Constants)
- FREM (defined in Constants)
- FREM (defined in Constants)
- FRETURN (defined in Constants)
- FRETURN (defined in Constants)
- FRETURN (defined in Constants)
- FSTORE (defined in Constants)
- FSTORE (defined in Constants)
- FSTORE (defined in Constants)
- FSTORE_0 (defined in Constants)
- FSTORE_0 (defined in Constants)
- FSTORE_0 (defined in Constants)
- FSTORE_1 (defined in Constants)
- FSTORE_1 (defined in Constants)
- FSTORE_1 (defined in Constants)
- FSTORE_2 (defined in Constants)
- FSTORE_2 (defined in Constants)
- FSTORE_2 (defined in Constants)
- FSTORE_3 (defined in Constants)
- FSTORE_3 (defined in Constants)
- FSTORE_3 (defined in Constants)
- FSUB (defined in Constants)
- FSUB (defined in Constants)
- FSUB (defined in Constants)
- FieldGenOrMethodGen::getAccessFlags()
- getAccessFlags()
- getArgName(int i) (defined in MethodGen)
- getArgNames() (defined in MethodGen)
- getArgType(int i) (defined in MethodGen)
- getArgType(int i) (defined in MethodGen)
- getArgTypes() (defined in MethodGen)
- getArgTypes() (defined in MethodGen)
- getAttributes()
- getClassName() (defined in MethodGen)
- getClassName()
- getCodeAttributes()
- getCodeAttributes()
- getCodeExceptions()
[inline, private]
- getCodeExceptions()
[inline, private]
- getConstantPool() (defined in MethodGen)
- getExceptionHandlers() (defined in MethodGen)
- getExceptionHandlers() (defined in MethodGen)
- getExceptions() (defined in MethodGen)
- getExceptions() (defined in MethodGen)
- getExceptionTable(ConstantPoolGen cp)
[inline, private]
- getExceptionTable(ConstantPoolGen cp)
[inline, private]
- GETFIELD (defined in Constants)
- GETFIELD (defined in Constants)
- GETFIELD (defined in Constants)
- GETFIELD2_QUICK (defined in Constants)
- GETFIELD2_QUICK (defined in Constants)
- GETFIELD2_QUICK (defined in Constants)
- GETFIELD_QUICK (defined in Constants)
- GETFIELD_QUICK (defined in Constants)
- GETFIELD_QUICK (defined in Constants)
- GETFIELD_QUICK_W (defined in Constants)
- GETFIELD_QUICK_W (defined in Constants)
- GETFIELD_QUICK_W (defined in Constants)
- getInstructionList() (defined in MethodGen)
- getInstructionList() (defined in MethodGen)
- getLineNumbers() (defined in MethodGen)
- getLineNumbers() (defined in MethodGen)
- getLineNumberTable(ConstantPoolGen cp)
- getLineNumberTable(ConstantPoolGen cp)
- getLocalVariables() (defined in MethodGen)
- getLocalVariables() (defined in MethodGen)
- getLocalVariableTable(ConstantPoolGen cp)
- getLocalVariableTable(ConstantPoolGen cp)
- getMaxLocals() (defined in MethodGen)
- getMaxLocals() (defined in MethodGen)
- getMaxStack() (defined in MethodGen)
- getMaxStack(ConstantPoolGen cp, InstructionList il, CodeExceptionGen[] et)
[inline, static]
- getMaxStack() (defined in MethodGen)
- getMaxStack(ConstantPoolGen cp, InstructionList il, CodeExceptionGen[] et)
[inline, static]
- getMethod()
- getMethod()
- getMethodName() (defined in MethodGen)
- getMethodName()
- getMethodSignature() (defined in MethodGen)
- getMethodSignature()
- getName()
- getReturnType() (defined in MethodGen)
- getReturnType() (defined in MethodGen)
- getSignature()
[inline, virtual]
- GETSTATIC (defined in Constants)
- GETSTATIC (defined in Constants)
- GETSTATIC (defined in Constants)
- GETSTATIC2_QUICK (defined in Constants)
