Securing a Visa for PASTE'02

If you are planning on attending PASTE and require a Visa you must send a letter of request to Ginger Ignatoff ( at ACM. This letter must include the following information: Upon receipt of this information, a visa application letter will be mailed to the given address. Note that US embassies and consulates will not process the letter if sent or faxed to them; the person must bring it with them to their appointment or submit it with their request. If you wish to have a copy of the letter faxed to you, please include a fax number in the above information. Participants requesting a visa application letter should check the website for the embassy or consulate where they will be applying. The main link for the US Embassy is and it has links to the individual embassies and consultates. The situation with respect to visa applications has changed several times and it may well change again. We encourage you to begin the process early.