ACM SIGPLAN 2006 Workshop on Partial Evaluation and Program Manipulation (PEPM '06)
Charleston, South Carolina, January 9-10, 2006 (Associated with POPL 2006)

Advice on Structuring Your Research Paper

Below we give some advice that has been adapted from Kent Beck's comments in How to Get a Paper Accepted at OOPSLA).

Regarding overview organization, some people find it useful to explicit organize the paper in "Context/Problem/Solution/Justification/RelatedWork" progression. Specifically, the paper might start with an introduction that describes trends, application domains, or forces that are important and need attention. The second part identifies the specific problem that you aim to solve in your paper. Often this description is aided by the use of one or more examples. When the PC member is done reading these sections, they should understand why there is a problem, and believe that it is important to solve. The third part describes the details of your solution at a level of detail that will (hopefully) allow other to recreate your results. The fourth section might report on experimental studies and/or provide an assessment of the technique -- highlighting both strengths and weaknesses. This section is your defense of why your solution really solves the problem. The PC member reading it should be convinced that the problem is actually solved, and that you have thought of all reasonable counter arguments. The final section contrasts related work. Upon reading this section, the PC member should be convinced that what you have done is novel.

Generally, the abstract and introduction are compressed versions of your Context/Problem/Solution arguments.