- GETSTATIC2_QUICK (defined in Constants)
- GETSTATIC2_QUICK (defined in Constants)
- GETSTATIC_QUICK (defined in Constants)
- GETSTATIC_QUICK (defined in Constants)
- GETSTATIC_QUICK (defined in Constants)
- getType() (defined in FieldGenOrMethodGen)
- GOTO (defined in Constants)
- GOTO (defined in Constants)
- GOTO (defined in Constants)
- GOTO_W (defined in Constants)
- GOTO_W (defined in Constants)
- GOTO_W (defined in Constants)
- I2B (defined in Constants)
- I2B (defined in Constants)
- I2B (defined in Constants)
- I2C (defined in Constants)
- I2C (defined in Constants)
- I2C (defined in Constants)
- I2D (defined in Constants)
- I2D (defined in Constants)
- I2D (defined in Constants)
- I2F (defined in Constants)
- I2F (defined in Constants)
- I2F (defined in Constants)
- I2L (defined in Constants)
- I2L (defined in Constants)
- I2L (defined in Constants)
- I2S (defined in Constants)
- I2S (defined in Constants)
- I2S (defined in Constants)
- IADD (defined in Constants)
- IADD (defined in Constants)
- IADD (defined in Constants)
- IALOAD (defined in Constants)
- IALOAD (defined in Constants)
- IALOAD (defined in Constants)
- IAND (defined in Constants)
- IAND (defined in Constants)
- IAND (defined in Constants)
- IASTORE (defined in Constants)
- IASTORE (defined in Constants)
- IASTORE (defined in Constants)
- ICONST_0 (defined in Constants)
- ICONST_0 (defined in Constants)
- ICONST_0 (defined in Constants)
- ICONST_1 (defined in Constants)
- ICONST_1 (defined in Constants)
- ICONST_1 (defined in Constants)
- ICONST_2 (defined in Constants)
- ICONST_2 (defined in Constants)
- ICONST_2 (defined in Constants)
- ICONST_3 (defined in Constants)
- ICONST_3 (defined in Constants)
- ICONST_3 (defined in Constants)
- ICONST_4 (defined in Constants)
- ICONST_4 (defined in Constants)
- ICONST_4 (defined in Constants)
- ICONST_5 (defined in Constants)
- ICONST_5 (defined in Constants)
- ICONST_5 (defined in Constants)
- ICONST_M1 (defined in Constants)
- ICONST_M1 (defined in Constants)
- ICONST_M1 (defined in Constants)
- IDIV (defined in Constants)
- IDIV (defined in Constants)
- IDIV (defined in Constants)
- IF_ACMPEQ (defined in Constants)
- IF_ACMPEQ (defined in Constants)
- IF_ACMPEQ (defined in Constants)
- IF_ACMPNE (defined in Constants)
- IF_ACMPNE (defined in Constants)
- IF_ACMPNE (defined in Constants)
- IF_ICMPEQ (defined in Constants)
- IF_ICMPEQ (defined in Constants)
- IF_ICMPEQ (defined in Constants)
- IF_ICMPGE (defined in Constants)
- IF_ICMPGE (defined in Constants)
- IF_ICMPGE (defined in Constants)
- IF_ICMPGT (defined in Constants)
- IF_ICMPGT (defined in Constants)
- IF_ICMPGT (defined in Constants)
- IF_ICMPLE (defined in Constants)
- IF_ICMPLE (defined in Constants)
- IF_ICMPLE (defined in Constants)
- IF_ICMPLT (defined in Constants)
- IF_ICMPLT (defined in Constants)
- IF_ICMPLT (defined in Constants)
- IF_ICMPNE (defined in Constants)
- IF_ICMPNE (defined in Constants)
- IF_ICMPNE (defined in Constants)
- IFEQ (defined in Constants)
- IFEQ (defined in Constants)
- IFEQ (defined in Constants)
- IFGE (defined in Constants)
- IFGE (defined in Constants)
- IFGE (defined in Constants)
- IFGT (defined in Constants)
- IFGT (defined in Constants)
- IFGT (defined in Constants)
- IFLE (defined in Constants)
- IFLE (defined in Constants)
- IFLE (defined in Constants)
- IFLT (defined in Constants)
- IFLT (defined in Constants)
- IFLT (defined in Constants)
- IFNE (defined in Constants)
- IFNE (defined in Constants)
- IFNE (defined in Constants)
- IFNONNULL (defined in Constants)
- IFNONNULL (defined in Constants)
- IFNONNULL (defined in Constants)
- IFNULL (defined in Constants)
- IFNULL (defined in Constants)
- IFNULL (defined in Constants)
- IINC (defined in Constants)
- IINC (defined in Constants)
- IINC (defined in Constants)
- il (defined in MethodGen)
- ILLEGAL_OPCODE (defined in Constants)
- ILLEGAL_OPCODE (defined in Constants)
- ILLEGAL_OPCODE (defined in Constants)
- ILLEGAL_TYPE (defined in Constants)
- ILLEGAL_TYPE (defined in Constants)
- ILLEGAL_TYPE (defined in Constants)
- ILOAD (defined in Constants)
- ILOAD (defined in Constants)
- ILOAD (defined in Constants)
- ILOAD_0 (defined in Constants)
- ILOAD_0 (defined in Constants)
- ILOAD_0 (defined in Constants)
- ILOAD_1 (defined in Constants)
- ILOAD_1 (defined in Constants)
- ILOAD_1 (defined in Constants)
- ILOAD_2 (defined in Constants)
- ILOAD_2 (defined in Constants)
- ILOAD_2 (defined in Constants)
- ILOAD_3 (defined in Constants)
- ILOAD_3 (defined in Constants)
- ILOAD_3 (defined in Constants)
- IMPDEP1 (defined in Constants)
- IMPDEP1 (defined in Constants)
- IMPDEP1 (defined in Constants)
- IMPDEP2 (defined in Constants)
- IMPDEP2 (defined in Constants)
- IMPDEP2 (defined in Constants)
- IMUL (defined in Constants)
- IMUL (defined in Constants)
- IMUL (defined in Constants)
- INEG (defined in Constants)
- INEG (defined in Constants)
- INEG (defined in Constants)
- INSTANCEOF (defined in Constants)
- INSTANCEOF (defined in Constants)
- INSTANCEOF (defined in Constants)
- INSTANCEOF_QUICK (defined in Constants)
- INSTANCEOF_QUICK (defined in Constants)
- INSTANCEOF_QUICK (defined in Constants)
- INT2BYTE (defined in Constants)
- INT2BYTE (defined in Constants)
- INT2BYTE (defined in Constants)
- INT2CHAR (defined in Constants)
- INT2CHAR (defined in Constants)
- INT2CHAR (defined in Constants)
- INT2SHORT (defined in Constants)
- INT2SHORT (defined in Constants)
- INT2SHORT (defined in Constants)
- INVOKEINTERFACE (defined in Constants)
- INVOKEINTERFACE (defined in Constants)
- INVOKEINTERFACE (defined in Constants)
- INVOKEINTERFACE_QUICK (defined in Constants)
- INVOKEINTERFACE_QUICK (defined in Constants)
- INVOKEINTERFACE_QUICK (defined in Constants)
- INVOKENONVIRTUAL (defined in Constants)
- INVOKENONVIRTUAL (defined in Constants)
- INVOKENONVIRTUAL (defined in Constants)
- INVOKENONVIRTUAL_QUICK (defined in Constants)
- INVOKENONVIRTUAL_QUICK (defined in Constants)
- INVOKENONVIRTUAL_QUICK (defined in Constants)
- INVOKESPECIAL (defined in Constants)
- INVOKESPECIAL (defined in Constants)
- INVOKESPECIAL (defined in Constants)
- INVOKESTATIC (defined in Constants)
- INVOKESTATIC (defined in Constants)
- INVOKESTATIC (defined in Constants)
- INVOKESTATIC_QUICK (defined in Constants)
- INVOKESTATIC_QUICK (defined in Constants)
- INVOKESTATIC_QUICK (defined in Constants)
- INVOKESUPER_QUICK (defined in Constants)
- INVOKESUPER_QUICK (defined in Constants)
- INVOKESUPER_QUICK (defined in Constants)
- INVOKEVIRTUAL (defined in Constants)
- INVOKEVIRTUAL (defined in Constants)
- INVOKEVIRTUAL (defined in Constants)
- INVOKEVIRTUAL_QUICK (defined in Constants)
- INVOKEVIRTUAL_QUICK (defined in Constants)
- INVOKEVIRTUAL_QUICK (defined in Constants)
- INVOKEVIRTUAL_QUICK_W (defined in Constants)
- INVOKEVIRTUAL_QUICK_W (defined in Constants)
- INVOKEVIRTUAL_QUICK_W (defined in Constants)
- INVOKEVIRTUALOBJECT_QUICK (defined in Constants)
- INVOKEVIRTUALOBJECT_QUICK (defined in Constants)
- INVOKEVIRTUALOBJECT_QUICK (defined in Constants)
- IOR (defined in Constants)
- IOR (defined in Constants)
- IOR (defined in Constants)
- IREM (defined in Constants)
- IREM (defined in Constants)
- IREM (defined in Constants)
- IRETURN (defined in Constants)
- IRETURN (defined in Constants)
- IRETURN (defined in Constants)
- isAbstract() (defined in AccessFlags)
- isAbstract(boolean flag) (defined in AccessFlags)
- isAbstract() (defined in AccessFlags)
- isAbstract(boolean flag) (defined in AccessFlags)
- isFinal() (defined in AccessFlags)
- isFinal(boolean flag) (defined in AccessFlags)
- isFinal() (defined in AccessFlags)
- isFinal(boolean flag) (defined in AccessFlags)
- ISHL (defined in Constants)
- ISHL (defined in Constants)
- ISHL (defined in Constants)
- ISHR (defined in Constants)
- ISHR (defined in Constants)
- ISHR (defined in Constants)
- isInterface() (defined in AccessFlags)
- isInterface(boolean flag) (defined in AccessFlags)
- isInterface() (defined in AccessFlags)
- isInterface(boolean flag) (defined in AccessFlags)
- isNative() (defined in AccessFlags)
- isNative(boolean flag) (defined in AccessFlags)
- isNative() (defined in AccessFlags)
- isNative(boolean flag) (defined in AccessFlags)
- isPrivate() (defined in AccessFlags)
- isPrivate(boolean flag) (defined in AccessFlags)
- isPrivate() (defined in AccessFlags)
- isPrivate(boolean flag) (defined in AccessFlags)
- isProtected() (defined in AccessFlags)
- isProtected(boolean flag) (defined in AccessFlags)
- isProtected() (defined in AccessFlags)
- isProtected(boolean flag) (defined in AccessFlags)
- isPublic() (defined in AccessFlags)
- isPublic(boolean flag) (defined in AccessFlags)
- isPublic() (defined in AccessFlags)
- isPublic(boolean flag) (defined in AccessFlags)
- isStatic() (defined in AccessFlags)
- isStatic(boolean flag) (defined in AccessFlags)
- isStatic() (defined in AccessFlags)
- isStatic(boolean flag) (defined in AccessFlags)
- isSynchronized() (defined in AccessFlags)
- isSynchronized(boolean flag) (defined in AccessFlags)
- isSynchronized() (defined in AccessFlags)
- isSynchronized(boolean flag) (defined in AccessFlags)
- ISTORE (defined in Constants)
- ISTORE (defined in Constants)
- ISTORE (defined in Constants)
- ISTORE_0 (defined in Constants)
- ISTORE_0 (defined in Constants)
- ISTORE_0 (defined in Constants)
- ISTORE_1 (defined in Constants)
- ISTORE_1 (defined in Constants)
- ISTORE_1 (defined in Constants)
- ISTORE_2 (defined in Constants)
- ISTORE_2 (defined in Constants)
- ISTORE_2 (defined in Constants)
- ISTORE_3 (defined in Constants)
- ISTORE_3 (defined in Constants)
- ISTORE_3 (defined in Constants)
- isTransient() (defined in AccessFlags)
- isTransient(boolean flag) (defined in AccessFlags)
- isTransient() (defined in AccessFlags)
- isTransient(boolean flag) (defined in AccessFlags)
- ISUB (defined in Constants)
- ISUB (defined in Constants)
- ISUB (defined in Constants)
- isVolatile() (defined in AccessFlags)
- isVolatile(boolean flag) (defined in AccessFlags)
- isVolatile() (defined in AccessFlags)
- isVolatile(boolean flag) (defined in AccessFlags)
- IUSHR (defined in Constants)
- IUSHR (defined in Constants)
- IUSHR (defined in Constants)
- IXOR (defined in Constants)
- IXOR (defined in Constants)
- IXOR (defined in Constants)
- JSR (defined in Constants)
- JSR (defined in Constants)
- JSR (defined in Constants)
- JSR_W (defined in Constants)
- JSR_W (defined in Constants)
- JSR_W (defined in Constants)
- KNOWN_ATTRIBUTES (defined in Constants)
- KNOWN_ATTRIBUTES (defined in Constants)
- KNOWN_ATTRIBUTES (defined in Constants)
- L2D (defined in Constants)
- L2D (defined in Constants)
- L2D (defined in Constants)
- L2F (defined in Constants)
- L2F (defined in Constants)
- L2F (defined in Constants)
- L2I (defined in Constants)
- L2I (defined in Constants)
- L2I (defined in Constants)
- LADD (defined in Constants)
- LADD (defined in Constants)
- LADD (defined in Constants)
- LALOAD (defined in Constants)
- LALOAD (defined in Constants)
- LALOAD (defined in Constants)
- LAND (defined in Constants)
- LAND (defined in Constants)
- LAND (defined in Constants)
- LASTORE (defined in Constants)
- LASTORE (defined in Constants)
- LASTORE (defined in Constants)
- LCMP (defined in Constants)
- LCMP (defined in Constants)
- LCMP (defined in Constants)
- LCONST_0 (defined in Constants)
- LCONST_0 (defined in Constants)
- LCONST_0 (defined in Constants)
- LCONST_1 (defined in Constants)
- LCONST_1 (defined in Constants)
- LCONST_1 (defined in Constants)
- LDC (defined in Constants)
- LDC (defined in Constants)
- LDC (defined in Constants)
- LDC2_W (defined in Constants)
- LDC2_W (defined in Constants)
- LDC2_W (defined in Constants)
- LDC2_W_QUICK (defined in Constants)
- LDC2_W_QUICK (defined in Constants)
- LDC2_W_QUICK (defined in Constants)
- FieldGenOrMethodGen::LDC_QUICK
- AccessFlags::LDC_QUICK
- Constants::LDC_QUICK
- LDC_W (defined in Constants)
- LDC_W (defined in Constants)
- LDC_W (defined in Constants)
- LDC_W_QUICK (defined in Constants)
- LDC_W_QUICK (defined in Constants)
- LDC_W_QUICK (defined in Constants)
- LDIV (defined in Constants)
- LDIV (defined in Constants)
- LDIV (defined in Constants)
- line_number_vec (defined in MethodGen)
- LLOAD (defined in Constants)
- LLOAD (defined in Constants)
- LLOAD (defined in Constants)
- LLOAD_0 (defined in Constants)
- LLOAD_0 (defined in Constants)
- LLOAD_0 (defined in Constants)
- LLOAD_1 (defined in Constants)
- LLOAD_1 (defined in Constants)
- LLOAD_1 (defined in Constants)
- LLOAD_2 (defined in Constants)
- LLOAD_2 (defined in Constants)
- LLOAD_2 (defined in Constants)
- LLOAD_3 (defined in Constants)
- LLOAD_3 (defined in Constants)
- LLOAD_3 (defined in Constants)
- LMUL (defined in Constants)
- LMUL (defined in Constants)
- LMUL (defined in Constants)
- LNEG (defined in Constants)
- LNEG (defined in Constants)
- LNEG (defined in Constants)
- LOOKUPSWITCH (defined in Constants)
- LOOKUPSWITCH (defined in Constants)
- LOOKUPSWITCH (defined in Constants)
- LOR (defined in Constants)
- LOR (defined in Constants)
- LOR (defined in Constants)
- LREM (defined in Constants)
- LREM (defined in Constants)
- LREM (defined in Constants)
- LRETURN (defined in Constants)
- LRETURN (defined in Constants)
- LRETURN (defined in Constants)
- LSHL (defined in Constants)
- LSHL (defined in Constants)
- LSHL (defined in Constants)
- LSHR (defined in Constants)
- LSHR (defined in Constants)
- LSHR (defined in Constants)
- LSTORE (defined in Constants)
- LSTORE (defined in Constants)
- LSTORE (defined in Constants)
- LSTORE_0 (defined in Constants)
- LSTORE_0 (defined in Constants)
- LSTORE_0 (defined in Constants)
- LSTORE_1 (defined in Constants)
- LSTORE_1 (defined in Constants)
- LSTORE_1 (defined in Constants)
- LSTORE_2 (defined in Constants)
- LSTORE_2 (defined in Constants)
- LSTORE_2 (defined in Constants)
- LSTORE_3 (defined in Constants)
- LSTORE_3 (defined in Constants)
- LSTORE_3 (defined in Constants)
- LSUB (defined in Constants)
- LSUB (defined in Constants)
- LSUB (defined in Constants)
- LUSHR (defined in Constants)
- LUSHR (defined in Constants)
- LUSHR (defined in Constants)
- LXOR (defined in Constants)
- LXOR (defined in Constants)
- LXOR (defined in Constants)
- MAJOR (defined in Constants)
- MAJOR (defined in Constants)
- MAJOR (defined in Constants)
- FieldGenOrMethodGen::MAJOR_1_1
- AccessFlags::MAJOR_1_1
- Constants::MAJOR_1_1
- MAJOR_1_2 (defined in Constants)
- MAJOR_1_2 (defined in Constants)
- MAJOR_1_2 (defined in Constants)
- MAJOR_1_3 (defined in Constants)
- MAJOR_1_3 (defined in Constants)
- MAJOR_1_3 (defined in Constants)
- MAX_ACC_FLAG (defined in Constants)
- MAX_ACC_FLAG (defined in Constants)
- MAX_ACC_FLAG (defined in Constants)
- FieldGenOrMethodGen::MAX_BYTE
- AccessFlags::MAX_BYTE
- Constants::MAX_BYTE
- max_locals (defined in MethodGen)
- FieldGenOrMethodGen::MAX_SHORT
- AccessFlags::MAX_SHORT
- Constants::MAX_SHORT
- max_stack (defined in MethodGen)
- method_name (defined in MethodGen)
- MethodGen(int access_flags, Type return_type, Type[] arg_types, String[] arg_names, String method_name, String class_name, InstructionList il, ConstantPoolGen cp)
- MethodGen(Method m, String class_name, ConstantPoolGen cp)
- MethodGen(int access_flags, Type return_type, Type[] arg_types, String[] arg_names, String method_name, String class_name, InstructionList il, ConstantPoolGen cp)
- MethodGen(Method m, String class_name, ConstantPoolGen cp)
- MINOR (defined in Constants)
- MINOR (defined in Constants)
- MINOR (defined in Constants)
- MINOR_1_1 (defined in Constants)
- MINOR_1_1 (defined in Constants)
- MINOR_1_1 (defined in Constants)
- MINOR_1_2 (defined in Constants)
- MINOR_1_2 (defined in Constants)
- MINOR_1_2 (defined in Constants)
- MINOR_1_3 (defined in Constants)
- MINOR_1_3 (defined in Constants)
- MINOR_1_3 (defined in Constants)
- MONITORENTER (defined in Constants)
- MONITORENTER (defined in Constants)
- MONITORENTER (defined in Constants)
- MONITOREXIT (defined in Constants)
- MONITOREXIT (defined in Constants)
- MONITOREXIT (defined in Constants)
- MULTIANEWARRAY (defined in Constants)
- MULTIANEWARRAY (defined in Constants)
- MULTIANEWARRAY (defined in Constants)
- MULTIANEWARRAY_QUICK (defined in Constants)
- MULTIANEWARRAY_QUICK (defined in Constants)
- MULTIANEWARRAY_QUICK (defined in Constants)
- name (defined in FieldGenOrMethodGen)
- NEW (defined in Constants)
- NEW (defined in Constants)
- NEW (defined in Constants)
- NEW_QUICK (defined in Constants)
- NEW_QUICK (defined in Constants)
- NEW_QUICK (defined in Constants)
- NEWARRAY (defined in Constants)
- NEWARRAY (defined in Constants)
- NEWARRAY (defined in Constants)
- FieldGenOrMethodGen::NO_OF_OPERANDS
- FieldGenOrMethodGen::NOP
- AccessFlags::NOP
- Constants::NOP
- observers (defined in MethodGen)
- FieldGenOrMethodGen::OPCODE_NAMES
- POP (defined in Constants)
- POP (defined in Constants)
- POP (defined in Constants)
- POP2 (defined in Constants)
- POP2 (defined in Constants)
- POP2 (defined in Constants)
- FieldGenOrMethodGen::PRODUCE_STACK
- FieldGenOrMethodGen::PUSH
- AccessFlags::PUSH
- Constants::PUSH
- PUTFIELD (defined in Constants)
- PUTFIELD (defined in Constants)
- PUTFIELD (defined in Constants)
- PUTFIELD2_QUICK (defined in Constants)
- PUTFIELD2_QUICK (defined in Constants)
- PUTFIELD2_QUICK (defined in Constants)
- PUTFIELD_QUICK (defined in Constants)
- PUTFIELD_QUICK (defined in Constants)
- PUTFIELD_QUICK (defined in Constants)
- PUTFIELD_QUICK_W (defined in Constants)
- PUTFIELD_QUICK_W (defined in Constants)
- PUTFIELD_QUICK_W (defined in Constants)
- PUTSTATIC (defined in Constants)
- PUTSTATIC (defined in Constants)
- PUTSTATIC (defined in Constants)
- PUTSTATIC2_QUICK (defined in Constants)
- PUTSTATIC2_QUICK (defined in Constants)
- PUTSTATIC2_QUICK (defined in Constants)
- PUTSTATIC_QUICK (defined in Constants)
- PUTSTATIC_QUICK (defined in Constants)
- PUTSTATIC_QUICK (defined in Constants)
- removeAttribute(Attribute a)
- removeCodeAttribute(Attribute a)
- removeCodeAttribute(Attribute a)
- removeException(String c)
- removeException(String c)
- removeExceptionHandler(CodeExceptionGen c)
- removeExceptionHandler(CodeExceptionGen c)
- removeExceptionHandlers()
- removeExceptions()
- removeLineNumber(LineNumberGen l)
- removeLineNumber(LineNumberGen l)
- removeLineNumbers()
- removeLocalVariable(LocalVariableGen l)
- removeLocalVariable(LocalVariableGen l)
- removeLocalVariables()
- removeNOPs()
- removeNOPs()
- removeObserver(MethodObserver o)
- RESERVED (defined in Constants)
- RESERVED (defined in Constants)
- RESERVED (defined in Constants)
- RET (defined in Constants)
- RET (defined in Constants)
- RET (defined in Constants)
- RETURN (defined in Constants)
- RETURN (defined in Constants)
- RETURN (defined in Constants)
- return_type (defined in MethodGen)
- SALOAD (defined in Constants)
- SALOAD (defined in Constants)
- SALOAD (defined in Constants)
- SASTORE (defined in Constants)
- SASTORE (defined in Constants)
- SASTORE (defined in Constants)
- FieldGenOrMethodGen::setAccessFlags(int access_flags)
- setAccessFlags(int access_flags)
- setArgName(int i, String name) (defined in MethodGen)
- setArgNames(String[] arg_names) (defined in MethodGen)
- setArgType(int i, Type type) (defined in MethodGen)
- setArgType(int i, Type type) (defined in MethodGen)
- setArgTypes(Type[] arg_types) (defined in MethodGen)
- setArgTypes(Type[] arg_types) (defined in MethodGen)
- setClassName(String class_name) (defined in MethodGen)
- setConstantPool(ConstantPoolGen cp) (defined in MethodGen)
- setInstructionList(InstructionList il) (defined in MethodGen)
- setInstructionList(InstructionList il) (defined in MethodGen)
- setMaxLocals()
- setMaxLocals(int m)
- setMaxLocals()
- setMaxLocals(int m)
- setMaxStack()
- setMaxStack(int m)
- setMaxStack()
- setMaxStack(int m)
- setMethodName(String method_name) (defined in MethodGen)
- setMethodName(String method_name)
- setName(String name) (defined in FieldGenOrMethodGen)
- setReturnType(Type return_type) (defined in MethodGen)
- setReturnType(Type return_type) (defined in MethodGen)
- setType(Type type) (defined in FieldGenOrMethodGen)
- SHORT_TYPE_NAMES (defined in Constants)
- SHORT_TYPE_NAMES (defined in Constants)
- SIPUSH (defined in Constants)
- SIPUSH (defined in Constants)
- SIPUSH (defined in Constants)
- sort(LocalVariableGen[] vars, int l, int r)
[inline, private, static]
- strip_attributes (defined in MethodGen)
- stripAttributes(boolean flag)
- stripAttributes(boolean flag)
- SWAP (defined in Constants)
- SWAP (defined in Constants)
- SWAP (defined in Constants)
- SWITCH (defined in Constants)
- SWITCH (defined in Constants)
- SWITCH (defined in Constants)
- T_ADDRESS (defined in Constants)
- T_ADDRESS (defined in Constants)
- T_ADDRESS (defined in Constants)
- T_ARRAY (defined in Constants)
- T_ARRAY (defined in Constants)
- T_ARRAY (defined in Constants)
- T_BOOLEAN (defined in Constants)
- T_BOOLEAN (defined in Constants)
- T_BOOLEAN (defined in Constants)
- T_BYTE (defined in Constants)
- T_BYTE (defined in Constants)
- T_BYTE (defined in Constants)
- T_CHAR (defined in Constants)
- T_CHAR (defined in Constants)
- T_CHAR (defined in Constants)
- T_DOUBLE (defined in Constants)
- T_DOUBLE (defined in Constants)
- T_DOUBLE (defined in Constants)
- T_FLOAT (defined in Constants)
- T_FLOAT (defined in Constants)
- T_FLOAT (defined in Constants)
- T_INT (defined in Constants)
- T_INT (defined in Constants)
- T_INT (defined in Constants)
- T_LONG (defined in Constants)
- T_LONG (defined in Constants)
- T_LONG (defined in Constants)
- T_OBJECT (defined in Constants)
- T_OBJECT (defined in Constants)
- T_OBJECT (defined in Constants)
- T_REFERENCE (defined in Constants)
- T_REFERENCE (defined in Constants)
- T_REFERENCE (defined in Constants)
- T_SHORT (defined in Constants)
- T_SHORT (defined in Constants)
- T_SHORT (defined in Constants)
- T_UNKNOWN (defined in Constants)
- T_UNKNOWN (defined in Constants)
- T_UNKNOWN (defined in Constants)
- T_VOID (defined in Constants)
- T_VOID (defined in Constants)
- T_VOID (defined in Constants)
- TABLESWITCH (defined in Constants)
- TABLESWITCH (defined in Constants)
- TABLESWITCH (defined in Constants)
- throws_vec (defined in MethodGen)
- toString()
- type (defined in FieldGenOrMethodGen)
- TYPE_NAMES (defined in Constants)
- TYPE_NAMES (defined in Constants)
- FieldGenOrMethodGen::TYPE_OF_OPERANDS
- FieldGenOrMethodGen::UNDEFINED
- AccessFlags::UNDEFINED
- Constants::UNDEFINED
- UNPREDICTABLE (defined in Constants)
- UNPREDICTABLE (defined in Constants)
- UNPREDICTABLE (defined in Constants)
- update()
- variable_vec (defined in MethodGen)
- WIDE (defined in Constants)
- WIDE (defined in Constants)
- WIDE (defined in Constants)
Generated at Thu Feb 7 07:20:11 2002 for Bandera by
1.2.10 written by Dimitri van Heesch,
© 1997-2001